
Chapter 7: Checkpoint

The group quietly entered the dimly lit alley behind the Last Drop Inn through the nearest exit, and a fresh sense of adventure washed over them. Even Shigaraki experienced a shift; having spent much of his childhood alone, he began to reconnect with these new emotions.

Vi led the group through the intricate backstreets from her experience, and what started as a leisurely walk soon became a gentle jog and, eventually, a full sprint. This was a children's competitive spirit.

Shigaraki was unable to keep up with such demanding exertion, and he began to struggle. Powder, who was closest to him, observed his difficulty and called out with concern.

"Hey! Guys, wait! Shigaraki!" Her voice was loud enough to reach Vi in front, who skidded to a stop. Mylo almost crashed into her, catching himself before he did, but turned around in annoyance.

"Oh great, the new guy can't even run?" Mylo yelled back, frustrated, with another snarky comment.

"Shut it, Mylo," Vi retorted sharply. She then took a moment to catch her breath as she resumed walking. "My apologies, Shigaraki. I wasn't aware…" she said, a hint of reproach in her voice. She hadn't meant to put him in an awkward position.

"It's okay... I just need… to catch my breath," Shigaraki said, exhaling heavily. He thought, 'When I return, I must ask my dad for a training program… This is too embarrassing.'

He had never run like this before. At first, he felt okay, but after some minutes, his legs began to tire, and his breathing became uneven, tempting him to stop with thoughts of 'stop, relax.' He didn't realize this was primarily a mental struggle. 

Shigaraki's life in the Undercity can be considered relaxed under Silco's influence. He rarely had to face any challenges, especially given his own abilities; proximity was all that counted... not considering that they were being restrained by thugs and couldn't fight back...

Claggor looked to be barely breaking a sweat as he casually removed a flask from his waist and passed it to Shigaraki.

"Here," the heavy-breathing Shigaraki took it with four fingers, his pinky raised, and sipped. A moment later, his face visibly contorted in bitterness. 

"I apologize, but it was the only drink I could grab from the bar on my way out," Claggor responded with an honest expression. Initially, Shigaraki felt targeted, and anger began to rise within him. However, Claggor's sincere expression made him question his feelings, leaving him only able to express his disgust for the drink that burned his throat. 

"Hey, no offence, but why do you drink like that? Four fingers with one pointed up; I've only seen it once when an enforcer came down with a cloaked female. That lady drank the same way you just did?" Mylo rubbed his chin in thought as if trying to deduce some sort of comparison between the two. His face got a little chuckle from Claggor, who then stopped, realizing no one else had joined in.

Shigaraki observed Mylo without saying a word, making him feel awkward. With a soft chuckle, he scratched the back of his neck and turned to speak with Claggor. Meanwhile, the earlier question slipped from everyone's minds as the others chatted and moved about. 

Powder found herself unintentionally left out once again. Vi had more shared interests with Mylo and Claggor, which led to Powder's usual subconscious exclusion. However, this time, she didn't feel entirely alone. She decided to fall back and join Shigaraki, and they began their own conversation.

"Have you always been… weaker?" she asked in a low voice with an innocent tone, but it made Shigaraki's face turn red. He felt ashamed that he couldn't be faster than a girl, and his eyes burned with an ambition to train hard.

"I just never needed to run before…" Shigaraki replied gloomily. Although it was lighter than usual, he didn't want to sour the atmosphere.

"So, are you going to get better?" she continued asking.

"...Yes, I will try," he replied with a somewhat forced smile. He didn't like how this conversation was going, but he didn't want to end it, so he shifted it entirely.

"What do you usually do on these missions? Specifically, the one we're about to undertake?" His words were crafted carefully and worked to bring brilliance to Powder's eyes.

Her face lit up, and Shigaraki nearly forgot his embarrassment as he watched her eyes sparkle. "Oh! This is only my fourth big mission," she explained, sounding both proud and unsure. "The others were smaller... more like... picking up random stuff and following Violet. That's why they didn't really count."

"So what's different about this one?" he asked, feeling a little speechless as she avoided the main purpose of the question.

Powder pondered thoughtfully, her head lowered and hands cradling her chin. "Well… for this job, we won't just be picking up junk. We're heading to the topside to search for something valuable. Violet mentioned that this place should have plenty of them, but I know she got that information from Ekko, my other friend, remember?" Those words once again pierced Shigarakis's heart, intensifying his growing anger towards Ekko. Oblivious to his feelings, Powder continued. 

"But what makes this job bigger than those small ones important is the possibility of enforcers being around. I… I think that's a bit scary, but at the same time… maybe I can step up this time. She left a little mystery in it."

"Step up, how?" Shigaraki asked.

A shy smile appeared on Powder's face. "By making things!" she said, her voice brightening. "I gather parts, bolts, and gears. I try to assemble anything I can find. Mylo thinks it's worthless junk or broken stuff, but some pieces can, like... catch people's attention?... Or! Even explode if I do it right. I attempted it last week, but it kind of... fell apart." Her mood visibly sank as a small tear began to form in her eyes, but she managed to hold it back. "Then everyone laughed."

Shigaraki furrowed his brow; he couldn't explain why, but witnessing her tears triggered a surge of rage within him. Unsure of his own feelings, he responded, "Perhaps they simply misunderstand you."

"Really?" Powder blinked, unsure. "You think so?"

He nodded and said, "If your gadgets function as you wish, they're not worthless. If not, just keep repairing them until they do." After a brief pause, he continued, "That's how improvement happens."

Powder's shy smile became authentic, though she still struggled to meet his gaze. "Thanks. I'm tired of feeling like I'm just 'extra.' I want to matter…"

The two engaged in small talk, with Shigaraki nodding along and occasionally asking questions to encourage her to keep speaking. He didn't mind being the listener; her enthusiasm felt like a hopeful spark amidst the darkness of the Lanes. Soon, after a brief pause, Powder's curiosity prompted her to explore a different topic.

"Um… about what you said earlier at the Last Drop…" Seeing she had Shigaraki's full attention, she whispered, "Are you really serious about your 'League of Villains' idea?" Remembering Vi's comment about being unable to join, she wanted to remain quiet in hopes she wouldn't hear them.

Shigaraki glanced away, a bit uncomfortable but strangely glad she asked. "Kinda. I'm tired of living by other people's rules. If I get strong enough, I'll make my own," he said, his eyes narrowing. "Then maybe I'll show everyone who thinks they can push me around..."

Powder stared at him for a moment, then clasped her hands together. "So cool! Could I… join someday? If I can prove I'm not useless, I mean?"

A look of contemplation crossed his face and turned into a smile. "If you want to. It's not really a real 'thing' yet, but who knows?"

She blushed, nodding shyly. "I'll keep practising, then. So I don't slow you down."

"But I need a cool nickname," she mumbled. 

Shigaraki realized he had nothing in mind for her. But he was confident that an idea would come eventually; he just had to be patient.

As they approached the surface, Shigaraki sensed a shift in the air. The refreshing, crisp atmosphere filled his lungs. Tears streamed down his face as memories of the past overwhelmed him. After so much time in the oppressive Lanes, he had entirely lost the memory of what fresh air felt like. This air brought a refreshing clarity, ideal for easy breathing, in stark contrast to the thick smog and toxins below…

"The Checkpoint is just up ahead. When we arrive, I'll provide a refresher. It could be detrimental if any of us make a mistake at this stage," Vi said, scanning the crowd, her gaze lingering on Shigaraki. After all, it was his first time, and they hadn't failed before, making him their biggest concern. However, she kept this thought to herself.

The group quietly slipped by the major checkpoints, navigating the throng of individuals eager to reach Piltover. Shouts rang out from those denied passage, and even minor scuffles erupted, yet the enforcers consistently prevailed. Shigaraki remembered when he was butted on the head by the enforcers four years ago and felt a need for revenge but held back... 

He followed the group, maintaining a low profile. Their eyes cast downward as they moved through the crowd. They chose a smaller, more secluded route, and finally, their designated checkpoint to reach Piltover was in sight.

"Alright," Vi said, her voice firm but calm. Looking at the small group huddling around her, she said, "Just as we planned. We wait for the guard shift to change. Once they move, the checkpoint ahead will be unsupervised, and we'll sneak past. No noise, no mistakes."

Vi's steady leadership calmed the group. Even Powder, who is usually restless, felt soothed by her presence. Shigaraki struggled to focus as his chest tightened with anxiety. He feared revealing his abilities or making mistakes in front of his new friends, anticipating the same reactions he had received from gang kids before. Most importantly, he didn't want to lose Powder. Despite their new relationship, her interest in his future League of Villains created a sense of connection.

They crept forward slowly and crouched low, taking their position behind a pile of crates while staying silent, creating a tension-filled atmosphere. The lamplight revealed two enforcers positioned at a makeshift checkpoint. Their crisp, neatly pressed navy blue uniforms stood out sharply against the group's tattered patchwork attire. Their rifles hung nonchalantly over their shoulders.

The two spoke quietly, yet their conversation echoed in the deserted area for everyone to overhear. "A shift change is coming up. It's not a bad day, is it?" one said, adjusting his weapon strap.

"No, but I wish something had occurred. It gets dull when I haven't shot my rifle in a while. Why are we deployed so far down here anyway?" the other responded.

"You didn't know? Hell, it's what the last team did. They let some gutter rats slip through that alleyway, and when they got caught, they were… removed," the first guy tried to make the atmosphere grim, but it only humoured it.

"I'd hate for that to happen to me," the other replied again with a chuckle as they looked at the alleyway where Vi and her group were hiding. "The chances of it happening again and on our time would be low, right? If it did, With those odds, I should ask the girl I like out for dinner." They both laughed at the thought.

Suddenly, the first enforcer let out a thoughtful hum. "But maybe we should check it out? The alley, I mean. There's no point in joking about it if it could actually happen."

The second rolled his eyes. 

"You're really taking that seriously? I was messing around, man. This spot has been quiet for weeks."

"All the more reason to be sure," the first persisted, tapping his rifle stock with a bored sigh. "I'd rather poke around than stand here doing nothing."

"If you just want an excuse to fire your rifle, then go. Why bother saying so much?" his partner teased, slightly smirking. "Just don't cry when you see nothing and your hopes are shattered."

Shigaraki felt a knot in his stomach. He glanced quickly at Vi, who motioned sharply for him to remain calm. As they crouched behind the crates, the minutes dragged on, and Shigaraki found it hard to control his breath, convinced they could hear his racing heartbeat. Powder sat next to him, her wide eyes darting towards him. She slowly shook her head in a silent effort to communicate that it was okay, but she wasn't convincing herself either; her face twisted with anxiety.

As the enforcer broke away from his partner, who was resting against the lamppost, he strolled close to the alley and shone a handheld lamp into the gloom. Vi stiffened, Mylo froze, and Claggor's breathing quickened. Powder latched onto Shigaraki for any sense of security, which made him feel his heart beating faster. 

The beam of light grazed the crates and scattered debris, getting uncomfortably close to their hiding spot. "The shift change has come," a sudden voice interrupted the tension as the man turned off his lamp. The first enforcer hesitated momentarily, then returned to his partner with a sigh. Shigaraki took a slow breath, striving to remain silent.

Time seemed to drag on. At last, two figures emerged from the end of the street as they exchanged quick salutes with the original pair, who appeared ready to finish their shift. One figure rubbed his aching neck while the other positioned himself beside a shaky stool.

"Finally," Vi whispered, her voice so soft it was barely audible. "We move when they turn their backs."

Unaware of the gazes from the darkness, the enforcers took their places. The older man nonchalantly leaned against the wall, lighting a cigarette in slow, deliberate motions, while the younger enforcer finally settled onto the stool after adjusting it. He briefly scanned the street before sighing softly and leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees.

For a brief moment, neither spoke. Then, the older guard grunted, gesturing vaguely toward the street. "Look straight, Rookie. Don't screw it up. I can't believe I am stuck with a fresh face tonight…"

The younger enforcer gave a reluctant nod, his attention now on the road ahead. Both had their backs fully turned to the alley.

"Now," Vi whispered, her gaze sharp as she swiftly moved forward, making hardly any noise on the dirty pavement. Shigaraki closely followed, with the others trailing behind just as precisely.

Their escape was silent as the shadows around them helped to veil their bodies from view, blending with the surroundings.

Shigaraki's heart raced, his steps echoing louder than necessary, yet the enforcers were oblivious. The younger one casually stretched while the older one inhaled deeply from his cigarette, gazing blankly into the void.

After they finally escaped and just about to turn the street, Shigaraki looked back one last time, but when he did, his heart dropped. The young enforcer now stared at him, a light smirk on his lips; the smile and look he gave Shigaraki told him he had known all along, but he didn't report anything or take action. After a few seconds of looking, he turned back and fell into that same lazy posture, fooling the older enforcer he was with…

Shigaraki had no idea what any of it meant, but he noticed that no one else in the group saw it. He started to think wildly, 'Why didn't he report? What's his motive?' but he could never arrive at the truth.

"C'mon," Vi grumbled, tugging him forward. "We're clear, but we can't stand here forever."

Shigaraki could only throw those thoughts to the back of his mind since that young enforcer never reported it. Why worry? He can't change anything anyways. 

After walking for a few minutes and keeping to the alleyways, they finally stepped into the open streets of Piltover. The wide, well-maintained roads and gleaming stones glimmered in the sunlight. Joyful laughter and the hum of vibrant activity enveloped them, sharply contrasting with the chaos of the Undercity. This sight brought Shigaraki to a standstill.

His fists clenched at his sides, waves of emotion crashing within him. The glow of Decay appeared, steadfastly remaining in his hand as if offering silent support. Jealousy, anger, and bitterness seethed in his chest. He had been ripped from the life he once knew, transported from his world into this one. Previously, with Silco's aid, he had fallen from wealth to poverty without a significant backlash of emotions. But now, confronted with this stark contrast, a new, darker ambition began to take shape in his heart.

Piltover, with its wealth and perfection, stood as a monument to everything he despised. It was the face of those who prospered at the expense of others, who thrived while people like him suffered. He wanted to bring it all crashing down. He wanted them on their knees, begging, feeling the same helplessness and despair he had.

The League of Villains concept has expanded significantly at this moment. What was once a small idea has now grown into a real dream, a real goal… 

His grand entrance would involve bringing these individuals down. He planned to start from the tallest building at the highest point, which glowed brightly like a beacon for his future conquest.

A small hand touched his shoulder, snapping him from his reverie. Shigaraki blinked, startled, and turned to see Powder looking up at him. Concern was written on her face.

"You okay?" she asked softly, her head tilting to the side and attempting to see whatever Shigaraki was looking at.

He chuckled, downplaying the situation with an uneasy laugh. "I was just... surprised," he remarked, his voice more steady than his emotions. "I've never been up here before."

"That's pretty much our reaction too when we first arrived," Vi cut in with a sad smile, but she continued in a playful tone. "The house is just up ahead. Need a sec? recruit?"

"No..." Shigaraki's eyes narrowed onto the street in front, where his first mission heist would take place, a day he would surely remember.

"Let's go,"

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