
Clearing Misunderstanding

Six inches.

No, I'm not describing the Meaty Gobscalon I keep mostly unsheathed.

Six extra inches is what I was able to negotiate with Prima in terms of slackening Stella's rope bonds. In exchange, I made it impossible for her to untie them. I coated the knots in dirt and solidified it with land magic. She'd have to make a hell of a lot of noise and effort banging them against something equally solid for it to shatter and then try to undo the knots. By then, well… she'd have some serious explaining to do.

With the rope slackened, she still can't hope to run, but she can at least move a bit more freely. I've accepted responsibility for giving her this much slack, and even managed to source a loincloth for her from Prima, to which Stella complained about it feeling itchy and disgusting when it was put on her. But over having to remain completely nude in front of me, she chose to put up with it. I couldn't do anything for a bra, but I let her use this nice rag that's been in my room since I woke up after the Doll incident to mostly cover up with.

I am also responsible for escorting her to the shit-pit when she has to go, and I've been allowed to use the topaz stone to light the way. I'm just not allowed to use it for any other kind of magic outside the breeding room without Jewel present, which I'm perfectly fine with. Though I think my secret deal with her looking the other way if Vera is present still stands.

Speaking of Jewel, I finally got around to making a nice carved relief for her in her cave-hole. Two of them, actually. Jewel was satisfied, saying they were suitable. I'm hardly an artist of any real caliber, which makes it hard because I think Jewel is a high-spec goblin these days. So I have to take care of her like one in order to appease her.

I will say that Stella was being somewhat reasonable today, as opposed to yesterday when she was brought here by the Great Protector. I think it was the availability of a hot bath. She had to share it with me and Berry though. Since I made the bath in the Breeding room together with Vera, Berry has been coming by every day to use it. Lily even donated some flowers she had picked, which I nipped the stems off of and let float around in the water. It gave the bath a certain charm, I felt. Lily also enjoyed the bath. I had a little play area set aside in the cave for Orchid and Lilac to enjoy so Lily could take a much needed break from dealing with the girls.

Staring at Stella's tits is enough to get my penis going, but I can't bring myself to fuck a goblin in front of her. Actually, that's not entirely the case. I tried going from the bath to Vera's room with a hard-on, but it went flaccid before I could do anything with her. Not even a little tongue action on it from Vera would bring it back.

It's a very strange thing.

It's not ED for sure, but it's like my cock is insisting it tastes a human female before cooperating any further. So the conundrum remains. Do I force myself on Stella or not?

I also confirmed with Stella that when I am talking to the goblins, she hears me talking in the goblin language. I don't notice any difference occurring when I talk to her when compared to talking with the goblins, so I don't know what to make of that phenomenon. I only know the human language of this world and Runic–the phonetic sounds of the Runes that make up formulaic magic. That's it. I somehow began acquiring the goblin language the night after Prima stole my virginity, but don't ask me how. The best I can come up with is that the more I fuck them, the more I understand them. Is it the language of love?

I have underwear, but I don't wear them in the bath or anytime I'm not around my daughters. I've become pretty accustomed to walking around naked since my capture. Sure, I could wear a loincloth, but given how Stella reacted to one, I don't imagine it would be any less irritating for me. Should I consider making some kind of laundry room in a nearby vacant cave-hole next?

Stella hasn't said anything to me directly about it, but I imagine every time she sees me sporting wood, she's wondering if I'm going to assault her. Maybe I should get it over with sooner? I can't quite bring myself to do it, though.

Maybe this is some kind of test?

That Great Protector being hasn't been back, so I don't really think it is. I think it's just me overthinking the inevitable. It's not that I can't jerk off onto my hand and slide some cum up her pink paradise. It might do the trick, but I swear my guy down there is telling me I have to bury myself inside of her.

I hate how I'm entertaining these thoughts. I imagine most of these thoughts are rooted in curiosity. I'm curious what Stella would be like. It's not like I don't want to have sex with her. After twelve goblins, I most certainly want to. But that remaining human morality of mine just keeps getting in the way. She couldn't really stop me if I wanted to. Maybe she could strangle me with her rope bonds if she gets them around my neck, but I know Vera is keeping watch, so Stella would have the sharp pick end of her new Sapphire bone wand at her neck before she could take me out.

Ah, I should mention it now. Ivory delivered the bone I requested from her and Vera's sapphire stone was fitted into the top. With her sexy green skin tone that has just the slightest tinge of bluishness to it, I want to get her a witch hat.

And then I want to double double toil and trouble her cauldron.

Yeah, I'm pent up.

With all my frustrating thoughts, I just came out and said it to Stella.


Stella stared at me. Her eyes said they understood, but there was also anger behind them.


"At least you'll be alive. Maybe you'll escape one day and return to kill me. I'll accept your hate now and I'll accept your hate then. If hating me keeps you alive… then wear it like armor."

She called me everything under the sun, and the rest under the moon for good measure. She remained in my bedroom whenever possible, keeping herself covered under the large rag and there were times I could hear her weeping from within. Vera had come out of her room to look at her for a while, trying to understand what the problem was. Goblins… want to procreate at every opportunity. Humans do not. Only when it's favorable for them to. The interspecies cultural logic in regards to sex simply doesn't translate well, unfortunately.

I ended up spending the night together in Vera's room again, as I have been since Stella arrived. In the morning, for the first time in a while, just about everyone gathered. Prima, Jewel, Lily, Berry, Truffle, Ivory, Pear, and… Doll had come to have a morning meal with me. Obviously Vera was there too.

Though it was awkward at first seeing Doll again. I got on my knees and put my forehead on the dirt floor, expressing my sincere apology for what had happened that night. Doll had been under the assumption that she was the one to have done something wrong, when nothing was further from the truth.

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