
Apprentice Assessment Department

Éditeur: Vermillion

The coaches drove smoothly across the streets, and then slowly stopped in front of the huge tower in the center of the sky city.

It was not easy for the apprentices to realize how magnificent the tower was when they were looking at it from afar, however, when they came close to it, Heidi, Layria and the other apprentices’ hearts were full of wonder, as they had to stretch their necks to look up to barely see the spire of the tall tower.

Unlike the mysterious and gloomy towers in the ancient magic empire time, the tower’s outer layer was made of some kind of silver-gray material that sparkled with metallic gleam. The thrilling beauty of this building was something beyond the apprentices’ words.

This was one of Lucien's favorite styles, hence he had a pretty good first impression of the congress.

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