
Date and Revelation

"Oh, hello, young man, are you here for flowers?" A kind elder woman questioned. She ran a stall selling flowers with meaning.

"Yes, I'm actually looking for ones with meanings of love and protection alongside a hint of apology.' Samael stated speaking in dutch. He's gone to a small town in the Netherlands, having heard many times they have very beautiful flowers there.

Thanks to his lightning fast speed and capability of limited flight because of the World, the world has become more open to him.

"I believe I have just what you are looking for," the old woman says as she comes out of her stall to its forefront, picking up five different flowers, two white looking ones with the distinction of one being more pale pink, while the other three are purple, pink and blue respectively.

As she takes one of each she puts them on the table and goes back behind her stall, picking up a book she has on the ground, opening it as she starts to show various pages.

"This purely white one is called carnation. It symbolises pure love and good intentions, offering a sense of protection. They as well express innocence and a form of heartfelt 'I'm sorry.'

The one that is pale pink is the lily of the valley. It represents sweetness and the promise of the protection of a loved one. They convey humility and a gentle "please forgive me."

The purely pink one is called Tulips. Tulips symbolize love and care, and are often associated with affection and protection.

Their gentle hue can also signify a tender way to say "I'm sorry."

The purple one is called Hydrangea, it is one of the color variations of it. It symbolizes gratitude, protection, and sometimes an acknowledgment of understanding.

They can carry a message of regret and a desire for reconciliation.

And finally young man, the blue one is called, Bluebells. It symbolizes constancy and protection in love. Their soft nature implies regret and a plea for forgiveness." She kindly explains, flipping pages and showing their meanings with pictures.

"I would like a bouquet with all of them in it please." The Stand User stated as he took out his wallet, having already converted a couple hundred dollars into euros.

The old woman with a smile went and chose the best quality ones. Samael could see it, the differences between them and the rest. He had a bit of understanding of flowers himself. He already knew the meaning of Hydrangea after all, but it never hurts to be safe rather than sorry.

"That would be 83 euros young man,"

Samael took out two 50 euro bills and put them on the desk as he picked the bouquet of flowers and started to walk away.

"Wait, young man, you're forgetting the change." The old woman called out with concern in her voice, thinking to herself that people shouldn't be so careless with money.

As she did the Lockwood turned back towards her, "Keep the change, take it as my gratitude for your time and help." He said

as he oncs more, he started to walk away, leaving the old woman at a loss of words since this has never happened before.

17 euros is after all not a small amount. One can buy a decent amount of food from it. She, from this knew the young man to be incredibly generous and well off as well, because her heart told her that he did not seem like a fool who was simply frivolous and threw away money without a care. He had a quiet dignity, an authenticity that shone through in his generosity. He wasn't showing off; he was giving.

The old woman stood there for a moment, her heart feeling full. 'Such a generous soul', she thought. 'Whoever that girl is, she would be wise to hold on to him. People like him—people with such thoughtfulness, such heart—don't come around often. She shouldn't let something petty get in the way of something so real, so meaningful.' as she put the money away and waited for another customer.


Samael in but a couple of minutes arrived before the Gilbert home, having at first made sure that no one was around to see him seemingly appear out of thin air. He put the bouquet behind his back as he knocked at the door thrice.

He heard some movement. Someone was walking to the door, but before it even opened he knew it wasn't Elena. The foot steps were too heavy for a human girl.

As the door opened, he finally saw who it was, Jeremy Gilbert. Elena's adoptive brother and paternal cousin, both unknown to her and him.

"Oh, hey, Sam," Jeremy greeted. Sam and Jeremy were great friends, something he made sure of being the case, because of his intent to in the future marry his sister.

When years ago, he confronted Jeremy because of Elena about the bruises he came back with after school, something he had done his best to hide for a while, till Elena confronted him about it one day when it was simply too obvious.

She couldn't get anything out of him, and so sought Samael's help on the matter. He sneakily didn't let him out of his sight during school, besides when they were in different classes, and in end even confronted him about it, causing him to finally relent and tell him he was being bullied, by Tyler of all people.

Samael, furious, confronted his elder brother at home about his actions. They even came to blows over it. Unknown to him until now, since the return of his memories, it was because Tyler then was in a phase of wanting to assert his own dominance, caused by the werewolf-gene puberty side-effects.

It after all was a curse, meant to be activated to cause the ones bearing it to suffer, and to do so, it increases aggression and pride immensily.

Sam won, something which surprised him at the time, but now understood as a strengthening effect of his natural affinity to Hamon.

They both in the end showed up with a black eye the next day at school, something their parents were furious about. It was worth it though because Jeremy was no longer bullied, something the young man immediately understood was Samael's doing, causing him to give his eternal blessing towards his and Elena's relationship.

"Can you get, Elena, please? I'm here to take her on a date." Sam stated with a friendly smile on his face.

"Sure, just a sec," Jeremy stated as he walked inside, he heard him tell her about his presence, something that shocked Elena, causing her to frantically push him out of the door, to prepare. Samael after had done this as a surprise. It was his way of apologising for not having been with her as much these last few days.

In the end after eight minutes, record time, for someone like Elena, she arrived at the door, with Samael immediately stopping the hiding of the bouquet behind his back, earning a gasp of surprise and delight from Elena at the sight.

Though it immediately turned into a mock angry face, "Samael Hêlel Lockwood, you have a lot of explaining to do, as to why you didn't warn me about this," Elena stated as she crossed her arms.

"I thought I'd surprise you. Don't you like your surprise?" Samael questioned, acting sad, something he was always good at, causing all her mock anger to fall away like leaves during autumn.

"No, I like it a lot. But I wanted to at least prepare myself better for it." Elena stated as she finally took the bouquet out of his hands and smelled it, enjoying the scent of it. Already knowing there were meanings behind them, something she decided she will later research on.

These last few days, Samael has done his best to be at her side, while also attempting to help her heal and not be completely dependent on his presence to feel at peace.

Elena hasn't completely recovered, she herself not knowing if that is even possible for her, but she is at least far better off than before when she would scream if he was away out of sight for more than five minutes.

"Well, as I always say, no matter what you're wearing, you'll always look beautiful. Though if I'm being honest, I mostly prefer when you aren't wearing anything." Samael stated with a smirk.

"Oh, really? Well, lucky for you, I also prefer you not wearing anything...like that smug grin on your face!"She stated as she gently punched him in the arm.

Samael winced dramatically, rubbing his arm. "Ow! So violent. Remind me not to compliment you again," he said with a chuckle, clearly enjoying her reaction.

"You stay there mister, I'm going to put these flowers in water, and be back in a bit."

As she disappeared into the house, Samael watched her go, dropping the act and grinning to himself as he stopped rubbing his arm.

As Elena returned with a radiant smile, Samael extended his arm. "Ready for a day you won't forget?" 

She raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What exactly do you have planned, Mr. Mysterious?"

"You'll see," he replied with a playful smirk.

Soon enough they both entered the Impala, with Samael taking them first to the Mystic Grill for some food and drink.

"Elena! Samael! Hey, didn't expect to see you two here today," Matt states with a smile as he approaches with the menu. 

Matt, Elena and Samael are childhood friends. Their parents always were close friends. In the original timeline, Matt fell in love with Elena and was her boyfriend, for a time, but in this world, Samael filled that role, the bond between him and Elena was too obvious for Matt to entertain the thought of being with Elena. Not wishing to ruin their friendship by attempting anything. 

"Hi, Matt! You're still working here, huh? Do you still run the double shifts?" Elena questions with a warm smile. 

"Yeah," Matt begins with a shrug, "The bills don't pay themselves. Besides, someone's got to keep this place running. What can I get you two?"

"I'll take whatever burger you recommend. You know I normally don't eat out and prefer more homemade meals." Samael states, also giving Matt a friendly smile.

"Don't I know it. You still up to making those meals when Elena and I visited you every sunday?" Matt questions.

"Sure, same time as always," Samael states. He though a moment wanted to say no, since he now lives with Mikael. But, In the end he decided to accept, knowing that Mikael isn't fool enough to stab him in the back, not to mention his own abilities confirming his allegiance.

"But before that, make sure whatever you bring us isn't something that would steal the spotlight from her." Samael states joking as he gestures to Elena with a wink.

Elena rolls her eyes affectionately at his words, slapping arm, "Ignore him. I'll just have the chicken salad."

"Then I'll bring you the same, if that's okay with you, Sam." Matt states as he jots doing Elena's order, looking towards the Stand User in question, and receiving a nod in affirmation as he then leaves and heads to the kitchen.

"You know, you're going to give him a complex with all this 'charming boyfriend' act." Elena states scoldingly, though inside very much appreciating Samael's attempt at giving her a sense of normalcy, ignoring the elephant in the room that is the horrors of the world having opened up to them.

Elena isn't stupid, she's started to realise that Sam isn't telling her much of anything about what he is doing. He's started to visit the Salvatores more, something he rarely did before. There is also apparently some old man, called Mikael living with him.

Bonnie told her, that her Grams said the old man was bad news, like, dark, dark. 'A cloud of death around him, with oceans of blood dripping from his hands' is what her Grams told her.

Yet, Elena doesn't blame him. She trusts Samael, she knows if he's doing something, that it is for her, for them all. If hiding things from her means that he can do that more easily, then so be it.

"It's not an act, darling. I'm the real deal." Samael states with a grin.

Soon enough their meal comes, and they talk for hours. Talk about times past. Times more simple, when there wasn't a prophecy about the killing of a dark god by her boyfriend. When the world wasn't so big with vampires, werewolves, witches, in it. 

In the end, they both enjoy their meal and put the money on the table as they leave.

"Thanks for today, I enjoyed it a lot." Elena stated with happiness as she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear with a loving smile on her face.

Samael tried to express just as much happiness, but failed. His face telling.

"What's wrong?" Elena questioned concerned as she grabbed his hands.

"I... I'm sorry Elena," Samael stated, his voice soft, filled with sorrow, barely able to be heared by her.

"For what?" She asks confused and a bit scared now.

"For this, for not being able to able to protect you better. For having to tell you what I am about to." Samael states as he looks her in the eyes, with a gentle look, expressing how much he doesn't wish to burden her with this knowledge. How much he wants thing to be normal again, without a Original Hybrid being after her.

"I wanted today to be normal for you. Without any hint of the supernatural. A normal day for one last time, because what I am about to tell you is something that will flip your world even more upside down than it is.

I tell you this, Elena, not because I blame you, or want to burden you, but because you deserve to no longer be in the dark. To have a choice in how you, yourself, wish to act, rather than have me manipulate you for your own safety.

I know what its like to be lied to Elena, for things to be hidden from me, its been done to me in the worst of ways by the very people I've loved, my whole life, and I don't wish to do the same to you." Samael states with great sorrow in his voice.

"Tell me what? What's going on Sam?" Elena questions even more scared.

"The reason for the prophecy, the reason why I go against Klaus, its you. Its all for you." Samael begins as his hold of Elena's hands, tightens. "Everything I'm going to do, every sacrifice l'll make, it will always be for you, because I love you, Elena.

Love you so strongly that it transcended time itself. Love you so much that nature had to create a fate where I will kill one called a god, for it knows, I will never fail you." And as Samael tells her these words, the sky thunders, and the darkness of the night brightens, as if the world itself confirms his words.


(Author note: Hello everyone! Hope you all liked the newest chapter!

So, Samael will finally tell Elena about her being a doppelganger and what that means for them all. Are you guys excited?

Please do comment and review how you found it. We only have four reviews right now, which I'm very thankful for, but I would honestly like more.

Like, your comments and reviews is basically what makes me want to continue. The less I have, the less motivated I become, because Interaction with you all is one of the main reasons I write.

So yeah, if you still want me to continue this story do please tell me and I'll hopefully see you all later,


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