
Recall of Rime

[Name:] Dave


[Level:] 2

[EXP:] 0/100

[Skills:] Saturation, Appraisal, Ease of Learning, Persuasion, Seduction, Artistic Sense, Ice Affinity, Blood Factor

[Aliases:] Davy Frosty, Master of the Arts

[Debuffs:] Dysfunctional Right Hand, Weakness, Ease of Learning, Gayshit

[Achievements:] Valor of the Frail

I was besieged from all sides by the ravenous horde of Trolls.





The Trolls screamed fiercely as they approached me, clamoring at each other in a disorderly and macabre fashion to tear me apart.

I had my fists up and watched them with angry eyes, eager to bash each of their skulls in when suddenly, I heard the game speak.

[Skill: Blood Factor is active.]

The bones in my left arm which had been previously shattered, had been miraculously pieced together by Blood Factor.

The previous wounds that gave me grief, were all but gone, sealed by Blood Factor.

Blood Factor had also indirectly invigorated my mind and body through the heightened flow of blood, causing the haze in my mind to be lifted momentarily.

I paused for a moment and whispered, "Blood Factor...no Shemzu...thank you..."

Thank you for giving me a chance to fight.

I walked up to a stick on the ground and picked it up.

All the anger that I am feeling...I can extinguish it now...

Memories of my family and classmates flashed in my head.

The times we spent, the moments we shared, our times of laughter and moments of rime they all came to me.




The Trolls approached as the memories reached me.

Recollections of the moments I spent with Kansola flashed in my head; her smiles, her tears, her ups and downs.

They filled me with strength, courage and furthered fanned the flames of my rage.

Was anger not the source of power?

Was anger not the reason why I had defeated that accursed sea?

It definitely was.

My eyes flashed and my jaw tightened, I gripped the stick so hard, veins popped on my knuckles.

I can avenge Kansola and my classmates, I can avenge these bastards who hurt Vicki...

Feeling the insatiable thirst to shed blood well up in me, I looked up to the sky and chuckled,

I can finally release it all!


I screamed in fury, taunting the deathly-close horde before raising my stick and charging forward.

I will kill you all!


I let out a battle-cry as I shot forward.

The Trolls lunged at me, and I lunged at them in kind.



We clashed.

We fought.

We brawled.

The Trolls and I entered into a ruthless game of killing and I was winning, I was killing them!

I bashed them.

I smashed them.

I slaughtered them.

I killed them all!


I blinked, staring up at the night sky.

Why...why can't I feel my body?

[You are in critical condition.]

I laid on the ground in a pool of blood.

My left arm was crushed, broken completely and missing several fingers. My right arm was severed entirely, violently chewed off and seeping with blood. My left leg was broken and had several flesh chunks ripped out of it. My right leg shared the same fate with my right arm.

My torso was a grotesque work of art, filled with deep gashes, lacerations and claw marks. Some of my ribs were even protruding out of my flesh.

And as for my face...no my head...my left eye was simply carved out and I could barely see through my damaged right eye.

In other words, I was dying-no... I was already dead.

I had lost.


Without even killing a single one of those Tree Trolls.

They had ruthlessly brutalized and dehumanized me, destroying me utterly.

They broke my body, my mind and my spirit.

Disappearing after turning me into this harrowing mess.

I wonder why they didn't eat me...? Did I taste that bad...? Or...

...did they want to taste my pain...and not...my flesh...?

I lingered for a long time, remembering the Tree Trolls' strange and perverse behavior before closing my eye.

My bruised and battered body laid alone, surrounded by nothing but the indifferent world of...


Pain had long become second nature.

[You are in critical condition.]

The game's voice rung hollowly in my head, reminding me of my cruel predicament.

I can't feel my leg...

I thought, trying to sit up; a seemingly impossible task.

I recalled how I had felt before this fight.

I can't believe...that I was so stupid...I let anger get the best of me...

As I laid on the ground in death, I remembered Vicki's words.

"Am sorry, Dave..."

At that moment, I wanted to smile and say, "It's okay..."

I wanted to say...it's okay...?

[You are in critical condition.]

The game spoke again, and I coughed up blood.

'Am sorry, Dave...'...? What the fuck?!

I sacrificed my life for her...and she said...am sorry?


Am going to die because of a girl?!

I screamed inwardly, blind rage began to creep up my mind.

Why didn't she take my place instead?! Why didn't she use that stupid thing to save me?! Why?!


[You are in critical condition.]

I let out another pained cough filled with blood.

She...caused my death...

Vicki...killed me...

Even though I knew certainly that that wasn't the case.

Even though I knew that she couldn't have done anything to save me.

I still cursed her for leaving me behind.

The cruel form of my death filled me with so much loathing, so much hatred and being in such a despicable state, I had no one to blame other than the last person I saw.


Even though I was the one who volunteered to stay behind so she can escape, I still loathed her.

Emotions and Logic rarely come to terms when it comes to human beings.

[You are in critical condition.]


I coughed once again, spewing forth more blood.

My heart was growing slow, and breathing was growing much more difficult.

Blood Factor had prolonged me for as long as it could but now it was time to let go.

Memories of my life flashed within my head as I felt my consciousness vanishing and the world going black.

Death...it feels so cold...

With that I went out, my heart frigid by a bitter memory of ice.

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