

I stared at the wall like a statue, not moving from my place. The children frankly didn't care about such behavior, their social norms hadn't been formed yet, so no one considered it strange. I wasn't looking at the wall, but at the panel. The reason for this is extremely simple. I was only looking at two lines that were developing passively during this time.

Fool(9%, Seer (87%)): Ritual: Not required.

Error (9 sequence, Marauder (99%)): Ritual: Not required.

The seer was moving slowly, because I was afraid to show at least some features related to the prediction. That's why I only used fortune-telling in my sleep. The looter was better because I actually stole a couple of things. I didn't want people to think that I had a full-fledged tendency to kleptomania, so I "took without asking" more than I stole. Looting is not limited to murder, but other ways of acting were not available to me.

According to my calculations, the stable update takes seven days with a small remainder. Considering that exactly one week has passed, today my sequence will update again and reach the next level.

When the scale reached one hundred percent, I returned to the room under the pretext that I was tired and would like to sleep. As soon as I was there alone, I immediately continued my progress.

Error (8 sequence, Fraud (0%)): Ritual: Not required.

I immediately sensed a change. My body has not undergone any changes, but my spirituality has increased slightly, by 20 percent. The main enhancement was aimed at mental abilities.

Mental enhancement is revealed in the simple ability "Deception". It works passively if my goal is to confuse the caller. The ability dulls the listener's analytical abilities, making it harder for him to identify a lie. It increases my well-being, which creates an impression of more eloquent speech and increases my conviction. Also, the ability itself reduces the stress of thinking, which makes thinking about plans much smoother.

In general, this is the only gain. I don't have any other abilities, but it suited me at the hospital. In my personal opinion, it is much easier to digest a Scammer in my conditions than a Looter. Besides acting, I also need to understand the "acting method". However, there is a lot of time for this.

I can finally figure out how to practice outside. The room wasn't suitable because there were several other people living there, so I needed an open space that would allow me to practice complex chakra control techniques in the future. The children and the caregivers made it difficult for me to concentrate, so I would like to figure out how to retire somewhere in the yard.

But right now, the main goal was simple: to find a way to retire. The constant supervision of the tutors and the noise around made it difficult to concentrate on training. I needed a way to convince them to let me spend time alone, preferably outside.

"Think about it. Convincing the teacher is the first step."

I spent a few minutes remembering her manners. The woman was strict but fair. She loved it when children behaved obediently, and she hated idle chatter. So, you need to approach it seriously, without excessive pleading. It is important to show that I am responsible and reasonable.

The next morning, during breakfast, I approached her.

—Auntie Aoi, can we talk?" I began, adding a slight hesitancy to my voice to show that it was not so easy for me to make up my mind.

"About what, Seiji?" — she replied, looking up from her notes.

"I'd like to play outside by myself." Sometimes it's too noisy around, but I like to think and play in silence.

She narrowed her eyes, staring at me intently.

— At your age, children should play together. Why do you want to be alone?

"I just need time to come up with something interesting,— I paused, choosing my words. "I won't run away, I promise." I can sit against the wall in the courtyard so that you can see me.

The teacher shook her head, but I noticed that her gaze softened.

— good. Just not for long. And stay within sight," she finally replied.

This was the first achievement. I got the opportunity to retire, albeit with restrictions. That was enough to start with.

The next step is to find a place where I can train with the chakra and develop my skills.

Later, in the courtyard, I pretended to play with a piece of wood, as if it were a toy sword. But in fact, I explored the space around me, checking which corners remained out of the caregivers' field of view. The area closest to the wall was almost hidden if you stood behind a shrub. A small hiding place, but enough for my purposes.

As soon as I got there, I sat down on the ground, trying not to attract attention. I concentrated and started practicing my chakra control.

The control remained unstable, as before, but each time I felt that the energy was becoming a little more malleable. At first, it was difficult to concentrate — the chakra seemed to slip away like water through my fingers, and I had to constantly adjust my focus. I tried to guide it into my fingers, feeling it seep through, but resisted my attempts. Sometimes I managed to hold it in my fingers for at least a few seconds, but usually I lost concentration and the chakra went away again. But I didn't give up. The main thing is to continue.

I started working on keeping the flow going. Instead of trying to capture all the energy at once, I decided to gradually strengthen its flow, starting with my fingers. I could almost feel it filling every cell slightly, as if spreading out over them. It was like I was trying to strengthen a weak stream of water, to make it flow in the right way. When I could hold the flow, I immediately tried to strengthen it, directing the chakra further so that it would not dissipate.

Later in the afternoon, when the teacher took the whole group for a walk in the yard, I noticed an old tree in the far corner. Its roots protruded from the ground, forming many narrow passages. In these secluded places, children sometimes hid their small finds: fragments of colored glass, beautiful pebbles, sometimes even something more useful like an old knife or a belt buckle.

I chose the moment when the teacher turned away to call out to one of the children, and ran up to the tree. I bent down and pretended to play, digging through the dry leaves, but in fact I was looking for something interesting.

His fingers quickly found something smooth. Pulling out the find, I saw a thin copper coin. It was old, with green streaks, but it still glistened in the light.

— What's in there? — a voice came from behind. I quickly opened my hand and turned around. It was one of the older children, named Ren.

"It's just a beautiful leaf,— I raised my hand to my face, feigning innocent interest. "Look how strange he is.

Ren squinted, but didn't suspect anything. I quickly put the coin in my pocket and smiled.

 I can think of something interesting!

Ren nodded, and a few minutes later, three more children joined us. I quickly organized a game: hide-and-seek with the treasure. I "hid" a couple of useless pebbles under a tree to distract attention, and declared them the main prize.

While the children were enthusiastically searching for the "treasure," I wasted no time checking the remaining roots. This time I managed to find a small metal lid from a jar. It was thin, and in the future, if it was slightly modified, it could be used as training equipment.

I put the lid in another pocket and started telling the kids where to look, pretending like I was just a spectator. When the "treasure" was found, everyone cheered, and I used this moment to carefully examine the tree once more.

Each such find was a small victory. They were essentially useless, but a couple of coins among them might come in handy in the future. The main thing is that the children would not be interested in all the finds, and I could sort out the "useless finds.

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