
The Portuguese Regent

The team had a wonderful time in Denmark. After their match, the club officials decided to award them by watching the Borussia Dortmund senior team take on Copenhagen. It was an eventful watch and Riley, being his first time watching a game live was loving every minute of it.

It came time to leave for Dortmund. Riley was seated besides August sleeping peacefully. However, what he didn't know was that as he slept peacefully, the footballing world was in a uproar. All the major platforms had laid eyes upon the Borussia Dortmund under 19 match.


"In other news and trust me folks we don't usually bring you updates from the UEFA Youth League but we had to today. Borussia Dortmund under 19 were rampant today and decimated Copenhagen's u19 team." Dan Thomas the lead host of ESPN FC said.

"Absolutely Dan. What a display by the Dortmund team." Shaka Hislop added and Steve Nicol just nodded his head. "Dortmund were good in the first half and they scored one goal but after that goal they seemed to change. Their midfield started looking shaky." Steve Nicol added.

"Absolutely Steve. However, that was until the Dortmund head coach introduced a kid no one has heard anything about and he turned that whole game on it's head." Dan Thomas praised, "The kid Im taking about is Riley Santos, a 14 year old boy. Can you imagine that guys, only 14. What were you guys doing at 14? Hahahahah." Dan continued.

-Sky Sports-

"Dortmund lacked control in midfield. With the absence of Marco Reus they lacked real control. They ended up drawing that match. It would have been sweet if they had someone who can change games like one of their youth products did against Copenhagen u19. That Riley Santos kid totally owned that match."

-Lisbon, Portugal-

Diogo was sitting on the couch and watching TV. He had just seen what the local football news reported: His son, Riley Santos. Diogo appeared nor happy or sad. He just had a stoic face. He reached for the remote and turned off the tv. Leaned back on the couch, "Guess you have something there… son." He muttered.

Not far from where Diogo's house. We could see Andre and Adela staring intently at the tv, they had just heard Riley's name and they couldn't be happier. Andre reached for his phone and googled Riley's name to see any latest news. Plenty of websites were talking about Riley but one headline on one of the websites caught Andre's attention. In bold big words 'The Portuguese Regent has been born!'

Andre had always hyped Riley but this website took it way too far. He chuckled after imagining Riley's reaction if he ever saw this. "Your journey has just started my friend. If there is anyone who can do it, it's you." Andre said.

-Copenhagen, Denmark-

A woman was on the phone,

"When are you coming back Sam?" The voice on the other side of the phone sounded.

"I'll be back mom, I just need to fly to Germany real quick. I think I've found what I been looking for." Sam's voice sounded. Sam is a soccer agent who just started out, she is desperate for clients and she sees Riley as her first time possibly big client.

"To Germany? Are you tracking that kid who's been in the news?" The voice asked. Sam with a smile on her face, "Yes mom. Im tracking Riley Santos."

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