
The Duel

Teleporting back to my home I slumped down on a chair and sighed. This was turning into a right mess and I had hardly been in this world longer than a few weeks. Already I had revealed myself, it was only a matter of time before the cult of selfrighteous bastards in the government would want to come after me. 


I weighed my options, I could just cut my losses and go to another world to start over. However I wasn't one to run from a fight, much less a fight that I started. Even if it was indirectly. 


Lucius Malfoy's father seemed honorable. At least in the sense that he wasn't foaming at the mouth like Lestrange. It still shocked me that he challenged me to a duel with blades. For one I had expected the Lestrange lord to challenge me with how he handled himself and I had thought that duels in the wizarding world were mainly with magic rather than physical weapons. 


Perhaps Lord Malfoy was a decent fencer. I had heard about how pureblood families tended to train their children in the 'finer arts', sword fighting being one of these skills. 

Still, I had more than enough experience with sword fighting to beat the average human. I was trained in the skill by the infamous White Wolf after all. Not only that but I had decades of experience fighting all manner of monsters in the Witcher world. 


Sighing again I stood from my seat and made my way around the house preparing for my duel. I contemplated using the steel sword Geralt had given me years ago but ultimately decided against it. I wanted to take a page out of Ra's al Ghul's book and thoroughly embarrassed my opponent by taking his weapon. 


This was going to be a long day. 


Upon my return to Hogwarts I was pleasantly surprised to find that I wasn't bombarded with questions. Perhaps it was the fact that I, a supposed muggleborn, had been challenged by an 'upstanding member of society'. I supposed that Dumbledore's dislike of sharing information was probably the culprit. The old man definitely had good intentions but he was just plain stupid in the way he went about things. Watching the movies in my first life I had always questioned how now one seemed to be all that bothered that their classmates were being attacked. The parents of said students were a whole different can of worms. 


Some fan fictions attributed this to Ol' Dumbles obliviating students and straight up denying that certain events happened. The movies didn't help disproving this theory. This train of thought reminded me of the basilisk beneath the school. I made a mental note to deal with the snake as soon as I was done with the duel just to get it out of the way. 


I felt the air behind me shift as a spell was sent at the back of my head. Moving slightly to the left I let it sail past me and spun around to face my attacker. Lucius Malfoy and his two cronies stood with their wands drawn and pointed at me. 


"Well isn't this a surprise, Lucy Malfoy and his buttbuddies." 


"Shut up mu-"


With a wave of my hand all the assailants slammed into the ceiling before dropping back to the ground in an unconscious pile of limbs. 


"I don't have time for your nonsense, I have a duel to attend. If you must, then wait your turn little lordlings." 


Turning around I walked away from the groaning heirs and made my way to Dumbledore's office. The gargoyle kept aside after seeing me approach and I stepped through the hidden door. 


Inside Albus and the other Lords were gathered waiting. I sighed internally. 


'Leave it to the pretentious bastards to make a spectacle of a duel to the death. Oh well, doesn't change my plans of embarrassing Malfoy.'


"I take it you lot are ready then?" 


"Aye, prepare to meet your death in the courtyard." 


"Very well I'll see you there." 


I flashed out of the room and to the courtyard where I spotted the Black sisters hiding under a disillusionment charm. Lily Evans was also hiding though a bit more conspicuously as she was crouched behind a bush a few paces away by the entrance to the owlery. 


I faced the horizon and took a deep breath, this wasn't how I imagined my time at Hogwarts to go. Sure I knew I'd face some form of discrimination being American and supposedly being a 'muggleborn' but I had not expected to be fighting a duel hardly a month into school. 


Still, this would no doubt bring unwanted attention to me from both the magical government and from Voldemort. I'd have to deal with either or eventually. Thankfully I didn't really have any dire plans. Hell, I hadn't even had the time to really connect with anyone yet. So I could just leave once the duel was done and seek out another world where I would properly hide my true nature. 


The lords arrived moments later and their families formed a semi circle around me. Abraxas Malfoy stepped forward with a serious look on his face. 


"Prepared to meet your end boy?" 


"No, just thinking about how tedious this all is." 


"No matter, your disrespect for you betters had seen that this is your last day." 


"Funny, I was just going to say the same thing." 


I looked at the Malfoy lord appraisingly. He had an arming sword with a jeweled pommel in his hands. Further inspection revealed his wand tucked into his sleeve hidden away. 


"You're ready then?" I asked.


"You're unarmed." I smiled at the response. 'Show time.'


"I will take your blade from you when you are through with it." 


The man's jaw tensed. I stepped forward with my hands clasped behind my back. I could practically read the nervous thoughts flashing through his head. Ra's al Ghul really knew how to intimidate people if my reenactment of his behavior was doing this much to a supposed lord with experience in swordplay. 


Abraxas glared at me for a moment before taking the first swing. People gasped as the blade hissed through the air at my shoulder. Steeping to the side I dodged the slash effortlessly before stepping forward and spinning behind a stab. Around me people watched with rapt attention to see who would fall first. 


Stepping into another slash I landed several punches into Abraxas' liver and diaphragm causing the lord to double over and wheeze. I stepped back and patiently waited for him to recover. A silvery dome covered the grounds around Abraxas and I and I looked over to the gathered crowd. The Lestrange lord was on the floor, seemingly the idiot was going to interfere if not for the ward. 


Once the eldest Malfoy recovered I sighed, the man now clearly knew he was outclassed but still refused to give in. He swung the sword wildly hoping to catch me with a slash. Slapping away a stab I threw another punch into his gut folding him over my fist. He fell to the floor groaning but still stood back up moments later on shaking legs. I shook my head and took a step back. 


Dodging a few more slashes I decided to end the duel. Continuing at this rate would just be prolonging Abraxas' suffering and I was not that cruel. Moving quickly I slapped another stab away and stepped into Malfoys space. Throwing an elbow I shattered his wrist. Catching the sword he had dropped I proceeded to smash the pommel into his throat causing the scream he let out to die out into a weak gurgle. 


I stepped back and glared at the audience I had gathered before turning my attention to the sword in my hand. The balance was quite nice, the blade sharp and enchanted to hell and back if the shining was anything to go by. The crowd had gone quite, a woman with platinum blonde hair was being held back by the barrier Dumbledore had put up. I looked down to Abraxas who was still clutching his crushed windpipe struggling to breathe. Stepping to him I decided to follow through with my reenactment of Ra's. 


"maghfir lahu warhamhu, wa 'aafihi, wa'fu 'anhu, wa 'akrim nuzulahu, wa wassi' mudkhalahu"


Abaraxas looked at me confused before his eyes widened in shock as I plunged the blade into his heart killing him instantly. The woman who had been beating on the barrier fell forward as the magical shield dropped. I pulled the blade free and walked towards her. 


"I return this blade to you Lady Malfoy, may it be a reminder of what happened here today." 


As I turned to leave there was a shout as the Lestrange patriarch drew his wand and charged at me. I regret having revived him again after I had sent him flying out of Dumbledore's office window. Spells shot out of his wand and I rolled my eyes before dispelling each one before they could hit me or anyone else still standing around in shock. With an almost lazy flick of my wrist I suspended the enraged lord midair and glared at Dumbledore. 


"As the supposed leader of the light you disappoint me Albus. This man just attacked me with multiple witnesses and yet you stand there with your thumb up your ass. Had he been a muggleborn you would have no doubt restrained him and scolded him for attacking an 'outstanding member of society' would you not? I wonder why you didn't act. Nearly all of those spells would be what you consider 'dark magic'." 


With a snap of my fingers Lestrange screamed in pain as I ripped his magic from his body. A glowing orb of light appeared in my hand as the now drained lord collapsed into a twitching mess on the floor. 


I crushed the glowing orb of pure magic and glared at the remaining audience. Many looked enraged some looked fearful. 


'Do these people never learn? I literally ripped the magic out of someone and they still think they can fight me.' 


Rolling my eyes I flashed away back to my home and poured myself a drink from my flask of nectar. I godly drink soothed my slowly building temper. Falling into a chair I leaned back and closed my eyes. The fallout from this day would no doubt appear on tomorrow's headlines. 

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