
Chapter 81: Maeve and Starlight

Manhattan, Times Square.

Near the launch device for the "Groundquake Machine," Jeff, clad in his "Dark Lord" armor, suddenly cursed.

"What the hell?!"

He had been linked with the Titan armor in the Empire State Building, so the intense flash Starlight generated in the hall impacted him even here, blinding him momentarily.

White light filled his vision.

Jeff immediately cut the link to the Titan armor, but it took several seconds before he regained his sight.

"I see now…!"

He shot into the sky, his armor radiating a faint glow as the energy nodes along it lit up. Without any thrusters, Jeff rose and sped toward the Empire State Building.

"So, all those cops and that Defense Secretary's negotiations were just a smokescreen?"

"A distraction to divide my attention so the superheroes could sneak in and take Arnold."

"No way am I letting that happen!"

Inside the Empire State Building.

As the flash of light filled the hall, Maeve burst through a wall, landing on the stage with such force that her feet left a trail several meters long before she came to a halt.

As the light dimmed, Jeff regained control of the "Savage Warrior" armor, which immediately charged at Maeve.

"Warrior" was a hulking, crimson suit with bull-like horns jutting from each shoulder.

It lowered its head, preparing to ram Maeve with one of those horns, aiming to hook and toss her.

Meanwhile, a sand-colored armor moved to Arnold's side—this was the "Unyielding Fortress," a specialized model with thick, reinforced armor and a massive shield nearly two meters tall. It raised the shield, creating an impenetrable barrier, and then lifted an anti-aircraft cannon, a weapon normally mounted on helicopters, with ease.

The other armors sprang into action.

Jeff reactivated the Titan armor, making Yuri leap from the stage and advance menacingly toward Starlight.

Back on stage, the Warrior armor bore down on Maeve.

With a fierce look, Maeve chose not to meet it head-on.

She caught one of the bullhorns, twisted her hips, hooked her leg around the armor, and, with a sharp shout, hurled the Warrior across the stage, sending it crashing into the massive screen.

Maeve then dashed toward Arnold, shielded by the Unyielding Fortress. As she sprinted, several "Wild Chariot" armors opened fire. Maeve dodged what she could, enduring the rest. But when the Fortress raised its cannon to unleash a spray of bullets, Maeve had to evade.

The power of those rounds far outmatched the smaller arms fire—taking a direct hit would send her reeling.

She weaved, ducked, and finally closed in on the Fortress.

Instead of ramming its shield, she leapt onto it, using it as a springboard to vault over the armor, landing right in front of Arnold.

The Fortress turned, shield raised to swat her away, but Maeve caught the shield, grinned, and, swinging from it like a pendulum, kicked both feet into the armor's chest.


Her kick sent a shockwave rippling across the armor, forcing the Fortress to release the shield as it slid back uncontrollably, toppling two Wild Chariot units in its path.

Maeve set the shield on the ground and, with a swift motion, lifted Arnold and tossed him onto it. Planting one foot on the shield, she stomped down hard, sending the shield sliding across the stage like a sled straight toward the door.

But before they could reach it, the wall beside the door exploded. A line of fire shot through the breach, blasting the wall to rubble and blocking their path.

Maeve quickly pulled Arnold to the ground, dodging as the fiery blast arced overhead. When the smoke cleared, the doorway was buried under heaps of debris.

Staring at the mound of rubble, Maeve knew she couldn't break through in time to outrun the approaching armors.

Thinking fast, she threw Arnold over her shoulder and sprinted toward a floor-to-ceiling window.

If Z valued the so-called "Zero" so much, he wouldn't risk killing Arnold. So, at this moment, Arnold was the perfect shield.

Her hunch was right—as she ran, the other armors followed without opening fire.

Maeve barreled through the window, and as Arnold let out a terrified scream, they plummeted into the open air outside the Empire State Building.

One by one, the armors lunged after them, leaping out like a herd of sheep blindly following the lead.

But Maeve wasn't suicidal. As they fell, she extended her arm, gripping the building's wall and tearing a long gouge through it, slowing their descent.

Back in the hall.

As the Titan armor approached her, Starlight's eyes blazed with light. With a fierce shout, she thrust both hands forward, releasing a surge of energy.

The light crashed into the Titan armor, blasting it backward.

Starlight took a quick look around. Seeing the other armors chasing after Maeve, she seized the opportunity and called out, "Everyone, this way! Head toward that wall!"

She pointed to the hole Maeve had smashed through, which led to the emergency stairwell.



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