
chapter 55

The final week of September flew by for the young Potter, leaving him almost no free time amidst his classes, self-study, and Quidditch practices, where he was training the new Seeker, Arnold. Despite Ron's incessant complaints and accusations, Dumbledore remained unhelpful in securing Ron a spot on the team through less-than-honorable means.


This only worsened Ron's mood, as he blamed Harry and the rest of the team for various "crimes" ranging from favoritism to conspiring with the cunning Slytherins. However, only a few naive Gryffindors rallied behind Ron, while many others who witnessed his mediocre tryout performance doubted his claims. Consequently, Harry found himself lacking the support to counter Ron's feeble attempts at character assassination.


Meanwhile, while Gryffindor had the first opportunity to practice on the pitch this year, the advantage was minimal. Once the other houses realized they weren't banned from training due to the Triwizard Tournament, they began reserving slots for themselves. Fortunately for Gryffindor, most teams faced the same issue of losing experienced players to graduation.


To be truthful, Quidditch was not at the forefront of Harry's mind anymore. While he still hoped for a Gryffindor victory, other matters took precedence, especially concerning Draconica, his Slytherin friend. Despite her insistence that she didn't need help, Harry sensed her growing anxiety as the day approached for the signing of a new contract that could compromise her freedom.


Upon further reflection, Harry recognized that his initial plan to secure the winning bid for her hand was nearly impossible. Utilizing the Potter name would result in a disqualification due to the opposing political affiliations of the Potters and Malfoys. Additionally, openly claiming the title of Lord Slytherin would attract attention from those linked to the Death Eaters. Perhaps it was time to consider more unconventional methods.


During his summer travels, Harry had encountered a variety of spells either unknown or not commonly practiced in Great Britain. Among these was a charm known in Asia as "recall me not," which, when affixed to any item—even a simple written word—rendered it nearly impossible for anyone to consciously recall it. Naturally, employing such a charm on legal documents would be illegal in places where it was known, but magical Britain was blissfully unaware of its existence...


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Midway through October's second week, Draconica received an unsettling letter from her father. Typically, he provided her with all pertinent details, but this time, it seemed as if he were under the influence of a Confundus Charm. How could he forget the identity of the man he intended for her to marry in a letter meant to inform her of this very match?


The letter revealed that she was to wed some obnoxious fellow named Hadrian, who supposedly hailed from "a house of good standing." The absence of the family name troubled her, and being raised as a Black, she had studied the family trees of significant magical families and could not place anyone named Hadrian among the living.


Was her father considering marrying her off to some foreigner? This was plausible, as news of her previous fiancé's fate might not have reached places beyond magical Britain. She recalled her aunt Andromeda's example but quickly discarded the thought of escape for the moment. Draconica knew it was unwise to jump to conclusions and reasoned that if a sinister plan were afoot, she could always flee later...


Naturally, Draconica confided in her two closest friends, Daphne and Tracey, both of whom advised her to refrain from any action until she gathered more information about this Hadrian.


~/ *** \~


On Sunday, October 23rd, excitement buzzed through the common rooms of all four houses, as notifications announced that delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang would arrive the following week. Speculation ran rampant, with students sharing outlandish theories about the newcomers and their arrival at Hogwarts. The upcoming tournament was another hot topic, with everyone guessing who might represent Hogwarts and the challenges that lay ahead.


As the excitement built, the Hogwarts staff joined Filch and the house-elves in preparing the castle for the visitors. Harry noted how immaculate the castle looked; the suits of armor gleamed, moving without a squeak, and forbidding portraits bore polished frames, much to their evident annoyance.


A day before the delegations were to arrive, the Great Hall was adorned with colossal banners representing each Hogwarts house, and an even larger one displayed the Hogwarts crest above the professors' table. Though the table remained unexpanded for the moment, Harry suspected it would soon be enlarged to accommodate Beauxbatons and Durmstrang officials.


The next Sunday unfolded just like any typical weekend until the anticipation for the delegations' arrival overtook the atmosphere. All students were instructed to line up in front of the castle fifteen minutes prior to the delegates' arrival. While this might have seemed reasonable earlier in the semester, the administration had conveniently forgotten that it was late October, and the Scottish evenings grew increasingly chilly. Even cloaks fell short of providing adequate warmth for standing still.


At 4:30 PM—an hour and a half before the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang delegations were scheduled to arrive—Professor McGonagall entered the Gryffindor tower, wearing her dress robes. She warned everyone of impending detentions if they didn't comply, insisting they change into their uniforms and cloaks. After inspecting them, she chided several students, including Ron, for presenting less than pristine robes.


Once the head of Gryffindor was satisfied, she led them to the front door of Hogwarts, where students from Hufflepuff and Slytherin had already gathered. Ravenclaw arrived moments later, and as soon as they were assembled, Dumbledore himself stepped forward to lead them outside to a makeshift platform of seven rows.


The first years filled the front row, the second years lined up behind them, and so forth. Fortunately, the ascending rows ensured everyone had a decent view of the Black Lake and the glade across from it. The professors conducted final checks, adjusting their students' appearances, before standing in front of them in anticipation. Then they waited...


Minutes ticked by in silence, and impatience began to surface as the cold settled in, but students were not permitted to speak or fidget under the watchful eyes of the professors.


Suddenly, Dumbledore's voice broke the stillness. "Aha! Unless I am mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!" He pointed toward the horizon. Students followed his gaze, spotting a massive shape materializing from the Forbidden Forest. As it drew closer, they realized it was a colossal carriage, soaring through the air, pulled by a dozen abraxans, each as grand as an elephant.


The pale-blue carriage adorned with the Beauxbaton crest performed a grand circle before landing with a thud on the lawn. The door swung open, and a boy in pale blue robes jumped down, quickly unfolding a set of golden steps for his headmistress, Madam Maxime, to descend.


Madam Maxime was an imposing figure, rivalling only Hagrid in size. With her olive skin, large, dark eyes, and a beaky nose, she radiated authority. Her hair was slicked back into an elegant bun, and she was dressed entirely in black satin, adorned with gleaming opals that sparkled against her attire.


Behind her followed approximately thirty of her students—predominantly girls— arrayed in neat lines wearing pale-blue uniforms, likely crafted from silk. Among them were a few wizards, sported no hats; however, the witches wore hats that tilted stylishly to the left.


After a brief exchange between Dumbledore and Madam Maxime, the Beauxbatons delegation made their way into the castle. Hagrid expertly guided the Abraxans away from the lawn, showcasing his prowess.


Only a few minutes later, the surface of the Black Lake stirred, revealing a sailship that appeared skeletal in the evening's dim light. As the frigate glided toward the shore and anchored, a gangplank unfolded, allowing the Durmstrang delegation to disembark.


Moving in a disciplined formation reminiscent of soldiers, the Durmstrang headmaster, Karkarov, led his students. Karkarov, a tall, thin man in his forties with short white hair and a curling goatee, wore a sleek, silver-furred cloak that contrasted sharply with the matted furs of his students.


While Karkarov conversed with Dumbledore, Harry took the chance to scrutinize the Durmstrang students. There were twenty-four in total, primarily males, though several capable-looking witches were present. Despite being clad in bulky cloaks, the majority of the boys appeared lean and athletic, a stark difference from the Hogwarts crowd. Harry's attention shifted to one notable student from Bulgaria: the famous Quidditch star Viktor Krum appeared to be a Durmstrang trainee.


Once Karkarov concluded his discussion, he led his charges into the castle, and Dumbledore instructed the heads of house to escort their students to the Great Hall in an orderly fashion.


Upon entering the Great Hall, Harry noticed significant changes since lunch. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons banners hung proudly on either side of the Hogwarts banner. The professors' table had expanded to include four additional seats, two of which were occupied by Madam Maxime and Headmaster Karkarov. The remaining two were reserved for representatives from the British Ministry of Magic, Barty Crouch Sr. and Ludo Bagman.


The ends of the four house tables closest to the professors had been rearranged into two new tables: one on the Slytherin and Ravenclaw side for the Durmstrang students and another for Beauxbaton's delegation. Between them stood an ornate golden pedestal, conspicuously empty but evidently significant.


Once everyone was seated, Dumbledore rose from his chair, prompting a hush to fall over the hall. Commanding everyone's attention, he embarked on a lengthy and extravagant welcome speech that could have been condensed into a simple, "Welcome to Hogwarts; we hope you enjoy your stay." Madam Maxime and Karkarov followed suit, but thankfully their speeches were shorter and less elaborate.


With their speeches concluded, the food materialized on the tables, and the feast began. The house-elves had outdone themselves, presenting an impressive array of dishes, many of which had an exotic flair.


Throughout the feast, several Gryffindor and Hufflepuff boys were noticeably distracted, drawn more to the Beauxbaton students than their meals, particularly one half-veela witch who captivated attention. At some point during the festivities—Harry wasn't sure when—the representatives from the British Ministry for Magic arrived, presumably to oversee the tournament's commencement.


Once everyone had indulged, Dumbledore stood again to deliver another address. He introduced Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch Sr. before explaining the details surrounding the rejuvenation of the Triwizard Tournament. He then called for Filch to retrieve a casket containing the Goblet of Fire—a large wooden cup filled with dancing blue-white flames. This Goblet would serve as the impartial arbiter in selecting champions from each of the three participating schools.


Placing the Goblet on the pedestal, Dumbledore explained the procedure for entering one's name. He also pointedly reminded the students that, due to the dangers associated with the tournament, only those seventeen or older could participate, eliciting some discontented murmurs from the Hogwarts contingent. To further discourage underage entries, Dumbledore cast an age line around the Goblet. Harry noted the Weasley twins and their friend Lee Jordan scheming to use aging potions to circumvent the line...


With the conclusion of Dumbledore's lengthy speech, the feast wrapped up, yet neither the Durmstrang nor Beauxbatons students departed their tables immediately. Instead, Madam Maxime and Karkarov approached their students, conferring with the Hogwarts staff as they began outlining the festivities ahead.


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As Argus Filch completed his duty patrol and made his way back to his quarters for some much-needed rest, he heard the distinct sound of Professor Moody's wooden leg echoing near the Great Hall. Given that the retired Auror was typically asleep at this hour, the caretaker decided to investigate.


"Alastor?" Filch called out as he approached the man, who was examining the Great Hall's locked doors, wand aglow with an incantation. Startled by Filch's voice, Moody turned sharply, letting his wand lower upon recognizing the caretaker.


"Don't sneak up on me, Filch," he grumbled, relief flooding the caretaker at avoiding a potential curse. "Leave me be; the Goblet of Fire is a powerful artifact, yet its power is easily misused. I must ensure that nothing untoward occurs. I will remain vigilant when others will not." With a shrug and a grumble, Filch continued on his way, leaving Moody to his watchful duties.

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