

Spider-Man raced through building after building heading towards the waterfront warehouse where the massive roar originated, he couldn't hear where it was but with his spidey senses going nuts he could definitely feel it!

He noticed one of the criminals from before down below running the opposite direction but he had no time for him at the moment!

"Spider-Man thought - I'm sure the police can mop them up before they cause any damage!"

He turned his head and continued towards the waterfront.

A few moments later he arrived at a ramshackle warehouse that looked like it was barely standing.


He can hear whatever creature is inside growling as if in pain!

"Spider-Man thought - I should set the field just in case..."

Spidey spends a few minutes webbing the area..


"Inside Williams head"

"System ai- user seems to be undergoing a transformation he isn't ready for..

The systems smooth robotic voice rang out

"System ai- user's mind has been placed in the system space as a final protective measure!"

William seemed to be floating in a void without end, crumbling ruins dotted the skies above and the void below!

"William- What the fuck is going on? Was it the water? It had to be right..?"

He thinks about moving in a direction and his perspective seemed to follow the motion.

"William- well I can move, that's something at least but it would be nice if I had some legs.."

He looks toward the distance and moves toward the nearest and largest nearby landmass.

As Will flew closer the landmass grew in his eyes til it seemed to grow roughly the size of a moon.

Will cautiously landed on the dark moon, he looked around but could see nothing.

William began to become mildly panicked, he had no idea what happened or what this place was...

"In the outside world"

Williams unconscious body started to pulse and soon dark hair began to form everywhere except for the chest region and soon his muscles began to shake and grow at an astounding and potentially dangerous way!


Williams ape like mouth opened and releases a thin but powerful beam that completely demolished the shack his body was originally in!

The beam holds it's form until it reached the fourty yard point as dissipated into nothing

A large silhouette kept from the ruins of the collapsed warehouse and proceeded to smash the nearby buildings with reckless abandon!

Rubble goes flying in any and every direction and Spider-Man is forced to dodge quickly.

Spider-Man performs a sideway spin over a large piece of concrete wall, he glanced at as it passes by his body.

"Spider-Man - I can use this!"

He says webbing the large piece of debris before beginning to spin mid air and use the spinning force to throw the debris back at the monster.


The monster took the debris to the head and tumbled through a fresh new building and slams into the far wall!

It was a direct hit!!

The monster seemed to collapse on the far wall and Spider-Man cautiously approached



A deep sense of foreboding swept over Spider-Man as he looks over his new opponent.

It appears to be a large ape..

"Spider-Man - But that's impossible"

He thinks

This ape is at least 3 times the size...

And those claws..

One swipe would be all it took to turn Spider-Man into a Spider-was..

The ape eyes flutter open before sharply focusing on Spider-Man

A light started forming between the teeth of the ape and before Spider-Man can completely react


A blast of pure energy.

Spider-Man takes a direct hit from the blast and went flying several feet in the air, luckily the webs he set up prior to the fight broke the fall!

The ape beats his massive chest as if taunting the spider that invaded his territory!




The ape cackled and charged firing a couple blasts of energy in Spider-Man's vicinity!

Sweat formed a river on Spider-Man's forehead as was forced to maneuver between the blast's but a clawed hand was reaching for the pesky spider!

Spider-Man yelped, but almost by instinct he wraps his hands around the massive forearm of the ape, planted his feet and YELLED!

"Spider-Man - Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

He throws the ape with a fierce momentum, accidentally tearing out a few strands of hair as the ape goes crashing through multiple floors!

The ground rumbles from the impact as the ape lands on its feet causing spiderweb cracks to appear on the asphalt, the ape almost seems to be grinning at Spider-Man.

"Spider-Man - Well I guess he is done monkeying around....."


"Meanwhile back in Williams system space he is entirely unaware of his current predicament as he is found to be in a meditative position"

"System ai - user has completely digested "Diluted ultra divine water"

"System ai - test will commence."

For some reason he regained a fully functional body.

The shadows on the small moon seemed to come alive as creatures of wriggling teeth and tentacles appear..

They lashed out creating makeshift blades wherever they please

William roared and lept into the masses

"William - these things don't seem to be very tough but there sure are a lot!"

He landed onto one of the bigger creatures with a spinning heel kick, He smashed it into dark mist.

before he could celebrate though a blade went through his shoulder and pressed him into the ground and soon his spiritual body was pierced his leg and his stomach.

Will coughed, he was sure if his spirit body could bleed he would have puked up quite a lot.

Wills vision goes dark and the system rings out .

"System ai - user has completed his test"

"System ai- diluted ultra divine water has unlocked bloodline from 10% to 30%"

"System ai- Diluted ultra divine water poisonous effects have unleashed your inner potential"

"System ai- Ki energy unlocked"

"System ai - releasing user from system space to protect main body"

Before William can ask what the system meant the world turned white, before suddenly turning deep red

"William - what's going on? Why is everything red?"

Wills ape eyes landed on a slightly wounded Spider-Man and he knew

Will tried to open his mouth to say something when Spider-Man webs his eyes.

Ahhhh - screamed will

By the time he tore off the webs Spider-Man was long gone

Will sighed...

"William - god my body hurts, feels like I fought a steamroller and lost!"

He was about to leave when the sounds of scraping metal and the sight of sparks caught his attention at the other end of the building.

A man In what appears to be a devil costume was standing there casually assembling his gear while William was busy collecting himself from the previous experience.

Wills red/yellow ape eyes squint!

"Will - who the hell is this clown?" He thought.

I'm introducing the system space with this chapter I hope you all enjoy

William_Conwellcreators' thoughts
Chapitre suivant