
Like Animals

In the ski-resort, Andy is with his hands tied to the pole on the wall while being beaten by Kyle as Billy is biting a toothpick. Dave is strapped to a chair.

Dave: Dude...what the fuck...what do you want?

Kyle stops beating up Andy and looks at Billy.

Kyle: You know you can help too.

Billy: Nah...I'll let you handle this part...besides you're young, son. You could use the exercise.

Kyle: Okay....(to Andy) You stay right there. I'll be right back with you while I talk to your friend.

Kyle grabs a chair and drags it in front of the tied Dave.

Kyle: Now....the rest of my friends...the people those dogs didn't eat. where are they and are they alive?

Dave: What the fuck you talkin about?

Kyle backhands Dave.

Kyle: I don't think you're paying attention, man....now; talk.

Dave spits blood at Kyle.

Dave: Fuck you.

Kyle, unamused, wipes the blood off his face.

Kyle: Billy, your knife.

Billy hands Kyle his knife, before Kyle holds the blade to Daves' throat. After a few tense moments, Kyle stabs Dave in the knee.

Dave: Fuck! Agh!

Kyle: now, that's gotta be the bone...right under the knee cap...I wonder...if I prop it just a little, what could happen...

Billy: Hmm...he may not live after that, son...but that's not our concern if he lives...

Kyle twists the knife and Dave screams in pain.

Dave: Goddamn it! Fuck! 

Billy: a man has a knife in your goddamned kneecap, boy. I'd tell him what he wants to know.

Dave: Shit! Okay! Okay! They're alive! They're Kane's new meal on the menu.

Kyle: Where?

Kyle twists the blade as Dave grunts.

Dave: The Butcher Shop in the town! It's the big building with the flying pig on it!

Kyle takes the blade out of Daves' kneecap, before he hands it to Billy.

Kyle: You're going to show my friend here where it is on this map we got off you...and it better be the same spot your friend's going to show me.

Kyle stands up, before Billy begins to interrogate Dave.

Billy: Where is this Butcher shop on the map? Where?!

Dave: It's right there! In the middle! In the middle!

Billy: You're sure?

Dave: Yes, you can ask Andy there, man! I swear on my kids I ain't lying! I ain't ly-

Suddenly, Kyle snaps Daves' neck.

Andy: Dave!

Billy: The hell'd you do that for?

Kyle shrugs before he grabs the assault rifle.

Andy: Fuck you, dawg! He was tellin the truth! I ain't tellin you a motherfuckin thing!

Kyle: That's alright.....I know he's tellin the truth...but I was never going to let y'all live.

Andy: No! Wa-

Kyle then bludgeons Andy to death with the butt of the rifle.

Kyle: All right...let's get moving.

Billy: Wait...wait...wait, son...we can't just role up to the gates and start shooting up the place....we need a plan....I think I've heard of these butchers....they take in....slaves....whores.....people who aren't in their best shape...hmm...

Kyle: So what are you thinking?

Billy notices Andy's hooded jacket on his corpse.

Billy: Son, can you fit that jacket?

Kyle: Why?

Billy: Well.....let's just say....it's something....

Kyle: I'm not going to like this plan of yours, am I?

At the Butcher shop, the holding cells, Killen, Colin, Nora, James, Nathan, Walter, Sarah and Ashley sit in their cages.

Killen: Can't imagine about what they're going to do to Dante and Jacob.

Nora: Nathan. Nathan. What are we going to do?

Nathan: I don't know.....I don't know....

Walter: Well, you should know, man. Otherwise, we're going to end being someone's dinner. I gotta get Jacob, man! That's my best friend!

Colin: We're going to get out of here...all of us....we're going to get Dante and Jacob and get the hell out of this slaughterhouse.

Nathan: How the hell do you plan on getting us out of here?

Colin: Billy and Kyle...they didn't get caught....there's a chance they may have followed us....as long as there's a chance, there's hope.

Nathan: "Hope". Your hope hasn't gotten us pretty far...for all we know, they're dead just like Bart. Desipich probably booked on us.

Nora: Nathan, listen to him. He's right.

Colin: We are going to get out of this because I'll be damned if I let some asshole turn my little nephew into dessert.

In a butcher room, Jacob is tied up and hanged by the hands on a chain with his shirt off.

Jacob: (grunts) Fuck! Fuck!

Suddenly, the Butcher Cook and Kane walk in as Jacob gives a stern look.

Kane: Well...

Butcher Cook: You didn't kill this one before you brought him to me? It's usually easier....how many did you say you caught?

Kane: About ten....three were girls....

Butcher Cook: You're shittin me?

Kane: No....

Butcher Cook: Why didn't you pick one of them?

Kane: Figured Stuart could have his sloppy seconds before we cook the females....they'll die last after the males...this one's getting cooked before the fight....give everyone a fresh dinner.....like cooking a stuck pig.

Jacob: Fuck you!

Kane: Don't worry....your friend will get a full view of the cooking....

The Butcher Cook scythes his blades together while the crowd outside is yelling for a fight that is about to begin.

Kane: That's our cue. Let's go...Boys! Bring this one!

Two Butchers arrive and take Jacob down, before taking him away. In an arena setting, the crowd is cheering as Kane emerges.

Kane: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the arena!

The crowd cheers.

Kane: For twenty years, we've been starving out of our depths. Out of our fucking minds. We've been doing this....since God.....decided that we are nothing, but lonesome pieces of meat.....and we as humanity rose from the ashes, from the fire and when we did, we lifted our middle fingers to the sky and the heavens.

The crowd cheers.

Kane: But let's not talk about religion....no...we're not here to talk about religion....we're tonight....to watch animals duke it out! A fight to the death! But first....the sacrifice!

The gates open as Jacob is dragged in front of a tall wooden pyre. (below is a pile of wood) as the crowd cheers.

Kane: What do you say about this pig, guys?! White meat! Fat! Stuck like a pig!

Butcher Crowd: Cook him! Cook him! Cook him! Cook him!

Kane: I think the crowd is HUNGRY! Let's cook this fucking pig!

A few Butchers pour containers of gas onto the wood in front of Jacob.

Jacob: No! No!

The crowd cheers on as Jacob panics, attempting to run away, before being restrained by two other Butchers. Jacob punches a Butcher but is overpowered and strapped to the wooden pole.

Jacob: No....no...god....not like this....not like this....You fucking cocksuckers! Fucking animals! All of you! Animals!

Kane takes out a lighter, before he ignites it. Kane and Jacob stare into each other's eyes, before Kane winks.

Jacob: (spits) Fuck you! 

Jacob then quietly prays to himself.

Jacob: Sweet Jesus.....sweet merciful lord. Please. Not like this. Not like this.

Kane tosses the lighter as a fire is ignited, Jacob screams as the fire spreads onto his body.

Jacob: Oh, you fuck-you fucking cocksuckers! You're going to rot in hell! You're all going to hell! 

Jacob screams and cries in pain. Jacob's screams are heard by the other shocked Cratersville survivors, causing Walter silently cry look that the loss of his closest friend.

Jacob: Father....be with me.

Jacob finally dies as he is burnt alive. After the burning, Jacob's corpse is terribly burnt as the Butcher Cook walks onto the area with a cleaver, before he severs Jacob's arm.

Butcher Cook: Dinner is served!

The Butcher Cook then tosses the severed limb to the crowd as they savagely converge and devour the arm. The Butcher Cook then begins hacking Jacob's corpse down, feeding most of his parts to the crowd. In the cell, Stuart walks down, before walking up to Sarah and Ashley's cell.

Stuart: You two are sisters, right? Which one of you is the oldest?

Sarah: Me...why?

Stuart turns to the Butcher Guard.

Stuart: this one....bring her to my office.

The Butcher Guard opens the cell door as Sarah is grabbed and taken away.

Ashley: Sarah!

Nathan: No! No! Leave her alone!

The Butcher Guard then whacks at Nathan's cell.

Butcher Guard: Shut up!

Sarah is taken away by Stuart. Back at the arena, Kane speaks to the audience.

Kane: All right...you've got your dinner....now, it's time for the fight! 

Kane points to the left of the arena. 

Kane: From this corner, one of the survivors we've found! He's about 5 "11". A helluva fighter....a soldier.....and our new pet and the champion's soon to be bitch! Welcome to the arena! Dante!

The cage door opens as Dante is dragged out into the arena as the crowd boos and makes rude remarks. Upon recovering, Dante notices the Butcher Cook hacking into Jacob's corpse.

Dante: Jacob? No....you sick fucking bastard!

Dante attempts to attack Kane but is hit in the stomach with a rifle by a Butcher.

Kane: And from the right corner, our two second place champions! All the way from Tennessee. Standing 5 "9" ft. Choosing; weapon of choice....or choices....the Duke brothers.

The cage door on the right opens as two twin brothers with chainsaws emerge while the crowd cheers.

Dante: Fuck me.

Kane: Dante! Weapon of choice!

The spotlight is aimed at a Butcher holding a plate of knives and machete as Dante picks up a machete with a green handle.

Kane: A machete against a chainsaw....like we haven't seen that before.

The crowd laughs.

Kane: all right. You ready, boy?

Dante reluctantly nods.

Dante: Soon as I'm done with them, I'm going to cut your fucking head off and feed it to them.

Kane laughs.

Kane: We'll see. 

Dante turns to Duke Brothers.

Dante: Duke brothers! you ready?

Buck Duke: Ready to go steady!

Tuck Duke: And ready to cut this little turd down and feed it to the maggots!

Kane: All right! Then let's get ready to rumble!

The Duke twins start up their chainsaws and charge at Dante, who dodges a few attacks.

Dante: Wait! Please! I don't want to do this!

Tuck Duke: Oh, don't worry, boy.

Buck Duke: This is just going to be a perfect execution.

The Duke Twins proceed to attack Dante, who runs off. Meanwhile, the Butcher Cook is seen bringing what's left of Jacob to the Cratersville Survivors.

Butcher Cook: Dinner, bitches! Who's hungry?

Ashley: Me.

The Butcher Cook passes the plate of meat to Ashley, who picks up the plate and prepares to eat.

Ashley: What is it?

Butcher Cook: White meat. Male.

A moment, before Nora realizes in horror what the Butcher cooks are saying.

Nora: Ashley! No! No! Don't fucking eat that! It's Jacob! They cooked him alive!

Ashley, in disgust and horror, drops the plate while the Butcher Cook laughs. Ashley then begins to vomit.

Walter: No.....no....Jacob...

Colin: You twisted fucks.

James: Jesus Christ.

In the office, Sarah is seen strapped to the chair while Stuart and his guard are seen watching the fight. In the arena, Dante continues to fight off the Duke twins. Tuck swings his chainsaw as Dante dodges, before punching Tuck in the face, before the crowd boos.

Dante: Oh, you all can fuck off!

Buck swings his chainsaw at Dante, who dodges and pulls out his machete. Dante dodges another one of Buck's attack, before blocking an attack with his machete. However, Tuck recovers and disarms Dante before Buck manages to fatally cut Dante in the abdomen as the crowd cheers on. Dante kneels as the Duke twins cheer to the crowd.

Buck Duke: Yeah!

Tuck Duke: Hell yeah! No one can defeat the great duke twins! 

Tuck Duke laughs.

Dante attempts to gather his strength, before Kane speaks.

Kane: Ladies and gentlemen! We have tonight's winner and still the 2nd place winners! The Duke Twins!

The crowd cheers.

Butcher Crowd: Finish him! Finish him! Finish him! Finish him! Finish him!

Tuck Duke: You want to kill him, Buck?

Buck Duke: The honor is mine, Tuck.

Buck starts up his chainsaw and approaches Dante, preparing to finish him off. However, after some tension, Dante looks up and dodges the strike, before punching Buck in the face and kicking him back. The crowd gasps in shock as Dante stands to his feet. Dante's fatal wound begins to suddenly heal.

Dante: What-what the fuck?

Kane: Uh.....Ladies and gentlemen! We have a round two! Dante still stands.....

Buck Duke: What the hell? That was fatal fuckin cut to the stomach! You should be dead, boy!

Tuck Duke: Hey, Kane! What the fuck did you give us?! A goddamned Houdini?!

Kane: Hey! You two shut the hell up and cut this prick into little pieces! See if he heals from that!

The Duke Twins nod at each other before Dante prepares himself for another fight.

Dante: Come on, you redneck sons of bitches!

Kane: Let's get ready to rumble!

The Duke Twins attack Dante, who dodges and takes a few hits, but the wounds on his body heal.

Buck Duke: Fucking A, bro!

Tuck Duke attempts to cut Dante down, before Tuck head butts Dante and punches him. Dante dodges and attack, before punching Tuck in the face and throwing him into the ground. Buck swings his chainsaw at Dante, who places his hands between the chainsaw blade. After a brief struggle, Dante knocks the chainsaw into Buck, before breaking his leg, causing Buck to kneel. Dante begins to pummel Buck as the crowd makes rude remarks.

Butcher Crowd: Come on, Buck! Tuck, don't let that asshole do that to your brother!

Tuck recovers and picks up his chainsaw as the crowd cheers on Tuck. Dante notices this and turns his head, before dodging the attack, causing Tuck to accidently place his chainsaw into Buck's head. The crowd gasps in shock while Kane gives a look of concern.

Tuck Duke: Buck! No!

Tuck takes the chainsaw out of Buck's head, who falls dead.

Tuck Duke: Buck! Oh, god! Buck! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, man!

The crowd continues to shout rude remarks.

Butcher Guard: Kane! You want me to shoot this prick?!

Kane: Just wait! 

Kane yells to Tuck.

Kane: Tuck! Tuck! Fucking focus!

Tuck looks at Dante with an angry look.

Tuck Duke: You! I'll cut you down to size, boy! You killed my brother.

Dante: Technically, you killed him, asshole.

Dante grabs Buck's chainsaw, before Tuck starts up his chainsaw. Tuck gives an angry yell before charging at Dante. The two collide their chainsaw blades, starting a struggle. Dante knocks Tuck off his balance, before Dante impales Tuck through the ribcage, killing him. The crowd gives shocking looks as Kane starts to panic.

Kane: Goddamn it! This is not how the fight supposed to go down!

In the entrance, a guard is seen watching the fight through his TV, before a knock is heard.

Butcher Sentry: Yeah?

Butcher Watch: Dude! It's me!! Let me in!

Butcher Sentry: Finally, bro....

Outside the Butcher Shop, Billy, disguised as a slave trader and Kyle, disguised as the slave Andys' hooded jacket, approaches the Butcher Shop before they Butcher Watch and Sentry notice this and approach the two.

Butcher Sentry: Can we help you two?

Billy: Well, I'm a slave trader.

Butcher Watch: We can see that, old man.

Billy: I just have this one misbehaving dog who just can't keep up anymore so I figured....hold on...stop dragging, you fucking dog!

Billy slaps Kyle in the back of the head, before kicking him, causing Kyle to grind his teeth.

Kyle: (quietly) asshole.

Billy: But if you boys are looking for a goat to skin, he's your guy.....five hundred caps.

Butcher Sentry: Hold up...you take this up with our boss....he decides if he's worthy or not...Hmm...

The Butcher Sentry examines Kyle.

 Butcher Sentry: he doesn't look sick....yeah, he would make a good-

Butcher Watch notices Andy's jacket.

Butcher Watch: Wait...

Butcher Sentry: What's wrong?

Butcher Watch: That's Andy's jacket...it has blood on it!

Kyle: Was that that guy's name?....I did get a lot of blood on it while I bashed his brains in.

Butcher Watch: What the fuck?!

Before he can react, Kyle head butts the Butcher Sentry, before Billy pulls out a knife and stabs the Butcher Watch to death. Kyle throws the Butcher Sentry to the ground and stomps on him, before he takes off the jacket and throws it to the ground.

Kyle: Did you have to hit me that hard?

Billy: Sorry about that, son. Told you it had to look real....all right...let's get moving.

The Butcher Sentry crawls to the radio and attempts alert the others with his radio, Billy shoots the radio and walks up to the Butcher Sentry.

Butcher Sentry: Okay....okay...hold on....hold on a moment, man....

Billy: There were six men and three women that were recently brought here. Where are they?

Butcher Sentry: uh-...

Kyle: where are they?!

Butcher Sentry: Down in hall B. The holding area.

Billy: And the weapons you found on them?

Butcher Sentry: Right there.

Billy looks at the stack of weapons from the Cratersville Survivors, while Kyle executes the Butcher Sentry with his silenced pistol. Suddenly, as Billy is retrieving the weapons, Mr. Jax decloaks and beeps, startling Billy.

Billy: Jesus....it's you.....hey, can you do me a favor? Find your creator.

Meanwhile, in the cells, Killen begins to yell out.

Killen: Hello! Hey! Dumb-fag! Dumb-fag! Dumb-fag! Hey!

Butcher Guard : Go see what he wants, before I kill that prick!

Killen: I know you hear me, you cum-filled eared son of a bitch! What are you fucking daft?! Come here! I need you!

The Butcher Guard walks up to Killen's cell.

Butcher Guard: What, boy?

Killen: I'm thirsty.....you got something to drink?

Butcher Guard: You making all this fussin, because you want a goddamned drink? Why? It's bound to be your last.

Killen: Well, Kane plans on cooking all of us alive, right? I mean; it's easy now a days to die of dehydration....now, do you want to be the one to explain to your boss why one of his prizes suddenly died of lack of fluids or do you want your meat cooked fresh and alive?

Walter and Nathan give a look.

Nathan: Is he insane?

Butcher Guard: You're fuckin nuts.

The Butcher Guard grabs a nearby cup and places it in front of Killens' cell.

Killen: It's empty.

The Butcher Guard suddenly begins to urinate into the cup.

Butcher Guard: There....that should hold you. 

The Butcher Guard laughs.

Butcher Guard: Sip up! It's all your gettin!

The Butcher Guard walks away, before Killen picks up the cup and gives a look of disgust.

Killen: Ugh....Yo!

The Butcher Guard groans before walking back to Killen's cell.

Butcher Guard: What now?

Killen: No ice?

Butcher Guard: Man, what the fuck do you want ice with a cup full of piss for?

Killen: I like my drinks cold.....

Butcher Guard: Jesus Christ, dude. You are fucking persistent. I can think of a million ways to shut you-

Suddenly, Killen splashes the cup of urine in the Butcher Guard's face.

Butcher Guard coughs.

Butcher Guard: Fuck!

Killen: I don't drink piss, asshole. Now, go get me my ice and cup of water.

Butcher Guard: You think that's funny, huh? You fucking maggot!

The Butcher Guard reaches for Kyle through the bars.

Butcher Guard: I'll fucking-

Suddenly, Kyle grabs the Butcher Guard's arm through the bars, breaking arm. Before he can scream, Killen grabs the Butcher Guard's chin ring.

Killen: Scream and I'll pull this thing out, fat ass. Put the fucking key in the lock and turn it....now...

Butcher Guard: (straining) Okay. Okay...

Killen: Hurry up!

With Killen holding onto his chin ring, the Butcher Guard unlocks Killen's cell.

Killen: Thanks.

Killen rips out the Butcher Guard's chin ring, before Killen snaps his neck. Killen grabs the Butcher Guard's machete, before throwing Colin the keys to his cell. Killen quietly sneaks up the other Butcher Guard armed with a shotgun.

Butcher Guard: You give that winy bitch his drink?

Killen: Yeah, he did.

Butcher Guard turns his head and is surprised when Killen hacks the machete into the screaming Butcher Guard's head. In the arena, one of Kane's guards talks to Kane.

Butcher Bodyguard: Kane! You want me to shoot him now?!

Kane: No! It wouldn't matter! Pit him against my best! Get him ready! (to the crowd) Ladies and gentlemen. Sorry about the inconvenience. We're not going to let some dirty outsider take the crown! No! Not in our house! We have one final round! (to Dante) One you won't win. I found this big boy in the bayou. He'll turn your ass into sushi, son! Our 1st Place champion! Roz! My Executioner!

Suddenly, a gate opens as a giant man with blades attached to his arms emerges.

Dante: Fuck me sideways!

Kane: Ladies and gentlemen! Final round!

The Executioner charges at Dante, who is knocked down by the first strike, causing him to drop the chainsaw. Dante dodges the Executioner's attacks, before backhanding the Executioner. The Executioner swings wildly at Dante, who sprints away.

Dante: Fuck!

Meanwhile, in the cells, Killen, Colin, Nora, James, Nathan, Walter, and Ashley regroup and form up a plan.

James: Okay, so what's the plan?

Walter: Plan is we get out of this fuck heap.

Nathan: First we have to save my sister...

Killen: And get Dante.

Suddenly, Kyle and Billy arrive as the group first aims his weapons at them, but lowers their guns.

Nora: Billy....Kyle...

Billy: we were just coming to save you guys.

Colin: How'd you find us?

Kyle: You guys are easy to track....where's Dante?

Killen: I don't know.

Kyle: And Sarah?

Nathan: With the Lieutenant.....

Billy: What about Jacob?

Colin: No....they killed him....

Walter: And then tried to fucking feed him to us! 

Walter then kicks Butcher Guard corpse.

Walter: You sick fucking piece of shit!

Colin: Walter! Hey! Walter! It won't bring Jacob back, but we can honor him by saving Dante and Sarah....

Kyle: Well if we have a plan, we'll need to do it now, before they realize half their men aren't coming back. Killen, you come with me. We'll find Sarah. The rest of you try to get to the arena and save Dante.

Nathan: I'm going with you.

Nora: Nathan...

Nathan: I have to...Sarah's my sister....

Nora: Okay...

Ashley: I'm going with you too.

Nathan: No, Ashley. Stay with them.

Ashley: Nathan!

Nathan: go! Ash!

Nora kisses Nathan.

Nora: You come back. 

Nora turns to Ashley.

Nora: Come on, Ashley.

Kyle, Nathan and Killen separate while Colin, James, Billy, Walter, Nora and Ashley separate to get to the arena. In the office, Sarah is still strapped to the chair, before Stuart, who is watching the fight, looks back at Sarah. Stuart then talks to his sentry.

Stuart: Leave us for a moment.

The Butcher Sentry leaves the office while Kyle, Killen and Nathan continue searching for Sarah. However, three Butchers attack, but are quickly overpowered and killed by Kyle, Killen and Nathan.

Kyle: Okay....this will go faster if we split up. I'll go search upstairs. You two search the second floor.

Nathan: I'm going with you, Kyle. This is my sister.

Kyle: Nathan....I promise you I will find and save your sister....you have my word....

Nathan: okay....

Nathan and Killen separate from Kyle.

Nathan: If he can't save Sarah, you kill him.

Killen: consider it done.

In the office, Stuart pulls out a blade and cuts Sarah's binds, freeing her wrists.

Stuart: there you go. I'm sorry about that.

Stuart walks around to his chair in front of Sarah, who has her arms crossed.

Stuart: May I?

Sarah nods.

Stuart: Thank you.

Stuart sits down in front of Sarah.

Stuart: Just so you know.....your friends wasn't personal....I prefer to keep you all alive....you....your sister....your whole group...maybe, I can talk to Kane....tell him that you and your people can come around....join us....why don't I start? my name is Stuart....what's your name, darlin?

Sarah: You're a fucking maniac.

Stuart: Am I? Consider you and your people killed a lot of people to live.

Sarah: We don't have a choice.

Stuart: Neither do we....so we do what we do to survive....

Sarah: Cannibalism?

Stuart: When we ran out of food three years ago, we had to resort to something....a runner was dying....we were hungry....starving...near death....so we did....what we did...what we will do....your friend is in that arena fighting for his freedom. Your freedom.....I can save you, your brother, your sister and your people, honey....I want to save you.....I had a girlfriend.....she was beautiful....brown hair....red cheeks....(touching Sarah's face) soft skin....just like her....would you mind telling me your name, please?

Sarah silently refuses.

Stuart: okay....let's try something else.....stand up....

Sarah ignores Stuart's request.

Stuart: Stand your ass up, bitch.

Sarah stands up.

Stuart: Take off your shirt.

Sarah: Go to hell.

Stuart: Take off your shirt.....or I'll cut out your sisters' eyeballs and feed it to your brother.....and I'll make you watch.

After some hesitation, Sarah removes her shirt, shedding tears. Stuart stands up, removing his holster and putting it on the table. Stuart walks up to the shirtless Sarah, sniffing her neck. Stuart then begins to touch Sarah in the front of her torso, touching her breast.

Stuart: God, the things I can do to you.

Before Stuart can put his hand into Sarah's pants, Sarah grabs the lamp and smashes it against Stuart's temple. Sarah attempts to run, but Stuart grabs her and pins her to the office table. Stuart grabs Sarah's face.

Stuart: You bitch!

After a moment, Sarah spits in Stuart's face.

Stuart: You want to play, huh? Let's play.

A struggle begins between the two as Sarah scratches Stuart in the eye, causing him to scream in pain, before Sarah punches Stuart. After a tense moment, Stuart looks at Sarah, before suddenly backhanding her. Stuart then begins to savagely beat Sarah, who falls to the floor. Stuart kicks Sarah in the stomach, before grabbing Sarah and pinning her face to the table. Stuart gropes Sarah's rear, before holding Sarah down by the neck.

Sarah: (crying) Don't! Please!

Stuart: Shh....you may not enjoy this, but I certainly will. 

Stuart laughs then begins to unbuckle his belt when suddenly the office door is opened by a surprised Kyle.

Kyle: You sick fuck!

Kyle runs in and begins to beat on Stuart. a beaten Sarah recovers and turns her head, noticing Kyle brutally beating Stuart. Meanwhile, Dante continues to block the Executioners attacks. In the office, Stuart is thrown to the ground, before Kyle steps onto his face, putting the machete to Stuart's temple.

Kyle: It's people like you that make me fucking sick!

Stuart: Go ahead then! Kill me! You ain't getting out of here either way!

After some tension, Kyle lends his machete down.

Kyle: Kill you? No (lowering the blade down to Stuart's groin) but I am going to take something of yours away.

Kyle ignites the fire feature on his machete and stabs into Stuart's groin, causing him to scream painfully as Kyle repeatedly hacks into Stuart's groin, severing his groin.

Stuart: Fuck! My fucking balls! You cut off my fucking balls, man!

Kyle: You're going to have to pay for pussy now.....Fucking animal. 

Kyle spits on Stuart and then tosses his machete away, before walking over to the window, spotting Dante, who is knocked down by the Executioner. Kyle talks into his radio.

Kyle: Billy! I've found Dante! He's in the arena!

Billy: where is it?

Kyle: Middle of the butcher shop. Hurry! He won't last long!

Billy: Okay, we'll meet you there!

As Kyle gives Billy Dante's location, Sarah grabs the machete and walks over to a bleeding out Stuart, who suddenly notices an angered Sarah.

Stuart: No...no...no...no...wait...wait! Wait! I was just kidding around! No!

Sarah: Die!

Stuart: No!

Without hesitation, Sarah begins to savagely hack into Stuart's head, splattering blood. Kyle turns his head to notice this and runs over to grab Sarah.

Kyle: Sarah!

Sarah: No! Don't fucking touch me! Fucking bastard!

Kyle: Sarah! Stop! Stop!

Kyle touches Sarah's face, calming her down.

Kyle: Look at me. Okay. Look at me. It's me. All right. I'm here.

Sarah: (crying)....he was going to-

Kyle: It's all right.

Sarah breaks down as Kyle hugs and comforts Sarah.

Kyle: It's okay. It's okay....it's going to be alright.

In the arena, the Executioner punches a beaten and bruised Dante into the wall. The crowd cheers on as the Execution sharpens his blades as Dante dodges his attacks and blocks another with his chainsaw. As a struggle ensues, Dante continues holding back the Executioner, but is seems he is losing.

Kane: Kill him! Finish him!

As the crowd cheers on, suddenly, one of the Butcher guards is gunned down by Billy, who is shooting with his sniper. With the Executioner distracted, Dante pushes the blade into his shoulder. Dante then decapitates the Executioner with the chainsaw. The crowd begins to panic and scatter while Colin runs into a Butcher Guard with his crossbow, before disarming him and slitting his throat, taking back his crossbow.

Colin: This is mine, asshole.

Kane stands up as Nathan guns down his two bodyguards. Kane attempts to shoot Nathan, but is fatally shot in the chest with an arrow by Colin. Nathan aims his pistol at the mortally wounded Kane.

Nathan: Give me one good reason, you sick fuck.

Most of the Butcher crowd break for the exit as Walter and Killen step in with automatic weapons.

Walter: Where the fuck y'all going, huh?! Y'all want some motherfucking entertainment, right?!

Walter and Killen open fire onto the crowd, killing most of the Butcher crowd.

Killen: Don't run now! Don't run now!

Walter: Animals! Animals! Every last fucking one of you! Where the fuck you think you're going, huh?!

Ashley, Nora and James look on as they watch the Butcher crowd being slaughtered. Kyle joins and slaughters many fleeing Butchers, before he throws down a Butcher to the ground. Kyle prepares to shoot the Butcher, but is out of ammo.

Kyle: Oh, don't worry. I got something special for you.

Kyle pulls out his machete and hacks into the Butcher repeatedly. A Butcher with a hatchet attempts to attack Colin from behind, but James pulls out his pistol and shoots the Butcher dead. Colin looks at the Butcher die, before looking at his brother. Colin then approaches his shell-shocked nephew.

Colin: James....you all right?

James: Jesus, man....he was....he was going to-

Colin: You did good.

Ashley walks onto the field of dead Butcher corpses, before a mortally wounded one grabs her leg.

Wounded Butcher: Please....please....please...help me.....help...it hurts....please...

Suddenly, the Butcher is gunned down by Sarah, who makes eye contact with Ashley. Nathan, Walter and Killen force the surrendering Butchers including the Cook on their knees.

Nathan: On your knees! On your knees! Now!

The surrendering butchers and the cook begin to beg for mercy.

Butcher Cook: Please....show mercy.

Walter: Like the mercy y'all showed my friend?

Appalled and disgusted, Nathan, Killen and Walter execute the surrendering Butchers and the cook. Nathan turns to a shocked Nora.

Nora: Nathan....

Nathan: What? They were animals....they were going to feed us Jacob. (approaches Colin) We get all these bastards?

Colin: Looks like it....cept one.

Colin nods over to Kyle, who is dragging a dying Kane into the middle of the arena as Dante, Killen, Kyle, Colin, James, Billy, Walter surround him while Sarah, Ashley and Nora hang back.

Kane: Guess there's no point to beg.

Dante: No.....you said you had no intention of letting us live....so why should we do the same with you? After all, you did butcher two of our friends.

Kane: You know.....I was a Butcher back in the old years...was a working man.....a family man....and a Christian man.....went to church every Sunday.....worked to pay for my daughter's tuition....she was visiting....when it happened.....she was shot..... (coughs up blood) I buried her in the back....but I ran out of food....so I dug her up....and I.....I did what I had to....to live....every person I have killed....has been for the greater good.....in this world, this no such thing as good or evil.....there's only the insane and the sane....

Dante: Sounds like you had it rough.

Kane: Yeah, I did.

Dante: Doesn't excuse what you did though....

Dante prepares to execute Kane until Walter speaks.

Walter: Dante....let me....

Dante nods as Walter, who grabs crowbar, steps in front of Kane.

Walter: For my friend.....

Kane: The hunger....the hunger always wins. (laughs manically)

Walter whacks Kane over the head hard, causing serious damage that draws blood. Kane continues laughing, before Walter proceeds to beating Kane's face-in with the crowbar. Walter continues to beat Kane's faceless corpse as the other survivors, including Kyle, give unnerving looks.

Dante: Walter.....Walter! Hey!

Dante pulls Walter out of his senses.

Dante: Hey! Hey! Look at me! He's dead. That bastard's dead, man. We got him.

Walter: That motherfucker butchered my best friend. My brother...he-

Dante: It's over, man....it's over.

The Cratersville Survivors enter the school bus as Billy drives the school bus out. Near the ski-resort, the Cratersville Survivors hold a funeral for Jacob and Bart with Jacob's cowboy hat laying on his grave.

Chapitre suivant