
3rd Rate Villain's Way Of Creating A Strongest Guild In History.

1. Disclaimer: Zero to the strongest villain(setting) 2. Disclaimer: This is not the story where the main character gets Transmits into a novel (he is a villain cause of his action, so there are no hero or main female lead characters like other villain novels. so keep that in mind before you start.) 3. Disclaimer: no harem, there is a single female lead. .............................. After the death of Edwin Bald, one of the greatest villains in Eldora (a world of magic and fantasy creatures) the faceless god gave him an unexpected chance. Even though Edwin was a lich who had broken many laws of nature and committed countless sins, the god offered to make him human again, but not in Eldora. This time, he would be reborn on modern Earth. Additionally, Edwin could choose any blessings (trait/ talent) from the list to help him in his new life. Unexpected to him, Edwin Bald woke up in the body of Asuka Volford, a fatty, trash, molester, who was even cuckolded by his girlfriend, making him commit suicide. Also born to a noble family. The story follows Edwin, and how he step by step become strong, creating his own legend, and ultimately becoming the leader of Earth's biggest criminal syndicate which aims to conquer the entire world, from mere third-rate villain despised by the whole world

YourAverage_Reader · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

If I Manage To Take All The Forms, Jane Will Be Licking My Shoes...


[Pisa International Airport]

Asuka stood by the airport window, staring out at the planes. 

Aang, taking a sip from his water bottle, glanced at him. "Did you switch off your CAD before boarding the flight? They can track us, you know."

Without turning away from the view, Asuka replied, "Yeah, I'm not that stupid."

"Hey, brother Aang!" Just then, a loud voice interrupted their conversation. 

A muscular man with a black shirt and glasses quickly approached them. His arms were covered in scars.

Looking curiously at Asuka he asked, "Is this the friend you mentioned?"

Aang nodded, brushing off his dirty clothes with a grimace. "Yeah. but can you arrange clothes for us these are so uncomfortable?"

The man gave a friendly nod. "Sure, I'll arrange it." He extended a hand towards Asuka. "I'm Nicolo Mosca."

Asuka shook his hand, and greeted back, "I'm Asuka Volford."

Nicolo's face darkened a little at the mention of the last name. Before he could respond, a girl with blonde hair and a black skirt walked over, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Volford, where?" she shouted, her voice trembling with rage. 

She stopped before Asuka, her gaze locked onto him. "Are you the Volford kid?" she asked in her anger-filled voice, making Asuka flinch.

Nicolo quickly stepped in, pushing her back gently. "Calm down, Sasha," he said, trying to control the situation. "He's just a kid."

Aang, noticing the tension, asked with a raised brow, "What's the problem, Nicolo?" His tone was laced with concern.

After calming down Sasha, Nicolo leaned closer to Aang and whispered something in his ear. 

Asuka watched with a confused gaze as Aang's expression turned serious.

After a moment, Aang approached Sasha, speaking softly. "Sasha, I get it. But he grew up with the Kaito's, not with Ragnar. Their bond is not strong, trust me."

Asuka, sensing something was off, grabbed Aang's shoulder and turned him around. "What's her problem?" he asked, his voice low but firm.

Aang pulled Asuka aside, speaking in a low tone. "I don't know she has some kind of grudge against your old man." taking Asuka a step further away, he continued, "Now Asuka you know that girl hates you, there is a chance she might even try to kill you. So I want you to remain alert all the time, okay?"

Asuka gave a simple nod in agreement.

Seating in the car Nicolo brought they drove to the forest near the sea, Inside, the atmosphere was tense and quiet, making Asuka a bit uncomfortable. 

After four long hours, they finally pulled up to a hotel by a dense forest. Stepping out, Asuka stretched his cramped muscles, also glancing at the half-moon.

Stars were clearly visible because there was no pollution outside of the city. The cool night air and the peaceful scene of the isolated, glowing cottage in the distance, gave him sense of comfort.

Aang patted Asuka's back and pointed towards the dark line of trees. "We're not stopping at the hotel. We will directly camp in the forest."

Asuka frowned, puzzled. "Why?"

"Because what we're doing isn't exactly legal. We need to cover our tracks," Aang explained, in a low voice.

Nicolo switched on his flashlight and started towards the forest, with Sasha right behind him. Aang and Asuka followed, their own flashlights casting narrow beams into the dense dark forest.

After a while, Nicolo stopped at a flat, grassy clear ground. "This looks good," he announced. 

Sasha look around the area, her sharp eyes checking for any hidden dangers. Meanwhile, Asuka and Aang stood by, waiting.

Asuka's stomach grumbled loudly, and he rubbed his eyes, exhausted from the long day without lunch and breakfast. Noticing Asuka's tired look, Aang calls out. "Nicolo, we haven't eaten all day. Can we have dinner first?"

Nicolo looked back, somewhat embarrassed. "Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot."

Nicolo and Sasha quickly pulled out two tents from their CADs, setting them up with practised ease. One tent was white, the other black. Asuka continued to watch, still a bit dazed from the long journey.

Upon noticing two tents, Aang teased in a playful tone trying to lighten the tense mood, "Only two tents? Nicolo, your girlfriend's not going to be happy if you share a tent with another woman."

Nicolo chuckled, shaking his head. "I broke up with her. Sasha's my new babe."

"Tsk, lucky bastard. Do you even keep track of how many relationships you've had? Meanwhile, I can't even get one,"

Ignoring the chatters, Sasha set up a small camp stove and started cooking near her tent.

While Nicolo pulled out a portable table from his CAD and set it between the two tents, preparing it for dinner.

Aang leaned closer to Nicolo, his voice low and filled with concern, "How's her mood now?"

Nicolo glanced back briefly before replying, "Not much better, but I think she'll calm down by tomorrow."

The three men took their seats around the table, and soon Sasha brought over the food. She served Aang and Nicolo first, then brought for herself and Asuka. 

Asuka, starving from the long day, eagerly reached for his plate, but Aang's intense stare made him pause.

"What now?" Asuka muttered, frowning.

Aang whispered urgently, eyes on his own plate as he kept eating, "Switch your plate with mine. Do it fast before she notices."

Asuka's eyes widened in confusion. "Why? I don't get it."

"There's a chance she poisoned it. I know what kind of person she is. So do it quick or she'll get suspicious."

"But then won't you be poisoned?" Asuka asked, bewildered.

"I have a healing blessing. I'll be fine. Just switch the damn plates."

Glancing nervously at Sasha and Nicolo, who were focused on their meals, Asuka made a tapping noise getting their attention, and then he stared hard behind them, making them look back, in that short period he quickly swapped plates with Aang. then began eating, trying to act normal.

again turning back towards Asuka, Nicolo asked with a frown "What was that, Asuka?" 

"Nothing, just messing around. I was bored," Asuka replied with a wide smile.

Just when Nicolo was about to reply to Asuka, his face twisted in shock, and Sasha instinctively moved away from her chair. "Asuka, Aang, get over here now!" Nicolo shouted urgently.

"Now you're joking, right?" Asuka said while laughing.

"Move, you idiot!" Nicolo shouted, his eyes suddenly turning pitch black, dark black smoke seeping from them as he activated his blessing. 

In an instant, he teleported, landing behind Asuka just when a massive wolf jumped on him from the shadows.

With swift, deadly precision, Nicolo's hand shattered the wolf's skull before it could reach Asuka. Blood sprayed across the grass as the beast collapsed on the ground.

As Asuka watched the scene, a twisted grin spread across his face. Inside, he was exhilarated. 'Yes!! So there really is a second form of Master's Insight. If I can manage to kill Nicolo, I could extract it,' he thought, quickly changing his features to appear frightened as he turned towards others.





Thanks for reading, Guys!

Question for you: Should Asuka get Aang's help to kill Nicolo since Nicolo is really strong, or is Asuka strong enough on his own?


Lately, I haven't been getting enough power stones, and it's affecting my motivation. So vote me already...

If you have any questions about the story, feel free to comment, and I'll answer them right away.

Thanks again, and peace out!