
Chapter 8 Or before the journey

[3 OD awarded. The total score is 198 OD.]

It's been 79 days since the chat appeared. Sigmund has managed to do a lot during this time. First of all, he has strengthened his relationships with other chat members. Unfortunately or fortunately, only with Saeko, Esdeath, Mio and Maria, since Rias and Kazuma talked more about anime. There was an obvious chemistry between them of "two excited teenagers". The fact that Kazuma is a little over 20 has nothing to do with it. Sigmund did not prevent them from establishing a connection with each other, since they discussed powers and abilities from anime and manga . Most likely, Rias was just going to copy or reproduce some technique from anime. In the end, she literally has a magia of imagination, what prevents her from combining different elements or techniques conditioned by physics like the same Railgun? In Naruto there was Kirin, use the potential difference between a large number of objects to create a voltage, then direct it at your opponent. Akeno should do something similar.

By the way, Esdeath appeared in the chat quite rarely, which is not surprising given her workload and irregular schedule. Most often, she came into the chat just to talk. Sieg had long ago told everything he knew about the "Night Raid", she already knew the teigu, so Siegmund had nothing to offer except this information. Sieg and Saeko often spoke with her , most of the conversations concerned politics to one degree or another.

In his own world, Sieg has already achieved decent results in magic. First of all, he is already considered a novice alchemist. Alice has already managed to introduce him to most disciplines in alchemy in practice. The magic of precious stones, mineralogy, flow, also known as the transfer of energy and information, the transformation of matter, galvanism and healing magic. Fortunately, the main difficulty of alchemy is obtaining knowledge, which Siegmund has already received from books.

There was a little bit of everything, but it already helped to form a rough understanding of each direction. Especially different from the book description are "flow" and "transformation of events". These two directions stood apart from the others, they were simply "strange" due to the lack of the necessary definition. They could give random results if you did not use rituals.

Sigmund chose these two directions as his basis, leaving galvanism and transmutation as secondary directions.

Actually , the " midterm alchemy exam," as Alice called it, was to create a simple concentrator ring. Sigmund made it relatively simple, because with the same Urahara he created much crazier things.

However, this mystical code had its own peculiarities. Sigmund made it an absolute copy of his ring from his past life, which Orihime gave him for his birthday. Yes, then little Orihime was a very sweet girl, she saved up her pocket money for a long time to buy a good gift for Sigmund. 


It was one of the few items that Zig/Tsukishima had kept and protected throughout his life. It was a keepsake…

Alice was surprised that Sigmund decided to make something like a piece of jewelry instead of a simple ring, but she did not interfere with him, since in the end the mystical code turned out to be worthy.

And yes, there was a hidden purpose to this act.

Sigmund is still a hybrid, not like Ichigo , but still a terrifying spirit by nature. The main thing Sigmund always emphasized was Fullbring . After much chat, it was revealed that the " netori hero " had a slightly different Book of the End. First, the book is not Fullbring . Sigmund laughed for a long time, but as stupid as it may sound, the " netori hero's " Book of the End is the bookmark itself, which is used as a sword. Sigmund has a book, a bookmark, and a fountain pen. Three items against one, so it is not surprising that the functionality differs like heaven and earth. While the netori hero very selectively inserts himself into the target's past, Sigmund can do the same, but also change the memory, past, and structure of the object, literally rewriting it. Yes, the ability is even stronger and more effective than Benihime Urahara .

The latter was especially evident in the final battle against Yahweh, where he altered Yahweh's past in such a way that he was constantly suppressed by Orihime's "shield of denial" , up until the present moment, where Orihime was already prepared , denying the rewriting of Yahweh's future while Ichigo cut him down. Yes, Yahweh did not see the future of the Fullbringers , whose abilities are tied to the denial of reality (the present) and the past, since they are also part of the Soul King, like Mimihage .

Secondly, unlike Shinigami and Arrancar , whose abilities are tied to their personality and nature, manifested in Zanpakutō , Fullbringers' abilities are tied to the "souls of objects". This entails pros and cons.

On the downside, Fullbringer is dependent on the items it synchronizes with. If you break this item, Fullbring will disappear. If you lose your attachment to this item, that is, if the level of synchronization of the soul of Fullbringer and the item drops, Fullbring will also disappear. Shinigami and Arrancar have a basic form released, which cannot be lost. Shikai can be broken as much as you want, but it will be restored. Bankai is changeable, it adapts to a specific Shinigami . Developed Bankai can have several different, but related abilities. Yamamoto and Kyōraku have shown this.

On the plus side, the initial level for the ability to appear is much lower than the lieutenant level. The abilities, characteristics and features acquired by the item are acquired from Fullbringer and its soul, its spiritual energy feeds the item and gives it strength. However , the nature of the ability itself is acquired from the item itself. The same Yukio's game console or Shinigami ID Ichigo is shown this. However, the interpretation of the ability itself depends on the Fullbringer . Also, most Fullbrings have the ability to control or influence fundamental concepts and control the laws of reality within their ability: time, space, luck, reality. In part, it can be considered that "The Almighty" complex Fullbring , as it does the same thing as Book of the End and Shun Shun Rikka (shield of denial), only directed towards the future.

However, the main difference with Fullbringer is that there is no limit on how many items can be used. Synchronization of the Fullbringer's soul and the item can still occur in parallel, the main thing is that the Fullbringer itself has enough control to properly use the new Fullbring . However, even here there is a catch, it is extremely difficult to obtain the necessary attachment and synchronization after receiving it with another item. Life is very fleeting, a person rarely becomes strongly attached to several items at the same time.

But even here Sigmund can cheat.

Sigmund spent his entire second life trying to form an attachment with the Book of the End, almost 80 years of his life. And also almost his entire fourth life, he carefully kept the ring given to Orihime . Also almost 80 years.

And every time he looks at this ring, Sigmund remembers his past life.

It is no wonder that Sigmund has an incredible attachment to this ring, which led to the creation of the new Fullbring . The Ring of Link.

Of course, due to the fact that the item itself is quite young, the process of synchronization with the item has just begun, and therefore the Fullbring ability is basic, but it cannot be called weak in any sense.

In the current interpretation, the Ring of Link can link or separate objects. It doesn't sound very menacing or threatening, but it only seems so. In the event of any injury or loss of a limb, Sigmund can "link" the remaining pieces of the body and organs together to maintain life until further healing with the help of Kaido . Yes, this is an imitation of the Quincy's ability .

With "link separation", Sigmund can also break an object into particles, reishi or atoms. Yes, this is an imitation Sklaverai's Quincy and Power of Destruction of Rias .

It seemed like the universe had finally heard Sigmund's constant complaints about Ichigo simply wasting his potential.

Unfortunately or fortunately, no one has yet realized that Sigmund has a new Fullbring .

Sigmund also solved his question regarding the new magic system. Not a single user of True Magic stood still in the classical disciplines, they created something new, something of their own. As an example, the same Leonardo da Vinci, being a "genius in everything", never conquered True Magic, although it would seem that it was the best or one of the best in the huge list of magical disciplines that existed at all, but ... No, it is limited by the conditions and "Common Sense" of its time.

Yes, Sigmund believes that it is "common sense" that limits the potential of magicians. The same Emiya Shirou, with a distorted perception of the world, completely cut off from magical practice and even the world of magic itself, managed to do the impossible . He performed feats that went beyond common sense. Yes, later it was explained in a very convenient way, it's all the source and the element is so special, all that stuff. But this does not change the fact that he deceived the world with his "illusion" and forced it to use its own energy reserves to release broken phantasms . If such a third-rate magician as Shirou with his magical potential of 270 units managed to shoot phantasms capable of destroying most of the city, then what could a first-class magician of the Tohsaka level do? Rin with 1000 magical potential?

Destroy Fuyuki with one attack ?

No, this is where Common Sense comes into play, limiting the power of magic.

However, it is important to Sigmund that his magical system be powerful, practical and stable at the same time. This magical system must be fueled by faith. Without faith, no magical system will be stable, and without stability, it is useless.

And this is exactly what Sigmund and Alice are doing now.

- So, what did you come up with with your magic system? Do you really still want to develop it?

Alice understood little of her son's aspirations for the Origin and True Magic. Yes, for any mage this aspiration is normal, after all, any mage is first and foremost a researcher. Even Alice herself, for the first 18 years, passionately desired to achieve True Magic, but then she matured and realized that it was impossible.

For the Kronshteyn family, the desire to reach the source seems somewhat alien. Here, the mages live primarily for themselves.

Alice is worried that he won't be able to fit into the family either.

Sigmund did not know what his mother was thinking, and so he answered quite cheerfully.

- Yes! I even managed to develop the basis on which my system will be based!

- Okay, let's start with something simple. What will your magic system be based on?

- On science!

Such a quick, clear, but at the same time simple answer confused Alice. The very idea of combining modern science and magic in her mind is taboo and even more perverted .


- You do understand that the more science knows about a phenomenon, the weaker the mystery behind it? In this way, you weaken all the magic you have created in advance.

- On the contrary, I will only strengthen it! Think about it, the holy sacraments are not magic as such, they use rituals to control the energy of faith that comes from all people who believe in monotheistic religions. All believers in Christianity, Islam and Judaism! The stronger the faith of a church member, the stronger he will become in the end. This is what causes the strongest members to be fanatics. Such a magical system can give power even to a non-magician. You said it yourself.

Sigmund didn't even have to pretend to be a child who wanted to tell his parents "something cool" that would later be praised. His body did it for him, creating a cocktail of hormones.

Alice listened attentively to her son, who repeated her lecture on the main factions of the world. This feature of the Holy Church greatly scares off mages, this is generally the main reason why ordinary mages do not want to interact with the Holy Church and priests in particular. For most of history, for the Holy Church, any mage was a heretic who should be burned at the stake or in some other very sophisticated way.

Some of their actions even became some kind of caricature jokes. Alice heard many of them even in Tula.

"The people in the south are good, even the priest looks like a decent man ."

"The two scourges of Spain: bulls and priests ."

"A priest is a man who speculates in tickets at the entrance to heaven ."

"It is easier to dissolve a hundred marriages than to separate one priest from his maid ."

"In religion everything is true except sermons, and everything is full of goodness except priests ."

And these are just quotes from ordinary people that Alice remembers. But for any magician, including Alice herself, powerful priests are fanatics who are not shameful to bury somewhere in the woods.

- Okay, you said everything correctly. However, so what?

- But we are now living in the era of people, there is no point in holding on to old standards in areas that are already morally obsolete. Humanity has long shown that it can actually achieve much more than a small group of old-school magicians. In this case, we are creating a modern magical system that will be based on the laws of physics. Science is already the religion of our time. Most phenomena can be explained with the help of science. Therefore, faith in these phenomena is absolute, there is no room for any delusion (ignorance), which can weaken the faith and power of the magical system. Roughly speaking, we are now simply recreating an analogue of the Holy Sacraments, only on Magic and science, and not on Miracles and God. The population of the planet is 5.8 BILLION! 95% of them sincerely believe that science can do absolutely everything! And all of them will also be a source of power for magic.

Alice went over everything Sigmund had just told her in her head. And now it seemed… Logical? She felt that it was all wrong, but she couldn't understand why. More precisely, she understood why, it was just heresy, but she couldn't say why. Alice sat her son on her lap. She needed a good hug pillow to calm her down.

- Okay, fine. I get it, you really did a great job looking at this process. But how are you going to compose the spells? To create spells of this type, you need to know quite a lot and understand physics.

Sigmund simply brushed it off.

- Alchemy also requires a good knowledge of physics. And to create a spell, you need to create a magic activation sequence. Spells are similar to the steps of a document of circulation: the act of application, the act of acceptance, the act of consideration, and the act of issuance. The act of application is the creation of a magic activation sequence. The act of acceptance is the flow of magic through my magic circuits. The act of consideration will be the transmission of the magic activation sequence through my magic circuits into the information dimension, directly into Akasha . The act of issuance will be the execution of the magic activation sequence at the expense of my mana .

Alice noticed that after each phrase of Sigmund, her head hurt more and more, she did not know why.

- Okay, that also looks plausible, but the question remains about the power of the spell itself? And did I hear right, or did you just talk about the Great Rituals?

- In this magic system, each spell will be a Great Ritual, and the price for an equal exchange will be people's faith in science. But unlike other Great Rituals that try to do the impossible, like the Holy Grail War, summoning already dead heroes, the spells of my magic system will not be something unnatural, and therefore the world will not reject them.

Alice tried once more to find a flaw in Sigmund's logic. However, she could not find it on the second, fifth or tenth attempt. It would seem that Sigmund had thought through all possible nuances, covering the absolute majority of the needs of modern magicians with just one magic system. The potential of this system is almost greater than the potential of all humanity. The only thing that this system does not cover is ghosts, souls and everything connected with them, taking Akasha for the "information dimension".

Purely theoretically, most alchemy, with the exception of energy accumulation and the creation of homunculi, will simply be unnecessary. And it is not a fact that the listed ones will remain and will not be replaced by magic batteries and clones.

The potential of this system is virtually limitless.

However, Sigmund has been very careful and thorough in avoiding any possibility of his magical system touching souls. After all, he does not want his world to become a copy of the Moon Cage.

- Okay, let's test in practice how effective your magic system is.

Alice put Sigmund down and started to get up with a sigh. The potential of this magic system was too tempting to ignore. In Alice's memory, this was not the first magic system created, there were others, but they were unstable. If it weren't for the peculiarities of this system, Alice would not even look at it a second time. However, unlike other systems, here each spell is a Great Ritual, whether you want it or not, you need preparation and protective measures.

Leaving a self-confident, albeit brilliant, child taking a step into the abyss is the height of irresponsibility.

Alice will make sure that Sigmund remains safe. And even if this system consumes a huge amount of magic, there are gems, Sigmund has huge personal reserves, and there is the Magic Cross, which produces 40,000 magic in numerical equivalent. Alice does not know rituals that require such a large expenditure of magic. The Holy Grail War does not count.

Alice and Sigmund walked out into the backyard. Their mansion was quite far from civilization, literally in the wilderness, which allowed them to conduct most of their "self-defense practice" outdoors. The backyard was a large, open, flat area, bordered by free-growing trees. A fairly large river flowed nearby. After all, they were in the Altai taiga.

- So what spell do you want to use?

This was the most important question that interested Alice, since subsequent protective precautions depended on it.

- Magic of movement, I just want to give some object acceleration. A transfer of energy from one state to another. Now magical energy into kinetic.

Alice nodded, as it was not something complicated, just ordinary physics, not violating any fundamental laws. It could even be considered a branch of alchemy "flow", which Sigmund himself was familiar with. The protection in case of anything would be simple, an ordinary barrier, which Alice had been using for a long time. Taking out a small amber stone from her pocket, approximately the size of a finger phalanx, she gave it to Sigmund.

- Use amber as a precaution. If something goes wrong with the ritual, you'll be fine. There's a big rock near the river, it weighs about 2 tons. With classical magic, it can be moved about a hundred meters.

- Oh… Okay.

Alice didn't miss the look of surprise on her son's face. He hadn't thought to use a medium for the ritual, which only confirmed the necessity of her presence. She quickly drew a couple of runes in the air. It wasn't difficult for her, but even this technique took her at least 3 years to learn .

Sigmund quickly created a magic activation sequence, then used the magic in the amber as fuel, and then threw it towards the stone. A second later, the sound of amber cracking was heard, followed by a loud explosion.

The shockwave crashed into the barrier, harmlessly knocking out some of the mansion's windows. Despite Alice and Sigmund's precautions, their ears were still hurting badly from the blast.

- Amazing...

Alice was shocked. She knew that different magicians would have different effectiveness even with the same spell, nothing could be done about it, but what she saw now … Shocked her.

A huge stone block weighing two tons broke the sound barrier, after which it flew almost three hundred meters.

Three hundred meters, overcoming air resistance and "variable resistance" in the form of huge trees. Four trees were torn to shreds and knocked to the ground. The stone, as expected, broke into pieces, but continued flying towards the forest, where it crashed into other trees or the ground.

The spell proved to be remarkably effective.

- Wow …

- Yeah, wow …

Zig and Alice were equally surprised by the spell's effectiveness. It was exaggeratedly powerful ... If you don't take into account the power of all of humanity, and the fact that a stone slightly larger in size could damage quite powerful servants.

A minute later, Elena ran up to them in a tracksuit.

- Alice, what's going on here? I heard an explosion.

Elena was a combat mage, so she was preparing for the worst. She didn't rule out the possibility of mage killers or some crazy dead apostles attacking them. Angelica was already in Arthur's workshop, which was also one of the safest places in the mansion. In the event of a military confrontation, Elena's help would be invaluable.

- Just testing the spell.

Alice was still in shock, so she answered vaguely.

Elena immediately calmed down, although she was a little angry at Alice for not warning her about this in advance. Looking more closely to the side, Elena noticed that the destruction was quite significant.

- Isn't it a bit early to teach Zig such spells? He might hurt himself.

Elena's worries primarily concerned Zig himself, since even she knew enough curses that could harm her own health.

Hearing Elena's question, Alice finally came to her senses. She rarely became confused, the last time was when she learned about Zig's Magic Potential.

- No, Zig came up with a rather interesting magic system, and that's why I came to help test it. He created his system based on science.

For three whole seconds, Elena tried to imagine what Alice had said. She couldn't.

- What heresy?

- As you can see, heresy is quite effective. He just accelerated a two-ton stone with amber.

Elena wanted to object, but then she remembered that Alice didn't like to exaggerate, joke, or even praise her son too much, so she believed her. And the huge trench added weight to the words.

- It could have been a system error. New magic systems are unstable in terms of the output.

- That's why we need more tests. What spell will you use next?

Zig thought for a moment and looked around. He didn't want to ruin the view of his backyard, but he still needed to collect statistics.

- The magic of weight and movement. I will reduce the weight of an object and throw it at an angle to the horizon.

- Good choice. There's a stone over there that's a little smaller. It weighs about a ton. Throw it away from us.

Sigmund did so. Another explosion was heard, but a moment later the three could see a stone flying straight into the sky.

- I counted two blows...

- And I counted three ... So, three mach...

Alice and Elena were still surprised by such an amazing magic of movement.

- This means that this stone will rise to a height of… 26.5 kilometers.

- I reduced its weight by half, so it should rise higher by the same two times...

- 53 kilometers ... Does that mean you threw this stone out of the stratosphere?

- Maybe.

Sigmund was also very impressed with the results. He would have agreed to much more modest results, but this is even better.

Elena began to be afraid of Sigmund, because ... How could it be otherwise?! Yes, an experienced battle mage could strengthen himself to a state in which deflecting bullets is not a problem, but mages do not become faster than a bullet. A good burst from a machine gun will still be quite painful for a mage, but not fatal.

But what if such a stone flies at the magician?

Unless the mage is an amateur or some trash who is unable to properly strengthen himself, he will simply receive severe injuries, but survive.

However... What happens if Zig "throws" something lighter ? For example, a steel rod weighing 60 grams? A 10 mm thick and 1 meter long reinforcement weighs 0.6 kg.

Since the pin will not have a stabilizing rotation, it will most likely have time to tilt a little, transferring more energy to the target.

Will the mage be able to survive such a hit?

If it hits glancing, then yes, if it hits a limb, then it will be torn off. If it hits the torso... The mage will die if he doesn't get immediate medical attention.


- With such a spell, magicians no longer pose a danger to you.

Alice knew the main monstrous power of this spell. But Elena did not.

- Well , it's a magical effect, the magic chains will simply interrupt the spell and that's it. That's why we use mainly physical attacks.

Elena did not forget to remind Alice and Sigmund of this rule.

- These spells directly address the world, the Akasha , and therefore are great rituals ... Not a single magician is able to interrupt such a spell.

And then the realization hit Elena. She quickly did some mental calculations, and then realized that after casting the spell, an object weighing 70 kilograms would have a speed of about Mach 10.

This is already a lot, but this is not the worst thing.

The worst thing is that, if we take into account that this acceleration took place in 1 second, which is much less than practice, then the overload will be approximately 350 g.

It is important to note that a trained fighter pilot loses consciousness starting from 10 g, a strengthened mage can withstand 15 g at best. And here he will receive 350 g.

They say gravity is a heartless bitch, but it's not gravity that kills, it's acceleration and ground reaction.

An ordinary mage, even if he manages to use the reinforcement, will be torn to pieces due to such a monstrous overload. He will lose consciousness, after which the reinforcement will turn off, and the internal organs experiencing such overloads will simply be torn to shreds, if not turned into a pancake, not to mention what will happen at the end when the mage's body meets a solid object.

It was at this moment that Elena began to fear Sigmund.

- Zig…

- Yes, Aunt Elena?

- Promise me that you won't use such spells in public. And don't use them against the family.

- I promise I won't use these spells unless absolutely necessary. And I won't use them against the family.

- Thank you, Zig, you calmed me down.

And while Zig and Elena were talking to each other, Alice finally came to her senses. She tried to force herself to ask Zigmnud to continue the tests. She still had a lot of amber left, and they hadn't conducted tests with direct control of the spell, but Alice had almost no moral strength left.

- Okay, Zig, let's continue the tests tomorrow. Your system turned out to be too effective. We'll just have time to check how much its effectiveness has changed after a long period of inactivity. Go get some rest.

- Okay. Will you and your aunt stay here or will you go on vacation too?

- We'll be there soon, don't worry. Let's just get some fresh air and then go in.

Zig didn't worry about it, so he went to his room.

Alice and Elena waited until he was out of sight, then looked at each other.

- What is the potential of this system?

Elena in this case, immediately after Sieg's well-being, was concerned about the benefits they could get by developing this system. Sieg showed good potential as a researcher, if the potential of the system was limited to only movement magic, then although it was effective, it was not productive in the long run. Getting new ways to use alchemy or optimizing old ones to get more benefits for the family in the future is more productive than "one-hit magic".

- Potentially everything that science is capable of. This is any magic except holy sacraments, homunculi and the magic of precious stones.

Alice understood this too, although she knew that it would completely cut Zig off from the rest of the world. It was unlikely that he would be allowed to leave the family's influence. A marriage of convenience without supernatural benefits, such as the support of a large faction from the Clock Tower, was out of the question ... Unless Zig himself was going to gather a harem for himself or was at least neutral about it.

- This system needs to be developed, it will help our family.

- It is necessary, but only under strict supervision and control. Elena, will you help with this?

- Of course, Angelica will soon leave for the clock tower anyway. We'll take turns looking after Zig.

One of the reasons Alice was able to get Angelica to study at the Clock Tower is because of the family's desire to find partners. And Angelica's desire to see the world.

- Thank you... You are a real friend.


[2 OD awarded. The total score is 200 OD.]

Today is the day X, the day when Sigmund will once again have to cross the border between two worlds.

Zig doesn't want to admit it, but he's feeling a little nervous right now . Yes, he's often crossed the borders of the three worlds, sparred with the captains, Grimmjow , Tia , and Nell , and helped rebuild Las Noches for all the Arrancar , creating a version of the Seireitei in Hueco. Mundo , since after the Battle with Yahweh, the balance of the three worlds was completely broken. Of the captains, barely a third of the composition remained, the Gotei 13 as a structure effectively ceased to exist, and maintaining the balance of the three worlds was still necessary. As a result, Urahara and Mayuri were busy restoring the soul society, and Sieg was recreating Lass Noches along with the machine for creating Arrancars without using the Hogyoku .

Was it dangerous for the Gotei 13?

Yes, it was dangerous.

Was the Council 46 against it ?

He was truly furious at such arbitrary action.

there anything Gotei could have done to stop Sieg?

Yes, Gotei could send captains after him, but in that case Gotei would be completely destroyed. Siegmund was the strongest being back then, who could use any Kidō and counter any ability by using his Fullbring just once . Any strategy against him is powerless, since he will know all of its subtleties. Both Mayuri and Urahara were no threat to him in battle. Sieg could tear their heads off simply because of the difference in speed. Kyōraku without his Bankai is defenseless against him, for the same reason. And even with his Bankai , he is no match for him, since he can deal fatal blows to Kyōraku by changing his own structure after being wounded, waiting for Kyōraku to die . Not to mention Kidō , which destroys a target with its own Reiatsu , or destroys the thread that binds the targets together. Unohana , although dangerous , is also slower than him. Sieg could well afford to play cat and mouse with them, killing the rest of the captains and officers.

Well, and to use Sigmund's loved ones as hostages...

This was the stupidest idea, as Soul Society was guaranteed to have an enemy who was aiming to destroy Soul Society completely. In this scenario, cooperation between Sigmund and Aizen is not excluded .

Actually, that's why Aizen couldn't be used against Sieg, Siegmund could simply unseal Sousuke with his Fullbring .

Ichigo also couldn't be used against him, since he's a blockhead , he could easily take Sieg's side, since he didn't do anything that would threaten the world.

So the Gotei 13 could only bite their nails as they watched the new Arrancar and Quincy live in Las Noches . Yes, the Quincy , having been freed from Yhwach's tyranny, were also caught in the cycle of reincarnation, and so they needed to maintain balance. In this case, they were getting rid of all the overly aggressive Hollow . Their powers came in handy after the massive wave of new souls appeared.

And fearing a new war that would finally destroy the soul society and the world itself, Gotei 13 began to cooperate with Las Noches .

However, several wars in a row could not help but leave their mark on the universe. Hell began to become unstable, and so, on the threshold of his death, Sigmund went to kill captains and the like in hell. Not long before this, Orihime died of old age, and their children were already adults, they did not visit them often, so ...

Sigmund had nothing to lose then.

Zig started jokingly saying that he was one of the few people who could say things like... "Let's go to Hell, there and back, for a 20 minute adventure"

The last path, the last overcoming of the boundaries of three worlds... The Gates of Hell could not help but leave their mark on Sigmund.

But that was in the past.

His day today was little different from the last. The entire morning and part of the afternoon was devoted solely to testing his new magical system.

Oscillation magic could destroy things in a large radius, create sound waves, or turn everything into an icy hell.

Concentration and dispersion magic could separate things depending on the wishes of the magician. Including breaking molecular and atomic bonds, although this was more expensive , but in the long term it could create a process of processing matter. Diffuse recombination mixed atoms and molecules in places, and also due to the imperfection of the spell caused friction, which led to an explosion, since organic matter turned into a flammable gas under high pressure and temperature with access to oxygen.

The magic of movement has not become weaker.

In general, Alice, Angelica and Elena left with a sore head, swollen cheeks and mouths, because they were tired of opening their mouths wide in amazement. And since everyone was morally tired, Sigmund would be left alone until the evening. Well, he was advised to correct the formulas of his spells, but not to use them. This played into Sigmund's hands.

Yes, Sigmund is worried that his journey might be delayed. He wants to believe that the chat is telling the truth, and time in his world will stop or something, but…

But doubts cannot leave Sigmund's heart.

A couple of times he even thought about giving up on this idea, after all, his new family is more important than some unknown girl or even guy. And in case of participation in the Holy Grail War, Sigmund is sure that he will be able to kill 90% of the heroic spirits on his own simply because of the colossal difference in speed.

Heroic Spirits in servant form are not very fast. The projectiles fired from the Gate of Babylon are 5 or 10 times faster than the sound. It is already difficult for ordinary servants to cope with this. Therefore, the speed of servants will not exceed double-digit mach values. Sigmund himself in spirit form was about 1000 mach. Yes, he was not limited by the laws of physics, because he is a Fullbringer , the physical body creates limitations, but even so, he will have high double-digit mach values. Therefore, he will simply cut them all.

Even strong servants with A or A+ rank speed are no problem for him.

Sure, there's Gilgamesh, but he's not a level 2-A at all. What kind of drug addict wrote this, not understanding that by "world" they mean universal laws or at least a planet, Sigmund doesn't understand.

Therefore, there is no threat to Sigmund.

This was the main argument for giving up everything and leaving it as is.

But then Sigmund realizes that he might be in the FGO timeline.

And Sigmund immediately realizes that he needs strong allies. There have been quite a few confrontations with Beasts in the FGO story. The confrontation with Tiamat is especially distinctive . Even in Beast form, and not in her true form, she is immortal. To eliminate her, you literally had to use a cheat code in the form of King Hassan. Without plot armor tens, if not hundreds of light years thick, Tiamat is impossible to defeat, even with Alaya's help.

And Sigmund knows from his own experience that the "Plot Armor", no matter how thick it may seem, is very fragile. An example is the war with Quincy and Mayuri . In all the battles that took place in the "canon", only Kamamura died in a good way , and the rest were saved with the help of the plot.

In practice?

Sigmund mentioned that in his world 2/3 of the Gotei 13 were destroyed, including lieutenants. Most of the Sternritter were killed by Sigmund and Unohana . Mayuri is also not such a genius genius as he was in canon. He did not even fight Szayelaporro , having created some drug that turned the Arrancar into a "superhuman". This is generally a very stupid plot move. In his world, there was no such crap. Mayuri fought Szayel for a long time , but in the end he was still killed by Sigmund and Orihime , because Fullbring cannot be canceled, it is a priority than other personal abilities of other races.

And with all this in mind, Sigmund believes that relying on the power of chat is a worthwhile risk.

Garganta opened in front of his face , into which Sigmund practically jumped, after which he ran to the place he needed. He was not going to use something as crazy as traveling through worlds, near his home. Sigmund got out on Devon Island, Canada. It was the largest uninhabited island in the world, and no one really needed it, where it was easy to hide your activity because of the snow.

[The administrator has selected the function of traveling between worlds. Whose world are you planning to go to? Select from the list below.]

[Gender equality advocate]

[ Sadistics dominatrix #1]

[Tragic Love Alabama]

[Cute Slime]

[Best target for rape]

[Pedobear's Wet Dream ]

[The Illogical Exhibitionist]

[World Selected [Tragic Love of Alabama]. Would you like to rename a world before visiting it?]

[Yes/ No ]

[During your journey, time will stop moving in your world.]

After this, Zig felt an incredible lightness throughout his entire body, while simultaneously seeing a blinding white light.

Hello to everyone who is reading this at all. I will be waiting for your rating and comments under each chapter. It doesn't matter what it will be, constructive criticism, various suggestions for improving the work, ideas for the further plot or simple wishes. I will be waiting for any comment or question. I don't mind just talking, you can suggest sites where you can find useful information. (Pages of thematic wiki)

And remember, this is only a translation, so there may be various spelling or other errors. You can correct me both in the chapter itself and in the comments.

Denis_Abstractcreators' thoughts
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