
Growf and Livin'

I stood there, my ears ringing I'd managed it. I beat the damned beast of an Ork, while it was smaller compared to the average Ork that sat dotted around the arena, compared to me the Ork was a beast. It was like comparing a light-weight fighter to that of a middle-weight one. An almost insurmountable level to cross, but I had managed it with a little bit of cunning...

The crowd continued their rowdiness long after the big Ork had made his announcement, although something strange was happening inside me. I felt a mysterious energy pass through me, it felt similar to that of adrenaline, pumping through my body, invigorating me-- daring me to go faster, to go harder. 

The sheer amount of it had almost drowned out the very crowd around me and it took a serious amount of willpower to not simply go berserk and expend all this newfound energy. As I stood there and took it all in, this strange power seemed to begin to sink into my very bones, invigorating my very being and even my physical form. My muscles seemed to bulge a little larger, my mind became a little clearer and the world around me a little smaller. Was I growing? 

As I tried grasping onto this energy it seemed to have stopped as quickly as it came on, this had left me dumbfounded. It made no sense whatsoever, what were the exact conditions for me to grow in such an exaggerated manner. Surely there had to be a method to the madness, while these creatures were stupid there were reasonings as to why they acted in such a manner. There had to be a reason for this, and so I began to map out a few possibilities.

1. This world had a strange game like mechanic in which defeating enemies allowed me to 'Level up'.

2. I was simply growing incrementally at certain times of day.

3. This arena had some secret hidden mechanism that allowed for the Orks to grow at an exponential rate in accordance with winning.

4. The Orks watching the fight were the ones responsible for creating the energy that invigorated me.


In this scenario I didn't really know which one I should put credence into, every part of my being screamed that option five seemed to be the most correct. Everything I had experienced up till now was simply just too absurd. I'd have to experiment further; observe, hypothesize and declare a conclusion. I had to stick to what I knew, and what I knew was rationality. At the very least I could apply a scientific method, everything that was absurd or made no sense was simply something that wasn't understood enough. Although the way things were going I wasn't exactly sure I'd have enough time alive to be able to live through and see the fruits of my labour.

Shaking my head I decided to anchor myself back to reality rather than simple thought experiments, the crowd had began to lull in their intensity. Out of pure instinct I raised my axe to the sky and the crowd went wild with their typical hooliganisms, after basking in it all for a few more moments I spat. What the hell was I doing? Why did I care what such brutes thought of me? Cursing inwardly I lowered my arm, spun on my heels and walked with purpose back to Gorblitz and his band of merry men. 

As I came closer and closer, I noticed the large Ork had his signature shit-eating grin. This asshole... With a few more steps I was up close enough to actively interact with the group. "That wuz a good show!" Gorblitz spoke which incurred the hollering of his boys. "You showed 'em who'z da' boss of da pitz. I'z knew dat you had it in yaz." I let out a grunt in response, it was this asshole who'd threw me straight into the meat grinder and I was less than impressed with his methods.

"Roight, I'z sure youz be wantin' anova crack at it. But we'z gots to show ya' around. Boss'z orda's." With a pat on my shoulder that almost sent me sprawling I grunted in acknowledgement. It would be a good idea to get a layout of the camp. To find out where we were and what life would be like around here was of paramount importance. With a nod I decided to follow Glorblitz who had begun walking away back towards the main entrance of 'Da Pitz. 

Exiting through the entrance the familiar smell of sweat, blood, and the acrid tang of metal and oil filled my alien nostrils. It was both disgusting and oddly familiar to my new body. As I walked I noticed that I had already become much more adept at controlling my body, did that energy from earlier have something to do with? Hmm, more experiments for later. 

The birthing fields... or whatever they called it was still creating new Orks. It was strange to think that such muscular beings came from the ground. Although I wasn't exactly familiar with the process in which Orks came into being I was fairly confident that they were grown from the pods that I emerged from. That makes me some kind of plant? Well they did say that fungus was closer to animal matter than that of plant matter, that made more sense to why the Orks were such beefcakes. Maybe it was a fungus rather than strictly a plant... Anyway, more things to take a look into at a later time. 

As soon as we left the entrance Gorblitz stopped, turned and pointed back to the arena. "Dat's Da Pitz, it'z where da Boss is found. You saw da Boss' throne, behinds dat is his quarterz." Nodding with satisfaction to himself Gorblitz turned back around and started off again, quickly I followed like a lost puppy. 

Being led through the camp was eye opening, the place was a dump with little care for cleanliness or organisation. Frankly it was embarrassing and it was making me sick, so much efficiency lost... The difference from my old world was night and day, I would say this place was making me green but well... If I were to get a position of leadership in this camp I'd be making some radical changes. I could get this ragtag group of hooligans into a working and well oiled machine in no time, or so I thought...

After a short walk a massive amount set of tents made out of animal skins, rusted metal and other none-distinct fabric formed to create what I assumed to be barracks. It was a sprawl of the tents and huts, so many orks in close proximity was sure to cause problems. The bastards loved to fight that much was true, I too felt the need for violence in my core. Just as the thought came a small scuffle between two Orks had broken out. Over what, I had no idea, Gorblitz just ignored the fight as if it was business as usual. With a shake of my head I continued.

"Dis here is da barracks, it'z where da boyz sleep and keep their gubbinz." Gorblitz spoke and pointed out to the vast array of living quarters, on the inside of the tents were strange fabrics, animal hides and strangely even some human-like mattresses. Inside there were also several weapons strewn about, seemingly available for the taking, although I imagined that any attempt at such an act would lead to a fight. Grunting in response to Gorblitz he continued on down the almost endless rows of tents and huts right to the end where there was a singular large tent. Well it was less of a tent and more of a single tarp over a pit filled with smaller strange creatures, that resembled that of goblins. 

They were much smaller, scrawnier and even had a hint of intelligence behind their eyes that many of the other Orks simply did not possess. These crafty little buggers seemed useful, but their conditions and squaller made the situation all the more clear to me. This really was a 'might makes right' race, where physical might directly correlated with physical size. "Dis 'ere is the Gretchen Hovels. If ya' needz a job doin' one of these grotz will do it for ya'. Be careful though, thez' gits might stab ya'." With a guffaw Gorblitz looked down at the hovel with a look of amusement until one of them crawled from the pit and prostrated itself directly before Gorblitz.

"Haz youz' got any scrap fo-" the small creature was cut off. Before it could finish its sentence Gorblitz stomped on the creature crushing it into a bloody pulp. All that remained was a stain. It was clear that he held no sympathy or empathy for the smaller creatures. With a ruthless grunt Gorblitz turned back around and began marching back out of the barracks with a purpose. "Neva' trust those grotz, theyz' as likely to stabz ya' as they are to help." 

Sorry I didn't post chapters yesterday, I was busy with a christmas family lunch and was out all day. The next week or so may be dry on chapters, simply due to christmas and new years. I'll see if I can manage to push out around a chapter a day, but no promises shall be made. ;-;

Anyway, merry christmas ladies, gents and that technicolour inbetween, I hope you enjoy todays chapters!

Jestationcreators' thoughts
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