
Chapter 197: The Dragon Descends Upon Eagle's Nest

"Lord Caesar, up ahead is Eagle's Point."

The captain couldn't contain his smile, not just from reaching their destination, but from relief that his precious ship would finally be rid of that terrifying dragon. Although the white dragon hadn't started any fires, its presence had kept the captain and the crew on edge.

Hearing this, Samwell made his way to the bow, and sure enough, he saw the familiar silhouette of Eagle's Nest on the horizon.

Bathed in the golden morning light, it looked serene and beautiful.

"Sam, your domain finally has a proper harbor," Margaery exclaimed, shading her eyes with her hand as she looked eagerly toward the shore. "And there are so many more people now! How many are living here on Eagle's Nest?"

"A little over fifty thousand, last time I checked." Samwell wasn't entirely certain; this was the figure from his last visit, but after more than half a year away, he had no doubt that Chiman "TigerFang" had likely brought even more wildlings to settle.

"Incredible growth!" Margaery said in admiration. "At this rate, Eagle's Nest could soon be elevated to a viscountcy."

Samwell shrugged. "I ran off with Lord Mace's daughter—he'll be too busy wanting to chop my head off to think of granting me a viscountcy."

Margaery's eyes sparkled as she laughed. "Don't worry, Sam. My father can be persuaded. I'm sure he'll forgive you."

Samwell simply chuckled, remembering how Margaery had bravely proposed they elope back at Skyreach. Of course, he couldn't refuse. But it did create quite a few complications.

Yet, these complications could be opportunities. If he could get Lord Mace Tyrell's formal approval and marry Margaery officially, he would have achieved what others might spend decades striving for.

But if Mace refused to recognize the marriage, he would be in serious trouble. His actions in Skyreach had put him at odds with House Lannister, killing the "Red Viper" had earned the Dornish enmity, and if he added the Reach to his list of adversaries... he would be in conflict with half of Westeros.

All he could hope now was that Cersei's scandal with her brother would spark a fight for the Iron Throne. Perhaps not as far-reaching as the "War of the Five Kings," but at least a three-king standoff. With Joffrey dead, House Lannister would surely push Cersei's second son, Tommen, to the throne. But Stannis and Renly Baratheon wouldn't acknowledge Cersei's illegitimate child. If they both declared themselves king and raised armies in rebellion, that would make three kings in the realm.

With Eddard Stark still alive, Robb Stark would likely not follow the original storyline and proclaim himself king, and Eddard himself was likely to support Stannis. There was also Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, who might seize the chaos to declare himself king too. So, a "three kings" or even "four kings" war was more than plausible.

Amid the chaos, the Lannisters would have little time to come after a minor lordlike him. If all went well, Samwell could use this time to strengthen his position.

But, if he could gain the Tyrells' favor and wed Margaery officially, it would be ideal. Even if the Lannisters turned their attention his way eventually, he'd be prepared.

However, he was well aware it wouldn't be easy. It wasn't likely that the ambitious "inflated fish" would willingly hand over his only daughter to a minor lord. Samwell knew he would first have to gauge the Tyrells' response...

As he mused, the ship steadily approached the dock of Eagle's Nest, where a welcoming party awaited them.

As Samwell stepped ashore with Margaery, he immediately sensed something amiss. His steward, Gavin, and Ser Todd Flowers were at the front, smiles on their faces but an unmistakable trace of worry in their eyes. Standing beside them was Brother Ivan, who wore a serene, pious expression that made him seem like an embodiment of the Father himself.

But as his eyes fell upon the creature perched on Samwell's shoulder, his calm demeanor melted into shock.

"A dragon?" Ser Todd gasped, struggling to believe his own eyes.

Impossible. Brother Ivan forced himself to deny it.

Dragons were extinct.

But as Samwell drew nearer, the creature's form became unmistakable. It was indeed a dragon.

Its milky-white scales sparkled in the sunlight, its translucent wings stirring misty trails in the air as its long, sinuous tail coiled around Samwell's arm, and a pair of bright, fiery red eyes stared back at them, piercing and intense.

"A dragon…" Brother Ivan murmured in awe, overwhelmed by complex emotions.

"It's a dragon!" Ser Todd dropped to his knees, laying his sword on the ground and pressing his forehead against the earth. "Welcome home, Lord Caesar!"

This was far more reverence than a bannerman typically showed his liege.

"Welcome home, Lord Caesar!" Gavin called out, any lingering worries vanishing. He too dropped to the ground in a deep bow.

"Welcome home, Lord Caesar!" The other household retainers followed suit, their voices joining in waves of adulation that spread outward like a ripple through the gathering crowd. It was as if a strong wind swept across a field of wheat, and the entire island bent to honor their lord's return.

Cleopatra, the white dragon, let out a shrill cry, releasing a burst of sulfuric breath. It spread its wings and took flight, soaring over the kneeling masses below.

One by one, the people knelt, until all of Eagle's Nest had prostrated themselves at Caesar's feet—even Brother Ivan, who realized that attempting to assert the Faith's influence over the judiciary here had perhaps been a miscalculation...

For now, however, he joined in with the others, murmuring a prayer as he bowed.

After a grand welcoming ceremony, Samwell was escorted back to his castle, with Cleopatra fluttering joyfully around the hall, filling it with her cries. Intimidated by the dragon's presence, Samwell's bannermen and retainers were visibly anxious, still struggling to comprehend how their lord had returned from Dorne with a dragon.

Brother Ivan, for his part, was quietly trying to make sense of Samwell's true lineage. Was he a Targaryen descendant? A Valyrian relic? Or perhaps a Blackfyre?

Regardless, one thing was clear: after a century, a dragon was once again flying over Westeros. From today onward, Caesar would be a name forever marked by legend.

"So, any issues while I was away?" Samwell asked, settling into the lord's chair with a relaxed smile. Cleopatra, seeming content, perched on his shoulder, playfully nudging his chin with her tail.

Gavin hesitated. "My lord, we had a murder case… The details were complex, and I found it difficult to reach a decision, so I left it unresolved, awaiting your return."

"A murder?" Samwell raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Very well, bring the parties involved before me."

"Yes, my lord."

Gonga, one of the accused and a household servant, was already present in the hall. He approached, trembling as he knelt, while the victim's sister, Tima, was quickly brought in.

"My lord," Gavin explained, casting a wary glance at Brother Iwan, "due to the case's complexity, with each side insisting on their own version of events, we found it hard to make a judgment. Brother Ivan proposed a trial by a Holy Tribunal."

"A Holy Tribunal?" Samwell chuckled.

The Holy Tribunal was the Faith's judicial process. During the unification of the Seven Kingdoms, the Faith held immense power with both an armed order and the right to dispense justice. But King Maegor "the Cruel" had outlawed the Faith Militant, and King Jaehaerys "the Conciliator" had wrested judicial authority from the Faith.

Since then, the Faith had been relegated to serving as a tool for the Iron Throne to maintain unity. Yet here was Brother Ivan, apparently attempting to revive the Faith's influence on Eagle's Nest.

"Very well," Samwell said with a smile, "As a knight of the Seven, I accept the idea."

Everyone, including Brother Ivan, was momentarily stunned by his agreement.

But before Ivan could savor the moment, Samwell added, "Tima, you're a maiden, correct?"

Tima nodded without hesitation. "Yes, my lord."

"Good, then you shall represent the Maiden."

Brother Ivan felt a twinge of unease. Tima was the victim's sister, and assigning her to the tribunal seemed highly irregular. Typically, the Faith appointed tribunal members—at least, it had until Jaehaerys.

Yet Ivan found himself unable to protest in the presence of a lord with a dragon.

Samwell then addressed Gavin's wife, Oona. "Oona, you recently bore a son, did you not? You shall represent the Mother."

"Yes, my lord."

"Brother Ivan," Samwell continued, glancing at the septon's necklace. "I believe you serve the Crone?"

"Yes, my lord," Ivan said, though his unease grew.

"On second thought," Samwell interjected, "Lady Melisandre, would you represent the Crone?"

"With pleasure." Melisandre curtsied, unconcerned by her lack of faith in The Seven Gods.

Ivan immediately realized that he had been fooled.

And he couldn't accuse the other party of deliberately excluding him. After all, Samwell had invited him...

"Ser Lucas Dayne, please represent the Warrior."

"Yes, sir."

"Master Smith Busso, please represent the 'Blacksmith'."

"At your service, my Lord."

"Gavin, you represent the 'Father'."

"Yes, sire."

"As a lord, I will execute the criminals myself, so today, I am the spokesperson for the Stranger in the mortal world."

After saying this, Samwell's majestic gaze slowly swept across the entire audience, and finally stopped on Brother Ivan's face:

"Now I declare that the trial begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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