
chapter 70

Draconica looked up from her spot on the sofa as Harry returned to their suite. "So, did they actually reveal what the Third Task will be?" she asked, clearly eager for any details. "They've been unusually tight-lipped until now. Even Hagrid has managed to keep his mouth shut." It was true; Hagrid had shared little about the upcoming Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament, aside from hinting that some of his "little pets" would somehow be involved.


"Yeah, they did," Harry confirmed. "It's going to be a maze, filled with creatures and magical traps designed to slow down the champions. I just hope nothing too dangerous is lurking in there..." Draconica nodded in agreement; given Hagrid's definition of 'cute,' there was a good chance a deadly creature like an acromantula could be hiding around a corner.


"Anything else?" she probed, wanting more specifics about her partner's daunting challenge that was just a month away.


Harry settled beside her. "Well, according to what they've said, the champions will only meet in the very center of the maze, where the Goblet of Fire will be placed. The first one to touch it wins the task and the tournament. There will also be locked gates scattered throughout the maze that can be opened with orbs similar to the one I got in the Second Task."


Draconica nestled against him, contemplating. "Do you think it's possible to map out the maze beforehand? That would be a considerable advantage."


"Unless we somehow get access to a Pensieve, I doubt it," he replied, wrapping his arm around her to pull her closer. "We didn't have much time to study the maze, and with the wards currently in place, sneaking in is nearly impossible. Plus, it might be enchanted to change over time..."


"Ow," Draconica pouted. She wanted her husband to succeed, and a little strategic edge would be appreciated in this twisted tournament. After a brief silence, she asked, "So, how do you plan to prepare for the task?"


Harry thought for a moment before answering. "I'll need to practice my four-point spell and other navigation spells. As for the magical traps they might put in the maze... I think sticking to the most basic counters and defensive spells is the way to go. The creatures are more limited, so researching how to deal with them should be manageable. Still, I can't shake the feeling that those blast-ended skrewts Hagrid has been raising will play a part in this."


"Yeah, you're probably right," Draconica agreed. "Why else would he be breeding such creatures?"


"They seem pretty resistant to spells," Harry noted. "I'll definitely need to find their weaknesses before facing any in the maze."


"I'll see what I can dig up on those," she said, a playful smile crossing her lips, "though I can't promise that I'll find anything truly useful." Harry chuckled at her playful tone.


"Of course, of course, love." He leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. "Now that the sun is still shining, why don't we head to the library?"


Draconica pushed herself away slightly to contemplate, then immediately leaned back against him. "Nope, don't want to leave. I'm too comfortable..." she murmured, snuggling closer, prompting Harry to exhale a resigned sigh at her antics.




Just days later, a new complication arose for the young lord and lady Slytherin. A report from the goblins—Harry had hired them to scan his incoming mail—revealed a disturbing trend. A group of house-witches had decided that their marriage was nothing more than a means for Harry to enslave Draconica, to use her as he wished. The goblins intercepted several hateful letters, many of which included nasty surprises—ranging from bubotuber pus to low-level curses.


This was clearly not a random attack; the sheer volume of the letters suggested a coordinated effort. Someone was manipulating the public sentiment through some of the yellow press, and countering these rumors would be a significant challenge, even with the L Bridgets mobilizing to help rectify the situation.


Lunch only compounded the issue. As whispers permeated the corridors and students cast pitying glances at Draconica while others shot daggers at Harry with their glares, the tension was palpable. No one had yet dared to confront him directly, but the atmosphere was charged with hostility.


The situation escalated in the evening when a group of Aurors, led by Kingsley Shacklebolt, entered the Great Hall and demanded that the Slytherin couple submit to a thorough examination by Auror healers and Unspeakables. Surprisingly, despite the rumors swirling around them, Harry and Draconica agreed without hesitation—though Harry insisted on having his barrister present, along with a Hogwarts professor as a precaution.


After some discussion, Professor Pomona Sprout agreed to serve as the professor present for the examination. With these arrangements in place, the couple was escorted to the hospital wing by the Aurors and Unspeakables, where they awaited the arrival of Ms. L Bridget. Violet was quick to respond to their summons, arriving in less than half an hour, ready to assist.


The examination lasted well over an hour, but ultimately yielded no evidence of any wrongdoing: just the presence of a strong contraceptive potion in Draconica's system and some residual signs of their intimacy from two nights prior. Both Auror healers and Unspeakables found no traces of mind-control substances or enchantments on either of them.


Ultimately, the Ministry delegation was compelled to conclude that the rumors they were investigating were nothing more than baseless libel. Kingsley Shacklebolt offered an official apology and provided the couple with a certified copy of the examination results, as Harry intended to use these to refute the toxic rumors circulating in the tabloids by making an official statement to the 'Daily Prophet', which carried much more credibility than the other rags.




Meanwhile, Lucius Malfoy was seething with frustration. His scheme to destroy Potter had initially appeared promising, but the interference from the DMLE had stymied his plans almost entirely. Curse it all!


His strategy had begun so well with Rita Skeeter willingly penning a slew of damaging articles about Harry. Ultimately, though, the chief editor of the 'Daily Prophet' had refused to publish anything negative without verification. Lucius was consequently forced to sell the stories to lesser publications, popular among housewives—no way to reach his original audience, but he believed that an outraged public could still be a formidable force.


Yet, with the DMLE now involved, Harry had a legitimate defense against all the lies being spread about him. Lucius grimaced; it seemed Potter had won this round, but the war was just beginning. A pure-blood like himself would ultimately prevail, cleansing the world of half-bloods and blood traitors.


Simultaneously, Lucius noted the darkening of the Dark Mark on his arm. With each passing day, it grew more pronounced, a sure sign of Voldemort's increasing power. Conflicted, he worried about the implications of the Dark Lord's return. Once, Lucius had been a willing servant, but the freedom he had tasted as a self-made man rendered him unwilling to return to subservience.


Yet, he knew the return of Voldemort posed a grave threat. Potter's days were numbered, and soon following him would be all those deemed unworthy of pure blood.




The final Hogsmeade weekend of the school year fell during the first weekend of May. On that day, a disguised man took advantage of the students' preoccupation to slip away from the bustling crowds to visit his master.


"Junior, what brings you to this dark lair, my faithful servant?" Voldemort, still trapped in his grotesque homunculus form, inquired as Barty Crouch Jr., disguised as Alastor Moody, entered the guestroom of the Riddle mansion.


"My Lord, I have heard of your plight caused by Potter. No matter what that brat may claim, you are the true heir of Salazar Slytherin," Junior asserted, bowing deeply. After a pause, he added, "I never had the courage to ask while under Dumbledore's watch, but do you wish for me to eliminate Potter's girl while you deal with that mudblood's son?"


Voldemort shifted in his seat, his gaze fixed on his servant. "Indeed, Lucius's daughter poses a considerable threat to my return. Eliminate her permanently before you deal with Potter."


"How would you like me to accomplish that, my Lord?" Junior inquired, taking a gulp from his flask of potion.


"I'll need Potter alive for a while after we bring him here at the end of the Third Task. You will have at least fifteen minutes to find and eliminate her without being seen. You're a valuable asset, and I'd prefer not to lose you yet. Make sure to separate her from her allies," Voldemort instructed.


"Of course, my Lord. I shall not fail you." Junior reiterated before expressing his desire to return to Hogwarts before anyone noticed his absence.


"Yes, we must proceed with caution to avoid drawing Dumbledore's attention. Though he is aged and foolish, I would rather not have him meddling in my affairs." Junior bowed deeply before making his exit.




Days later, a seemingly mundane lunch at the Slytherin table took a turn as Harry's gaze fell upon Professor Moody at the staff table.


"Hm..." The green-eyed teen murmured, noting how Moody gulped from his flask before resuming his meal.


"What is it, Harry?" Draconica asked, intrigued by her husband's sudden interest. Hogwarts had grown accustomed to Moody's eccentric drinking habits, so nothing seemed out of the ordinary.


"Doesn't he always drink from that flask during meals?" Harry pondered aloud. Both Draconica and Young Astoria looked on, curious about his line of thought. "But doesn't it strike you as odd he seems to do this almost at the same time every day?"


"Is that strange?" Draconica asked, though she began to share his concern. "He did take a drink during our DADA lesson earlier."


"And that was not long before lunch," he noted, continuing to piece together the puzzle. "It's odd, don't you think? I can't see someone consuming fire-whiskey every hour for months. It must be some kind of potion."


Draconica began to understand Harry's worry; this was more than just a peculiar habit. "But if it isn't a healing potion, then what is it?"


"I can think of a few ideas I hope are wrong..." he said, serious once more. "For now, 'Nica, please stay vigilant. If you see Moody or anyone else acting suspiciously, just stun them. I can't lose you." He squeezed her hand discreetly under the table.


"I will, Harry. You stay alert too. I want to make sure you come back to me," she replied, her voice firm. With a playful smile, she added, "I still have plans for you." Harry responded with a grin.


"Of course, as my lady desires." Shifting his focus back to Astoria, he warned, "Same goes for you, Tori. Be careful and defend yourself if you think you're in danger." The younger witch nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of their situation.

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