
How Did You Know I Was Here?

 Ashley stared in the mirror, the black diamond necklace around her neck. She had cleaned herself up and was in pajamas trying on 'The Amethyst.'

 Saying 'The Amethyst' was beautiful was an understatement. The necklace was simply gorgeous. Ashley couldn't tell but marvel at its beauty.

 Her mind went to William's words. 'A beautiful necklace for a beautiful princess.' His words were filled with love. It was not one between lovers but rather between…. Ashley didn't know how to explain it. It was almost like… sibling love.

 Ashley lowered her eyelids. She would have loved to have a sibling. In fact, she longed for a complete family. Not having a father in her life made her envious of others who did.

Every time Ashley saw children playing with their fathers, it reminded her of the painful truth that she, who had everything did not have a father and would never have one.

 Ashley shook her head, dispelling the depressing thoughts. She hurriedly picked up the necklace, putting it in its case before placing it in the safe. Since she had no security around her this time, it was best she took safety precautions.

 Once Ashley left the bedroom to the kitchen, she heard the doorbell ring. She was perplexed. It was almost midnight. She didn't expect any visitors. Ashley made her way to the door and checked the front door's security cameras. She was surprised to see that it was her manager, Jonathan Crest.

 "John. What are you doing here this late?' She opened the door, allowing the young man to make his way in. He was wet since it had been raining for the past few minutes.

 "I'm sorry for coming here this late." Jonathan apologized. Ashley chuckled and handed him a towel from the closet near the entrance. "It's okay."

 "My car broke down a few blocks away. And you are the only person I knew who lived around here.", Jonathan explained given an embarrassed smile as he wiped his wet hair.

 Ashley led him to sit on the couch and rushed to the kitchen for some hot chocolates. "Here." She picked a blanket from the closet and handed it over to him.

 "Thanks, Ash."

 "No problem."

 Ashley saw him try to cover himself up and decided to speak. "I think it's best to take off your clothes. It's super wet." Ashley then saw his face turn a crimson shade. "Don't worry. I have a bunch of men's clothes."

 The young man spun his head to look at her in shock. Ashley then laughed. "Don't get me wrong. They're Fred's. He stays here when he comes over to LA."

 "Ohh." Jonathan gave an understanding look. He then went to the guest room to take a shower and got changed.

 Ashley was in the middle of watching a show when Jonathan came downstairs. "You look great in those clothes.", Ashley complimented

 Jonathan was a handsome man. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was slightly tanned and muscular. Well, less muscular than Nathan. The young man laughed bashfully at Ashley's compliment.

 "Are you hungry?", she asked as he sat next to her.

 "No. I just had some food at a fast-food area right before my car broke down."

 Ashley looked back at the television. "Well, I guess you have to stay here. I can't let you go home like this, especially in this rain." Once Ashley spoke, the sound of thunder was heard.

 "Whoa! You're watching the last season of attack on Titan?" Jonathan asked, extremely intrigued. "The last episode was so awesome."

 Ashley pushed up her glasses. "I agree. It was awesome. But the episode length was so short."

 "I know right."

 "Shush. It's starting." The two's eyes were glued to the TV screen, intensely watching the show. After an hour, Ashley yawned. "Wanna turn in for the night?", Jonathan asked to which Ashley nodded.

 "You can take Fred's room. The other rooms are not in the best shape. And I don't think he'd mind."

 "Sure." The two said their good nights and left for their respective bedrooms.

 Ashley set up from the bed, beads of sweat all over her skin. Her breathing was rapid. She ran a hand through her hair while controlling her breathing. She then turned on her lamp and wore her glasses.

 Ashley then put her head in her hands. She hated it when she had nightmares. It always kept her up at night.

 To be honest, she thought her sleeping disorder had gotten better but it turned out she was wrong. Ashley then got out of bed and picked up her laptop, before getting back into bed. There was no point in trying to sleep. She would only keep repeatedly having nightmares.

 Ashley began to type and slowly, she fell asleep once more, later waking up to another nightmare. This continued till daybreak.

 Ashley had a sleeping disorder. Sleeping anywhere other than the Scott's residence or the Li residence caused her to repeatedly have nightmares. Only Leticia, the Scott's Butler and her therapist knew of this. It was one of Ashley's many flaws.



 Ashley sat up on the bed, thinking she had another nightmare. She then turned her head to see Jonathan by her side.

 "John! What are you doing here?" Ashley couldn't deny the shock she felt. Before she could speak once more, a phone screen was brought into her face. Ashley squinted her eyes, but she couldn't see a thing. "Here." Jonathan handed her glasses.

 Once Ashley wore her glasses, she widened her eyes at what she saw. "Oh my God."

 On the phone screen were pictures of she and William which seemed intimate. There were images of them holding hands, whispering and laughing to each other, hugging and even one of him helping her put on 'The Amethyst'. The caption read; 'Flower of the Country Cheating?'

 Ashley scrambled to get her phone which had been bombed with many messages and phone calls. There were twenty missed calls and texts from Isabelle, over forty-five from Leticia yet only one missed call from Nathan.

 Ashley assumed he didn't care. He never did since he had no feelings for her. He might have already found a way to solve the problem.

 Just immediately, the post disappeared. Ashley believed it was Nathan's doing. Not because he wanted to uphold her innocence, but because he didn't want anything tarnishing his name.

 Ashley then received a call. It was from Nathan.

 "Come out." Those were the first words she heard once she picked up the call. "What?" Ashley thought she heard wrong

 "I'm outside. Come out." Ashley jumped out of bed and rushed to look through the windows. There, she saw Nathan's car.

 She then hurriedly put on her flip flops and run downstairs, her phone still in her hand. "How did you know I was here?", Ashley asked, breathless.

 "Did you think I wouldn't know where you were?" Ashley didn't think so. She wanted to believe that she wouldn't be found but deep inside, she knew that Nathan was always aware of her whereabouts.

 "Get in." The man didn't even bother looking at her when he gave the command. Ashley quietly complied. The car was dead silent. The driver had been made to get out of the car, leaving the husband and wife.

 "I told you not to get any ideas, Ashley.", the man spoke.

 Ashley begun, "I didn't-" but the man didn't listen. Nathan turned to look at her. "Who was that man?"

 "He's only a friend. The pictures are a misunderstanding." Nathan stared at her with an emotionless gaze. "When did he become your friend?"

 A few days ago. Ashley felt exasperated. No matter how much she wanted a divorce., she didn't want to be misunderstood as a cheater. She held onto his hand. "Believe me. I would never cheat."

 Ashley then heard Nathan's ringtone, indicating a notification from his phone. She let go of one of his hands and watched him take out his phone. His gaze then turned cloudy upon seeing whatever was sent on his phone.

 Ashley's hand was flung away and Nathan got out of the car and into the villa. The young woman followed. "Nathan!", she shouted out, but the man wouldn't listen.

 Ashley watched as Nathan punched Jonathan in the face, causing the young man to fall to the ground.

 And then, her breath hitched.


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