
//17// It's time for me to save you

Both Arsenal and Ohana remained silent for more than ten minutes, his words made no sense to her, but she trusted him to do something spectacular as usual.

"It's time," Arsenal finally uttered as he heard someone unlocking the door to the prison on the other side.

"Stand by the side, and try not to scream."

"I'm not a baby," Ohana pouted with a folded arm.

"Don't be so sure," Arsenal uttered with a smirk, and as soon as the door was unlocked, two Agents walked into the room and Arsenal raised his hand in surrender, as if was willing to be captured.

"System, increase my strength by 1."

[ Increasing your strength by 1 will cost 10 Aether coins, do you wish to proceed with the purchase?]


[ You have increased your strength by 1. Coin left: 20 ]

The Agents who walked into the room were left speechless. Usually at this time, their prisoners were dead, ready to be carried out and burnt like the others who experienced it, however, these two were unharmed.

"Surprised?" Arsenal asked, and with a wink he swung into action, dragging both Agents into the room simultaneously and yelling at Ohana to close the door.

Terrified, Ohana quickly closed the door and watched in horror as Arsenal fought effortlessly against the Agents. Every punch from his fist caused the Agents to groan in pain and they had no chances against him, Except… Ohana.

Having seen that Arsenal was bent on saving Ohana, One of the agents rushed to grab her, and held a knife to her throat.

"Shit!" Arsenal cursed, as he dropped his collegues's unconscious bodies to the ground.

"If you move, she dies," The Agent threatened, and Arsenal just smiled and rolled back his eyes in disdain.

"Close your eyes Ohana," He ordered her, and Ohana did not hesitate. Her eyes were only shut for a minute, and while it was, it felt like a bloody war inside the room.

She was terrified, but tried not to yell. Even when the Agent was no longer holding onto her, Ohana stood in the same spot shivering in fear and hoping for the drama to end.

"Ah!" She gasped when she felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

"Relax, it's me." Arsenal uttered, before she opened her eyes to the bloody scene he had left behind,

"I'd have to change." He muttered, looking at the blood stains all over clothes.

"Honestly, their blood stinks."

"What are you?" Ohana asked him for a second time.

"Doesn't matter," He replied, picking up the key from the Agents uniform,

"What matters is to find a way out of the facility and not die in the process. I wonder, what if we put on the Agents uniform just to blend in?"

"They won't work." Ohana interjected,

"First of all It's covered in blood, thanks to you. And then it's not in our size, so it wouldn't fit."

"Even if it does fit, and we put it on, it'll be easy to spot us because the Agents communicate through signals transmitted to each other from their scales. We don't have that, so they'll know that something is wrong. Why am I telling you all this like you don't know already?" Ohana chuckled.

Arsenal smiled,

"It shows that you are smart, and hey! Good job not screaming. Now let's get out of here." Using the key, Arsenal unlocked the door and first looked around before signalling Ohana to come along with him.

Quietly and on their tiptoes, Arsenal and Ohana tried to navigate through the interconnected hallway that looked like a maze. Somehow it seemed like they were going in circles, because everywhere looked alike and there were no doors to indicate an entrance or exit.

"Man, well need a map to navigate through this damn place…

"Hush," Ohana muttered,

"I think I heard footsteps."

"Perfect," Arsenal retorted and Ohana stared at him in shock, she doesn't know how he takes advantage of what seems to be a dangerous situation.

"Come on," Arsenal said and took her by the hand but she quickly slapped it off because she felt slightly uncomfortable whenever he did that.

"Really?" Arsenal whispered.

"Stop acting like I'm flirting with you."

Following the sound of the footsteps, Arsenal moved on his tiptoes until he spotted an Agent walking away from them, and he thought it was a good idea to follow him slowly from behind.

"Are you out of your mind?" Whispered Ohana, and Arsenal's shoulders dropped in disappointment,

"What part of 'just trust me' does this girl not understand?" He wondered.

"Do you have any other plans on how to find your way out of here?"

"No, but…

"I thought as much."

"Now quit asking questions and just follow me. Try not to be loud."

With a deep breath, she followed Arsenal from behind on her tiptoes, as they kept a safe distance from the Agent. It took about three minutes for the Agent to walk through a door that appears to be an exit, so they both waited a while before going towards it.

"What do you think is on the other side of that door?" Asked Ohana, and Arsenal shrugged. Now he knew how important some basic skills were, like the ability to see through this door, but it would surely take him a long time to save up 150 Aether coins to unlock that skill.

"Only one way to find out," He replied, and took a deep breath before opening the door, only to see that it wasn't an exit but a balcony on the three hundredth floor.

What's even more surprising is that the Agent who has gone through this door was not on the balcony, almost as if he vanished.

"That is a long way down." Arsenal uttered as he looked over the balcony that had nothing to protect anyone from falling over the edge.

"It's time for me to save you then?" Ohana smiled as if she had been waiting for this moment to come.

"Huh?" Before Arsenal could say anything, Ohana pushed him off the edge for the balcony.

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