
Chapter 63: Serpentine

As the snake's head slammed into the ice, the pond instantly liquidized, defying as many laws of physics as possible.

In that same millisecond, that very moment before the wolves sank into the water, the pond exploded.

Water streams flew out in every direction inside the cave, sending the wolves flying and flooding the whole cave.

Kael stood his ground as the water enveloped him and flowed past to the tunnel behind him.

Many wolves and the lionesses had their bodies rag doll across the walls against their will.

The pond seemed to overflow as the cave began to get flooded. Soon, even Kael was submerged as he had taken in a deep breath before his head was enveloped.

Kael opened his eyes just in time to see the serpent dive down into the large abyss that used to be where the pond used to be.

He could see the full length of the snake and this creature was absolutely massive. If he estimated, it would probably be around thirty meters long.

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