


A boy with damp, ragged clothes slowly flickered his eyes open, revealing his bright golden pupils.

As he did, the memories from the events after his villainous debut flooded into his mind, causing him to widen his eyes and leap up from where he lay.



Illian groaned as his body ricocheted back onto the bed, the heavy slam causing the breath to be knocked out from his lungs.

"I wouldn't recommend that if I were you. Your body is extremely fragile at the moment."

Illian turned his head as the soft voice entered his ear, and witnessed a long green haired female with glasses, a white lab coat and quite the warm smile.

But most notably, a blue bird sat on her shoulder, peering at Illian as if it were dissatisfied, almost disgusted.

"Who are you?" Illian asked, an eyebrow raised and confused.

Due to his surprise, he didn't wait to take a look at his surroundings.

They were in a small room, no windows and a single metallic door behind the female. 

Currently, Illian was restrained to a hospital bed with leather straps and…

'What the hell?'

Illian thought, seeing the large metal boulders encasing his hands. He couldn't feel his hands and had worse luck with even budging them.

"My name is Dr Chloe Dann. Don't worry, the spheres are meant to restrain you but are doing a good job at numbing your crippled hands." The doctor spoke, the smile never faltering.

Illian paused as he stared at the ceiling.

"Crippled, huh?" He mumbled, but loud enough for the doctor to hear him.

"Yes. The curse you endured is nothing like I've ever seen. It's far beyond anything I'm capable of, so naturally, I was unable to do much."

The doctor turned to grab a clipboard as she paused, continuing right after while reading off the sheet of paper.

"Your nerves are a mess and it's only getting worse. But interestingly, the damage is almost…travelling at a slow pace to your heart. When it reaches its destination, you'll die. If I had to estimate, I'd say you have less than two months."

[You will die in 1 month and 21 days]

The doctor didn't even flinch as she said this as if she was numb to this sort of thing.

'That "Damage" must be the darkness in my veins.'


Illian perked his head up at the sudden loud noise while the doctor also turned her head.

They witnessed a few suited individuals enter the room, the closest one to Illian being the familiar wide-eyed agent, backed by his silver haired lieutenant.

"Does the I.A. not have it in their budget to afford anything other than leather straps." Illian joked upon seeing them, to which the wide-eyed man chuckled.

"We do, just nothing we're willing to waste on trash." 

As he said this, a few agents behind him marched toward Illian, unstrapping the straps and pulling off the bed.


The two metallic spheres on Illian's hands clamped together like magnets as they closed together and surprisingly, Illian found them to weigh as light as a feather.

"What are you doing?" Illian asked, standing before the silver haired man who wore an arrogant grin, holding onto a ball with a string attached to both ends.

Given no reply, Illian didn't even have the chance to resist before the gag was stuffed in his mouth, both arms being grabbed by the agents as he was dragged away.

"Anything you want me to report to Ms Vanheart." The wide-eyed man, now alone in the small room with the doctor, asked.

"Nothing more than I've already told you, Vincent." She replied, her bird flying to grab her a pen.

But before she wrote anything, she paused as she looked at the clipboard before her.

"I still can't believe a 15 year old boy went through something so…inhumane. It's a miracle he's even sane, let alone alive."

The doctor soon went back to her writing as she continued to talk.

"One thing's for sure. Until the time comes, he'll be living through excruciating pain."

However, the silence was broken as Vincent scoffed, grinning as he turned to leave.

"He's a murderer. He deserves everything that's coming to him."


"Never heard of you, lady." 

Illian shrugged. Obviously, this was a lie. Even he knew who the Vanhearts were. 

Especially this particular one. After all, she was a member of the greatest inheritors in the world.

The agents beside Illian grit their teeth as they wore an unpleasant expression. 

It was clear they had a problem with Illian's words.

"Show some respect when addressing Lady Vanheart, brat…" Vincent hissed, but silenced himself upon noticing the female raising her hand.

"Sun Wukong." 

Illian's heart leaped as he heard this name. 

It was the same name he'd seen when he awakened.

"There are no records of any Inheritor ever being chosen by this Legend."

"So much so that he was almost forgotten so long after The Wipe. So I can only wonder why you're so special." 

The Wipe.

40 years ago, Inheritors were born. 

It was soon realised they were being 'Chosen' by beings from what humans assumed to be myths and legends.

Upon learning there might be some truth to these myths, all knowledge on them was gatekept and wiped from all media and all scripture was either destroyed or hidden.

At first, it didn't make much difference, since no one could wipe the world's knowledge on these figures.

However, after 40 years, nothing more than the names of popular figures were known to the general public, most other information being untrustworthy rumours.

"Even I had to delve deep into research to find who that staff belonged to. But for some reason, the name was all I could find." 

"Nothing more about Sun Wukong is known, only that he is a Monkey who wields a staff from Chinese mythology." Vanheart peered at Illian, a hint of curiosity flashing in her eye.

'A monkey who wields a staff?'

Illian was trying his best to keep a straight face, but he couldn't help but be intrigued.

Other than the brief flurry of screens that appeared before him, he was given no more information ever since.

"Tell me, have you spoken with your Legend yet?" Vanheart asked, to which Illian stayed silent.

'Spoken? That's a thing?'

"I guess that's a no. Disappointing. You may have a potential S-Rank Legend on your hands, yet your compatibility is hilariously low." Vanheart mocked, clicking her teeth.

However, this time, Vincent couldn't help but utter in surprise.

"S-Class? Lady Vanheart, is that true?" 

"I said potentially. We still can't know for sure due to insufficient information." 

Throughout this all, Illian was quiet, countless emotions rising inside him. 

After a second, he couldn't help but feel a sense of euphoria.

"I'm not surprised." Illian grinned, Vanheart staring at him with an expression of indifference.

"I don't know what you're so arrogant about?" She scoffed, soon smiling.

"You think you have the right to be cocky because you luckily tricked a few Officers. This is reality outside the sewers you're familiar with. Things like murdering police captains won't go unnoticed…" 

"I didn't kill him." The grin on Illian's face faded as his eyes stayed glued on Vanheart.

Upon pausing, she continued, ignoring him.

"You're known for being a compulsive liar. Reports show John Spencer died from blunt force."

"That would be quite easy for you to accomplish with your staff." Vanheart looked Illian up and down as if she were curious about something.

"Speaking of the staff, where is it?" She spoke, addressing Vincent.

"I'm not sure, Ms Vanheart. Upon apprehending him, it suddenly disappeared." 

Vanheart paused, turning as she peered at the city below.

"You aren't in the best position, are you? You're an irredeemable criminal, I can almost smell the death that haunts you and you're about to enter your first scenario in 6 hours with nothing but crippled hands and a lost staff." 

Vanheart looked back, smiling as though she was excited for what would happen next.

"But it's your lucky day, I have use for you." 

Illian narrowed his eyes, growing more wary. He didn't like where this was going.

"You'd be more valuable as a tool. You will get stronger, child. You will grow for the I.A.. For me." 

'Thought so.'

Those vulnerable would be taken advantage of. 

It was natural degenerate inside all humans that made this fact true.

He, too, was guilty of this. 

It made Illian grind his teeth as rage bubbled inside him. 

He wanted to be the best and that meant being free to do whatever.

That is what it meant to be the Greatest.

But it had barely been a few hours since he dedicated himself to this goal and he was already met with obstacles. 

"That is how you will pay for your sins. Think of this as a blessing, child."

"You have the support and resources of the I.A. and who knows, I might have a cure for that Curse." Vanheart walked toward Illian, smiling the more she saw Illian frown.

"Now, let's uncover the mystery surrounding you." 


Illian's eyes widened as Vanheart's hand gripped his head, her fingers wrapping around his skull.

'She's strong.'

Illian noticed. No matter how much he flailed, he couldn't escape her grasp.

"By thought and shadow, let secrets be revealed; Open the mind, and truth shall be unsealed…" 

Vanheart's eyes turned all white as Illian could feel wind come from an unknown direction, his body feeling weaker as the seconds passed.

[Name: Zoey Vanheart]

[Legend: Merlin the Wizard]

[Pantheon: British Mythology]

"Mind's Eye Unveiled!" 

Illian felt a searing pain shoot through his mind as if his brain was pierced with a flaming metal rod.


'He…was telling the truth.' 

Zoey currently stood in a dark and familiar alleyway. The atmosphere was murky and not entirely clear while her body was translucent.

She froze as she watched the earth below shoot up, striking Spencer in the chest.

'An attack like that is more than capable of killing a regular adult man.' 

Zoey noted, her eyes shifting to the female who attacked Spencer.

'Who is she? I think I'd have at least heard of someone this exceptional.' 

Zoey narrowed her eyes, watching as Monroe stopped the bullet mid air with her precise Earth control.

However, she wasn't able to watch the female for long as Illian's eyes turned gold.

'It's rare to hear of an Inheritor physically changing permanently, especially just after awakening.'

The more Zoey learnt of this boy, the more she couldn't help but grow more pleased.

The chance to have someone like this under her amused her.

However, she frowned shortly after. 

Contrary to what one might think, knowing Illian was telling the truth complicated things.

Though Illian still did commit many other crimes, without this fact…

'It'll be harder to convince the rest of the Pentagon to keep the boy.'

As the Head of the Crime and Investigations unit of the I.A., she planned to use the excuse of Illian serving his punishment as one of her agents forever.

But now, It would be more obvious and she knew there would be some who called her out on this.

Zoey knew she was the equivalent of a leprechaun hiding his pot of gold. 

However, knowing Illian was a lone Inheritor with perhaps frightening potential and a loose cannon, she refused to let it go to waste.

"No one gets to tell a Hale what they can do. We do whatever the fuck we want!" 

Zoey's heart suddenly felt as though it stopped, cold sweat dripping down her back as she slowly looked toward Illian.

"What did he just say?"

However, before she could see anymore, she felt her consciousness slipping as the scene faded, the murky atmosphere clouding everything like a mist.

As she blinked, she appeared in her office once again, her expression contorted.

"Illian Hale. That's your name, isn't it? What's your connection with…" 

As Zoey spoke, her hand withdrew from Illian's head as she got a clear view of his face, only to see him smiling, brandishing his sharp teeth.

That's how it looked to a regular person, but to Zoey, she could see.

She could see the small needle-like object held between Illian's teeth.




From the outside, one could see an enormous black pillar suddenly shoot through the glass wall of Zoey's office, stretching over all of Ashton City.


In an instant, it disappeared as one could see the inside of the office once again, this time a mess as if a hurricane was set loose, the glass window completely shattered.

"Ms Vanheart!" Vincent yelled, looking around and seeing his agents also downed.

"Where is he?!" Zoey screamed, her hair a dishevelled mess as she looked up, noticing the only person still on their feet, dashing full speed toward the broken window.

Illian, carrying his normal sized staff in his mouth, bolted for the open space as he grinned.

"Stop him!" Vincent yelled to his agents, jolting to his feet.

But it was too late.

Without a hint of hesitation, Illian leapt out of the building, the wind instantly slapping in the face as his hair danced on his head.

Plummeting to the ground, his hands still behind his back, Illian's grin widened for a different reason than before.

'Holy shit…too high!'

He was quickly able to notice how high they were. He was nowhere near the ground and moved further and further away from the tower as the seconds passed.

The heavy air crashing into his face made it too hard to breathe, his ears being filled with the sound of the wind's frenzy.

Glancing at the tower he leapt from, he couldn't help but admire it. 

I.A. HQ, truly fitting its name. Standing tall in the middle of Ashton City, Illian couldn't help but bask in the City's beauty.

The city sprawls like a vibrant tapestry, with clusters of gleaming skyscrapers piercing the sky. 

Obviously, none nearing the height of the Tower.

Majestic parks intersperse the urban landscape, winding rivers and canals weave through the city and streets pulse with life, where colorful market stalls and bustling cafes create a mosaic of activity.

But Illian had more important worries than sightseeing.

'Alright, easy does it.' 

Illian thought, pointing his staff down with his teeth, letting go and wrapping his legs around it.



Illian paused as he looked to the side, only to be met with Zoey who seemingly appeared from thin air, her hair flailing in the wind, barefoot and her eyes furious with veins bulging from her neck.

But most notably, Illian had his eyes glued on what she stood on.

'Is that a fucking Dragon?!'

Though it was no bigger than a car, Illian could still see the bright red scales, reptilian eyes, long tail and wings.

Despite this, seeing the dragon breathe in, a bright red colour moving up its throat, Illian snapped into action as he flicked his staff toward them.



The usual frightening pillar appeared in an instant, the dragon and Zoey completely disappearing under its size. 

Illian grinned, his superhuman eyes catching the two before they were hit. There was no way they were able to…


Illian turned his head like a rusty robot, seeing Zoey appear from thin air, her fingers looking as though she had just snapped them.

Illian could see her lips moving but not audible as she drew a symbol in the air with her fingers.


This was all he was able to read from her lips as he watched a symbol come into fruition, an identical Dragon appearing under her feet.


Illian yelled inwardly, watching the Dragon charge at him. It was so fast that Ruyi still loomed in the air when…




"Hey, have you heard? That pillar that appeared last night was from a new awakened Inheritor." 

"No way! Something like that? It was from a 3rd stage Inheritor at least." 

Men wearing black suits with a Phoenix's symbol inscribed on the breast spoke while sipping some coffee. 

In the large spaced office they currently walked through, countless agents could be seen working and bustling through.

"I'm telling you…" 



Before they could finish their conversation, everyone in the office practically jumped upon the window shattering, large objects flew in as they crashed through the office.

Upon the dust settling, Illian writhed in pain on the ground, over the debris as he drooled and bit his lip so hard it bled.


The fall made it so the force was felt even through the metallic boulders on his hands.

Illian's hands shook violently inside the orbs as the black veins bulged vigorously. 

It was so painful he hadn't even noticed his head bleeding or the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.


Illian was given no time to think as Zoey stood over him, smashing her bare foot onto the side of his face, pinning him on the ground.

"You insolent brat!"

Her dress torn and her body dirtied, Zoey paid no mind to this as her Dragon stood behind her, ready to unleash an attack if Illian moved.

However, for a second, Illian partially forgot about his pain as he listened to the next words that came out of Zoey's mouth.

"What's your relation to Xavier Hale?" 

Illian widened his eyes as he stared at her, his lips moving subconsciously.

"H-How do you know my Grandpa?"

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