
Ch. 15-Adept and Tass

Before thinking about Pryce, there were a few talks to have while transferring my new army of gyarados. Along with any magikarp that wanted to come. The energy of the place lingers and I wouldn't be surprised if its a reason there are so many giant rage monsters here.

So off to see Steven. I first."Oy. Steven. I've got some things to talk to you about. Possibilities." My smile is broad and my voice overly friendly. I don't see it physically but aura-wise Steven is immediately on guard. Not in the hey this is gonna suck way but in oh no, someone I like is about to give me work and I won't know how to say no. Given he's likely been groomed his entire life to be both a powerful trainer and lead Devon Corp later I'm a bit surprised. Am I that intimidating? Fantastic. Both Lance and Steven are giving me so much delightful ways of teasing them later."Would this happen to do with the Order you are forming?" While I told the Stones a bit about what I wanted of my life I don't think they quite believed me, scary pokémon family or not. They saw me as a talented trainer but once I told my cousins and Steven about all the work I've already put into starting everything up? Steven took me a lot more seriously. I felt no need to hide it from him when I gave Lance and Claire the news about the Valley. It'll only help having another Champion in my corner."Congrats! You get a prize!" I peer about for Sunny and recognizing I'm about to cause him issues he shows just how smart he is by offering me things! Just for Dad, its likely good business to keep me happy. Though I'd like us more friendly as well."Of course. However perhaps we can talk about what I can offer you? The last few things you've given have led to great personal gain for myself after all." I'll say. That scizor of his is amazing without the mega stone. With? Oh my. And he'd agreed to my trade of the lileep fossil and some other stones for my second gift to Lance."I know your beldum colony is sacred. I feel much the same about the Dragon's Den. Buuuuut. I can't help but notice you have an aggron." And bring it on home with the eyesmile. Steven still doesn't react to me attempting to mess with him and strokes his chin."You're not wrong. To both things. Hmm. I assume you want to give them the sort of talk that you gave here?" Amusement and a bit of incredulity coat his emotions. Nothing of disbelief even if I will admit my plan is ambitious."Such a smart guy! I owe you two prizes. Yes. In all seriousness though, do you think you could show me them? Not just Aron, but the higher evolutions." While I doubt he's all that possessive of the aron locations, I'd rather not have to empty Granite Cave without permission. If that even is where he got his."Certainly. No reward is needed. I'm interested in how you communicate with pokémon and I'd enjoy seeing how a troupe of steel times would be raised under the care of someone who can talk to them." Poor Steven. I won't be raising them. Bruno and other bad asses will be. There is something to be said about an aura user being present though. We make agreements to go see the colony he knows about after our respective leagues are done.That's not all I am going to talk to him about though. And the rest is bleh because I really, really want to give a shovel talk. Its such a trope but its also unfair now that I'm here. I could be all like. Evil and mean and hilarious. Instead I'll just express concern and be the smallest bit unfair."Now Steven. I know you're smart." The wary look on his face tempts me so. Argh! No! Be good! "My aunt over there has a crush. I know you know. I'm not here to warn you."Watching Claire play with Sunny and her dragonair in the distance has my eye soften with affection."If things work out, just treat her right of course. I wouldn't expect otherwise. While I wouldn't guess what experience you have, I doubt your father let you pass without lessons in the subject." Rich guy that Seven is, I expect that a lot of prospects try to get into his good graces. His eyes don't move from my face and his emotions are tightly controlled. Just listening. Why does he have to be so reasonable?"All I'm asking is you respect that even if her crush leads to expression, be the nice guy you are." Do I think he wouldn't be? No. Is this needed? Probably not. But I know when I grew up, before I decided other people were tiring, I wished for someone who could have watched out for me. Let my mistakes be less so.Fuck. Maybe I'm projecting too much. Flushing, I sigh."Nevermind. I don't know what I'm doing. Odd as it is coming from someone our age, I just want her happy. Forget I said anything." Mentally old and still an idiot.Steven stops me before I can turn away, his hand on my shoulder considerately on my good eye's side so I can see it coming."Its not wrong. Perhaps unneeded." His grin is rueful. "And a tad insulting if you thought I'd be unkind to her."Shaking his head before I can assure him I don't believe it, his fingers squeeze gently."No Ella. I understand. I may not have family as close as you, Lance and Claire are, but I can understand showing concern. If things come to it I'll be respectful."I have to admit I'm impressed that he doesn't tell me if he'll say yes, no or whatever. Just that he'll treat Claire like she deserves. Smirking at myself mostly, I pat his hand and slip away, going to help Wattson and Tru with the celebration cooking. Its actually helping Aurora as she's directing them in what's her first ice cream cake for after dinner. Which will be in town.In celebration of our respective victories Lance and I treat Clair and prissypants (Damnit Lance. Now I'm calling him that in my head) to some amazing food in Mahogany Town as well as some small gifts. The restaurant is near the edge of town and caters to pokémon. Though we all have larger than average teams and thus the place is getting some appropriately big tips. The gifts are gags like 'I survived the Lake of Rage' shirts that some enterprising soul was selling near the path to said lake and plushies.Except for Lance. His gift is something that I'm surprised Steven didn't think of. Or perhaps he did but was keeping it secret to investigate later. Whatever the case, I casually whisper that mega stones are often found in areas where there are large concentrations of the species. Like say, a lake full of them.Of course I -saw- the mega stone in the water before we left. It glows heavy with aura. But can't have Lance thinking I'll just hand him it.Okay, none of my pokémon easily can get it. I could have asked one of the gyarados I captured and sent off but likely Lance would want to get it himself anyway. He almost turns to go get it right that moment but I drag him back to the food.The time is spent having fun and acting our age. Joking, teasing and roughhousing with simple affection. Even Steven acts his age somewhat, Lance giving him incredulous looks at how at ease the Devon heir is. Its a great joy to experience and I'm saddened that they have to leave so soon. Clair is the one who insists and her eyes have changed to something fiery."Ella. I love you, but you mess up my world view a lot. I've got so much to do now. Steven and Lance may be set upon their dreams but now I've got a new one. And you caused it." Her arms wrap around me in a tight hug and I kiss her lovely hair. She simply squeezes harder. "It sucks because there is so much pain I'm going to go through getting there. But it'll be worth it. For you. For myself."I don't press the issue, her aura reading that she's hard as nails convinced this is what she needs and because Lance smacks me on the shoulder like an asshole. I nearly stumble, so focused on Clair I am."Well cousin. Goodbye again. I'm kind of getting tired of our meetings being so dangerous. Zaela evolves into gabite and I get my ass kicked. You lose an eye and force Clair on me." Muffled protests and a kick to his butt follow. "Ow! You know I didn't mean it. Brat. And then you make me face someone Momma would respect so I could capture them. While you nearly get killed by six more monsters."A deep sigh follows as he leans down (less than before! I'm growing again! Yay!) to hug me tightly in the way family does to let you know that everything is fine and they love you."I take it back. Can't wait to see the trouble you bring upon me again."Steven moves up next and gives me a short bow as he takes my hand, kissing it politely. I'm never going to be a girly girl but the urge to give in and fuck with Lance and Steven that much more overtakes me. Steven is very handsome. Duh. And a part of me wants to giggle at the gesture he gives me even knowing its just his upbringing and it doesn't mean anything but respect. So I give the girliest, flirtiest giggle I can.Lance stares, horrified at me.Clair's eye gleams as she realizes what I'm doing and snaps her hand over her mouth to keep the laughter in.Steven releases my hand like its an ekans about to bite him."So bold Mr. Stone! Oh my. I'll have to have my mom talk to your dad about a prenup! My chastity is in danger with this urge to ravish you! You'll teach me to be a good girl instead of follow my wicked ways won't you Ste-ven-chan?" There are no honorifics in this world. I'm purely seeking to fuck up his calm.I succeed."..." Wow that boy can walk fast when he wants. Lance follows dumbly, unsure what to make of something more surprising than catching a shiny Elder."I love you Ella. Please never change. I'm going to be able to tease them for weeks!" Clair just gives me another hug and peck on the cheek then runs off, cackling. I wave happily to them and rock back on my heels. Oh yes. Delectable.There is a lot of pleasure in messing with people. I recall this memory a lot with what happens in the next few days. And after Pryce's fight. Of my cousins and their friend who came all the way here to help me so readily.My ghost arrives later that night and its rougher than all the previous stories from before. Even Angel's. She's not suffered. She was hurt, yes, but she adored her dream and how it made her strong. Wattson found out what it was to have a group with his original trainer and was mostly content with his life alone until we reminded him of what was possible.Joker had a family of his own before he sought us.I'm getting ahead of myself again. Just...My ghost personifies the type of suffering I fear worse than death.I was planning to take another few days to deal with monetary issues. Mars' idea for QueryVision (As his youtube clone would be called to keep the brand of Queryapp up along with Querynet as the whole platform) was gaining a lot of traction and needed a bit of annoying paperwork done. Some hours of that had me itching to walk around. All of this had to take place in a Pokémon Center for ease of access to a computer and my team had no desire to be stuck in small rooms nor could most fit even if they wanted.Angel and Joker (Illusioned as Tru) kept me company even if they mostly enjoyed watching TV, something they had never done before. Zaela pretty much dominates tvs now to watch more inspiration for her next terror spree. I enjoy hearing them make curious noises (curious emotions in Angel's case) and listen to Joker's one sided conversation about what's going on."Looks like steel type. Transforms. Evolution? Transforms back. Not recognize type. What is Optimu-Why different show now? They talk of cleaning supplies? Why? Bring back steel types.""No Angel. I do not know why the steel types do not have pokéballs either. Perhaps hidden? Or transform too? More different shows. Last only minute at most. The food looked good. Tell Aurora about this lady made of syrup and flat bread things?""Ah! Steel ones back. Combat. Excitement. Must see if I can form myself into this red and blue one. Leader. Inspiring. Deep voice. Like. Yes, I think the flying one is very whiny too. If we meet, should scold as you suggest."I don't know where transformers came from in this world but oh my Arceus am I glad its here. I make a note to find the series dvds to show Query someday. Once I can't stand it anymore, I save my work and send it off to the administrator that Professor Redwood recommended for the growing base in the Valley. Noting that the rest would arrive by the end of the week. There is enough to get started so far with much if it stuff I have to talk to Mars and Query with anyway. Idly I make a note to get some porygon or rotom involved for later. Frankly, Mars probably already has that thought of.Joker and Angel hop up after the credits roll and follow me, quietly chatting about how Megatron got what he deserved. Its about ten minutes later that Angel comes to a halt with a deep feeling of mourning and empathy. Joker pauses, sensing her distress as I turn to her, more than a little worried.She shows me a map of the town she memorized at the Center and a big glowing pointing finger that is a few street away from us. The mental image conveys emotion in a pokémon signature that is in such horrible pain and guilt that she can barely stand it. She wants to help it immensely but her precognition is warning her to let me handle it. I get the uneasy feeling I'm about to meet number ten. Before she returns herself to dilute the agony that she feels coming from the pokémon she shows me more visions. Of the feeling of sickness all over the large building next to the dot. The map shows a small hospital before it fades as she returns herself.I'm even more afraid of what I'm about to find but find my resolve. Whether it is or isn't my responsibility, I've chosen to make it so because I want it to be."Guardian? Stay? Return? Protect? What do?" I consider for an instant then pat his shoulder, somewhat used to the fact that his voice comes form random members of my team by now, so versed is he at imitating others. But its always his straightforward manner that gets to the heart of things. I am family. And he'll protect me."Stay nearby but out of sight. Ghosts can't detect you well. Its likely I'll be fine but just in case." My zoroark nods and shifts to his usual form before a feint attack covers him at a low level. Its how he hid from me when we first met. Dark might be weak to fighting but the nature of the attack is always a bit of a surprise. If I could say, thrust a karate chop into him as he used the attack, the direct, pure nature of the fighting energy would overwhelm the obscuring nature of the dark energy. The problem is, its meant to trick and come at you sideways. Evade detection.Its not a simple rock, scissors, paper interaction.The walk is filled with worry after worry and thought after thought of horrible fantasies of what could occur. Did I really think a ghost would have a good life? My aura has grown in leaps and bounds these days. Personal growth seems to be the key to my abilities. Training and kicking my ass into the ground are good, yes, but realizing what my sacrifices mean and accepting that they happen have made my aura explode with potential.It makes sense. Only half of life is getting physically stronger. Or even less. Personality and experience are what give you a chance to grow more into a person.My gaze moves over a group of trees a bit away from the hospital, the ghost's aura shines bright to me. He's hidden in the shadows of the trees in that manner ghosts are known for but he's so very clear as day to my eye. Like Zaela in the earth, he can dip into the otherworld or whatever it is that ghosts do to vanish from senses. At least enough to go unnoticed.His attention is on me the moment I get closer and the air presses down as he tries to use some sort of ability to make me leave. Scary Face perhaps.Tasslehoff (Tass) the Mismagius (Male)Ability: LevitateNature: ModestMoves: Spite, Confuse Rate, Scary Face, Mean Look. Toxic, Will o' Wisp, Hex, Sucker Punch, Psybeam, Zap Cannon, Payback, Perish Song, Grudge, Pain Split, Power Gem, Astonish, Phantom Force, Mystical Fire, Magical Leaf, Lucky Chant, Torment, Thief, Trick Room, Dark Pulse, Curse, Torment, MementoThe ghost just observes me more, his aura leaking malice and anger but not at me. Its almost all at himself. And a desire to wallow in his misery alone. I sense him starting to leave and speak up."I'll leave in a bit if you like, ghost, but I'd enjoy talking just a bit if you would give me the chance." I let aura flow from my body in the manner that lets him know just who I am. I get a response I've never gotten, even from pissed off gyarados."What? You think cause you're a guardian or some shit that I'm just going to come out and be friendly? Fuck you. Leave me alone. Die in a fire." When I don't immediately move, the words become very near dangerous in intent. Joker doesn't show himself, trusting I'd give a signal. "What more do you want? I know you can understand me bitch. This is my tree. I would have left but now that I know you can understand me? Get. The. Fuck. Away."My eye widens and I seriously consider staying there to push but I just sigh and pull down my hair form its bun."Alright. I'll leave you to it. I'll be back tomorrow to see if you want to talk then. If you'd like.""Not fucking likely. I'm not an Arceus be damned cause for you. This is my home and I don't give a shit what you think is going to happen. Leave me be little girl."I give where I know he's hiding one last look and walk away with heavy emotion trying to drag me down. Angel pops out of her ball as soon as she senses the ghost can't feel her and Joker just appears out of the shadows like a wraith. Sneaky bastard.Deep sorrow and concern flow from my Angel and Joker shifts into Wattson's form and pats me on the shoulder like my electivire does so often to cheer me up."I'm not giving up. I just need to be patient." Moving away from the town I head to a camping site I was eyeing for possible training for Pryce and release my family. They more or less know some of what happened from their time in their balls but I state it anyway."Number ten is here...And he's dreadfully in pain. Before you all offer..." My eye focuses on Sunny about to speak. "Angel says that I have to deal with this alone. That her future sight says that's the best path forward."The various imagines replay to all of us, Angel moving to comfort Sunny who understands that she can't help, even if she doesn't overly accept it."Since I'm going to be focusing on this everyone else should train for Pryce. Out of all the gym leaders besides mom he's the scariest. And a former Champion. I want Aurora and Zaela working on resistance training. Work with flamethrower. Sunny you'll be helping Mars with precise target practice. There's an idea we thought up that you can help with your moonblasts. Angel, I want you to be teleporting constantly through everyone's training and using your telepathy to dodge everything. No more hyper beams to the face." I pause, letting the heart stopping memory of her falling from the sky fade."Query. You work on earthquake with Wattson and Tru. You're both his target. I want him to work up to four separate targets with each of his brains while you both need resistance training. Focus on physical boosts constantly while fighting Wattson. Tru, spar with Wattson constantly while Query tries to hit you both. Consider him a terrain problem neither of you can just eliminate. Only work around. You're in the next fight most likely so don't go too hard."My team, rather silent for once just heads off to their respective assignments. Joker steps up to my side and tilts his head."Duty for me? Protect Guardian? Odd statement. Guardian Protect me?""Yeah. You're with me to do that but also observe. Follow him somewhat but only if you can hide." Joker, so often stoic and serious, just snickers at that. I follow after a moment. If there is one thing my zoroark is happy to do is to hide. Often my team will be annoyed with him simply appearing next to them without a sound. He never does it out of a want to scare them. Its just ingrained full into his habits. Long years of surviving in the wilds will do that.The next day is a similar situation."Oh look. The idiot fucking guardian is back to worry about little old me. Yay. Screw you girl. I know your kind. I've been alive since before your kind faded. Fade again."I simply sit for a while, struggling what to say but constantly pulsing out acceptance. It just seems to make him madder."Oooooh. Magic waves of good vibes! I'm going to tell you my life's story and reveal allllll my pain. Yeah right. Piss on your good intentions. Leave. Now."I do as he asks and the next day is more or less a repeat. This continues for a week. Which I'm happy to say leads to some breakthroughs for Mars and Zaela. Not perfect for Zaela but Mars has it down. No surprise there. Zaela's counter strategy to ice is so fucking typical of her. I'm excited to see how Pryce reacts. I begin to despair a bit until Joker returns later that night with a bit of information."Ghost not feed. From pain. Ghosts food emotions yes? Negative. This ghost just watch. Feed off own pain. Starving. Not even eat regular food. Can. Seen ghosts do so before. Always watching sick place. Always. But not in hunger. Guilt. Anger. At self."What the hell is going on? Armed with just a hint of knowledge I watch my pokémon train with determination. They know I'd be right there with them, coaching and helping if not for number ten. All of them could feel his anguish through Angel's brief look at his emotions and even Zaela couldn't fault me for trying to ease it.The next day has the tiniest of progress."Hey fuckboy. You look like a girl but that eye belongs on a boy. Is that you? Hmm? Acting like a little fuckboy? Yeah. Dirty dirty." Sharp cackles shut off as I speak, his words nothing but pain to himself more than to me."So you're watching someone in there? Who? A friend? Trainer?" I'm no longer polite in trying to help him open up. I know what he is but he hasn't shown his form once yet. Just the voice spitting vile words."...none of your business. I'm tired. Leave me alone."I leave somewhat lighter. For once he didn't drive me off with insults. This was almost...Worry? Any change is good.The next night I'm a bit more excited. It must show somehow because he's particularly mean."Oh ho. Little fuckboy is happier. Did you get yourself some tricks last night? Hmm? Got that edge satisfied? I might be a mean bastard but woooohooo are humans the kinkiest of species. The things I hear and seeee late at night. But I bet you know all about that fuckboy."Now I'm more or less amused. The daughter of Hannah Mita turning tricks? Hah! He's not pleased."Oh fuck you. Probably no one wants your bony ass. What the fuck do you want here Guardian? Your kind doesn't take mine as partners. Fucking tell me!""You aren't ready to hear it. I'm just here to learn right now. Find out a bit of you. Anything. Who is the person in the hospital?"There is a long, long pause. I've spent hours here every night for the last week and a half, letting him spout foul things at me and not once have I shown offense."Maybe the truth will get you to leave. See I'm not a project worth taking on. You haven't had that dark one roaming about try to catch me so I don't know what the fuck you want. Yeah, I'm old as fuck. I can tell when I'm being hunted. He should work on keeping his smell different for each mon he copies. They all have a hint of fox."Finally he emerges. A normal mismagius is just under three feet. Showing his age he is probably indeed quite old as his body is about halfway towards four feet in height. As he floats his shifting, wispy body closer so I can see the dull look on his face. Of long suffering and tired hatred."Fine Guardian. You win. And lose at the same time. Ages past I had an owner. Before pokéballs as they are now. It was good. I was caught young as a ghost. That's the best time to make us friendly and I loved her. More than you've loved in your entire pathetic life." The ghost floats away to look at the hospital."She wanted a mate. One in particular. I couldn't deny her. I sung to the man and she became his. It wasn't hard. Back then my kind were known to bless unions but we were only tolerated for that alone. Not her. She loved me from the start. How could I deny her love? When all I wanted was for her to be happy." His tone actually shifts to something without malice here. Even if its an old ache."Besides, he found her appealing and all it took was nudges to give them joy. Years passed and he was called to war. He did not return. My owner was with child though and their son helped ease the ache in her soul. Not that she got to see it was a he."The ghost's aura spikes more and more now with that crushing pain Angel first felt."When she died from the birth I comforted myself with a promise. To look after her line for her. That she'd always have me watching her children and their children. At first it was easy. I had such a personal connection with her son. Seeing him grow up and watching out for him. A guardian her little town could respect. A tamed ghost. We found a dusk stone together when he grew older and I grew stronger to look after his family when he found it."Mismagius turns to look at me fully now."The children after that were harder. There was less of her in them. I still watched though. I loved her still. I love her now. Then something happened. Illness. My owner spoke of her siblings falling to the same sickness. Her son's eldest died coughing up blood and in despair.""They fought back. Hoped for life...But now so many of my owner's descendants later, there is the last in there. In that building of suffering. Dying from the disease that took her whole line. I thank everything that she is dead. If she saw the early graves of her children's children? It would be far worse of a curse than I could ever give them."I can't even say anything. My eye focuses on the Mismagius as all his hate turns to such sadness. Ash and dust. I don't bother hiding my tears. I'm such a crybaby in this life and I don't care anymore."I've failed her. I went everywhere. Fought to find a cure. Made bargains to kill enemies for people to help. Let myself be captured by trainers with healing pokémon to get them to try and figure out what was wrong. And in the meanwhile the family forgot who I was. Just another scary ghost. So many tried to fight me off. Make me leave."The ghost shifts, glancing up at the sky."Now I'm here at the last. The last of hers. I want to die here. When he does. A little boy who doesn't know I exist but who I love absolutely. So Guardian. Got anything to offer me? Can you heal him as so many other of your kind have tried for? To cure his parents' parents' parents?"I just stay silent, my heart aching in agony that can't touch his own."I thought not. Leave me alone."I do.PryceIts so hard not to fall into depression or something destructive after mismagius' story. I've grown to cursing myself and Fate and everything at my own stupidity but it doesn't help anything. I've got to move forward. I promised Sunny after all. I'm not done with the ghost but I have to get away from the issue for a while. Do something else. Doing my best to fucking up Pryce sounds like a great plan.The gym is cold as expected and held against a cliff face. I barely listen to the registration process and it takes Tru's paw on my shoulder to get my head back in the game. One good thing about how well trained my pokémon are is how they can function so easily without me. That's good today since I'm so well and truly out of it.My lucario moves to me before the doors open and hugs me tightly."I have faith in you Mistress. Live here in the moment and enjoy yourself. I know you like seeing us test ourselves. I am excited as well. I have not had a good fight in a while."That's the truth. Heh. Truth for Tru. Perhaps I need a break again, just for a few days.The battlefield is predictably covered in frostbitten icy ground and a whipping cold air about it. I idly note the referee patiently waiting for me with a heavy coat and vest. Aura has let me ignore most weather but even I put on a jacket for this.Pryce walks up his trainer booth across from me and he's just as intimidating as I expected. His confidence is pure and perfect. Certain but also full of perception. At no point do I detect arrogance. This is a man who was a gym leader when my mother was on her journey before even becoming a Champion. I'd be a fool to think this would be anything but hard."Ella Mita. I've had much time to think on what I would offer you here. This is what I've come up with. Three one on one battles. The best of three fights is the winner. You will select your pokémon after I have revealed mine. If you have multiple mega evolutions it is allowed. Do you accept?"Oh shit. I'm fucked. If he's offering this many weaknesses then he's very certain he'll win. What am I going to do though? Walk away?"Of course. I look forward to learning from this.""Admirable." Pryce nods slowly to the referee. I note that the gym leader doesn't wear much other than a shirt and pants. His white hair matches the arena, giving him that much more of an other worldly motif. Geeze. No wonder people hate facing him."This will be three one on one battles between Ella Mita of Blackthorn and Gym Leader Pryce Taylor. No substitutions are allowed. Begin!"Just as promised Pryce lets out an alolan sandslash. I pause. Mars is the obvious choice. Tru is too. They are both four times effective...But Zaela. She wants badly to fight here and its probably the best match up of any ice type for her. Fuck it. Go big or go home. Always wanted to say that. Even if its little cringey.Zaela emerges with her signature roar and sandslash whips up a hail that Zaela growls at while tossing up a sandstorm to try and overpower the weather effect. It fails as the air shimmers in an aurora veil. Zaela moves into melee as icicle spears take pot shots at her.As much as the sandstorm didn't stop the hail it still makes it harder to hit my starter. She ducks and dives as sandslash calmly continues to pelt icicles at her, not looking at all concerned as they miss. That should have been our first clue.Once Zaela's massive bulk is upon him, sandslash flees in a gyro ball that tinges with defense curl. Zaela shoves stone edges up into the way that Sandslash stops avoiding after the second one, his defense strong enough to simply smash through them at that point. Icicles spin from his form as he rolls about to force my sister to slow in pursuit, actually firing backwards while he retreats.Zaela is on a time limit and she knows it. The hail is redone anytime she tries to overpower the effect. The icicles shooting at her pick up the hail as well, swelling in size so much that they are almost as big as sandslash himself by the time they hit. Even if she dodges, the attacks explode nearby, coating her with cold.She concentrates hard on pulling the earth from the ground and is shocked. Looking down she sees every missed icicle spear has been driven into the ground. Sandslash has constantly been using frost breath as he rolls to freeze the ground under the cracks his icicles created. The area of effect explosions have been adding to making everything steel hard in ice.Her best weapon against the steel type is cut off from her. Immediately she uses her new trick which sadly gives her even less time to make something happen. Flame thrower bursts from her mouth and sets herself willingly on fire. The ground hisses and the hail evaporates as Zaela's fire has finally matched up to her charizard father's potential. My King has finally conquered her flame. I do note that Pryce's aura spikes with surprise. Yessss. We have a chance.In a not so often shown strategy she uses scary face as she pursues the still rolling sandslash and every footstep of my shockingly fast starter hisses with melting ice. Every icicle spear aimed at her is blocked with flamethrower and she starts pulling up her sandstorm harder to obscure vision. She can't keep it up long but its enough for now.When the sandstorm fades, leaving the hail still, the stone edges she hid in it have boxed sandslash in. They are thick enough that he can't simply slam through without much slower effort. Instead he rolls up the nearest pillar of rock without any sort of pause then slingshots around it. Sharp spikes dig into the rock like ice pics. Zaela takes a giga impact point blank through my starter's flamethrower after two ice beams, one from each claw, freeze Zaela's massive legs into place. The giga impact causes a massive explosion of cold air that has Zaela roar in agony, unable to roll with the blow with her form locked in place.When the air clears I can't believe my eyes. My starter still stands, huffing in pain and sandslash in her jaws in a massive crunch. She's wrecked beyond belief but flames trickle around sandslash. Shockingly he doesn't panics, slash after slash methodically trying to get him free. Every single one coated with freezing cold, bursting a frost breath over the flames to blunt it as best he can.Another explosion rocks the field as the fire blast hits them both. The price Zaela paid to nail him.Both are down when the dust clears this time. Zaela still hasn't beaten Aurora in a fight since evolution. But this? This is progress. Even if it sucked to see her struggle. I recall her and Pryce does the same with a slow nod before releasing a weavile.Tru smiles and nods as I indicate her go ahead. I release Wattson of course."Hell yeah! Go get 'em babe! Woo! Show that old jerk who is the real deal! Yeah!"Wattson doesn't have a sign like she did but he does have pom poms that he and Sunny made for Tru's next gym battle. In a show of how far they have come together Tru doesn't feel like a blush, instead it firms her determination to win even more.Weavile just chitters in amusement but its surprisingly not to make fun of the byplay. Rather just seemingly finding the humor in it. Without much warning they are off. Both pokémon focus on speed. Agility hits both and Tru dips into extremespeed often. The combat is so quick I have trouble seeing what his happening. As much as Wattson probably gets to be the fastest of my pokémon, Tru can do the same in short bursts.Slashes meet meteor mashes and ice shards are swatted out of the air by vacuum waves. Training with Wattson has helped immensely in Tru's reaction speed and the loss of her last match still burns in her to prove herself worthy to stand with the rest of the monsters on our team.Weavile begins pelting Tru's legs with every other icicle to slow her down and it works well enough that Tru shifts into Reader, amping up her aura uses to extreme but she's used to this now. Stamina is something we have in droves. Weavile can't use dark moves for fear of powering up my lucario. Tru exploits this by using power-up punch in her new trick to combine it with bullet punch.They are just fast enough to connect and each one hurts more than the last until weavile grins and takes one head on, the glow of counter ready. Its one of Tru's favorite moves and she's not at all expecting this small creature to use it on her. Once again in a gym battle she's tossed end over end towards the wall but controls herself flipping to stick the landing, superhero style against the wall, rocking right back off.She's in pain but not out. Weavile is already moving away, tossing long ranged ice beams as Tru shifts, detecting them. She sidesteps in elegant ducks and dives until she's almost in range, not quite a dance but close enough that Wattson starts whistling in admiration. Weavile's face darknes in a grin and the blizzard they were preparing bursts in a tight cone that would take Zaela out in one hit due to how condensed it is.Tru shows off another new tactic as she still applies Reader. Two force palms blast to her left from her elobws and redirect her like repulsor blasts, dramatically improving her mobility. The blizzard just -barely- hits her but she even uses that to spin her body into a me first when the focus blast weavile was sending behind the blizzard activates.The four times effective attack crushes weavile to the floor, bouncing the dark type into a massive meteor mash that Tru used her spin to make all the more nasty. Adding insult to injury, Tru tosses dual aura spheres at the Sharp Claw pokémon just to make sure as she can't stop her charge just jet, the two spheres flicked behind her back while she bleeds her speed. A moment later Weavile is recalled and Pryce just waves for Tru to leave the arena."YES! YES! Great job baby! Your boyfriend is gonna treat you out tonight! Anything you want! Yeah yeah! Tru's the best! Yeah yeah!" Is Wattson singing Tru's name over and over in a sing-song cheer? Yes. Even Pryce's composed face and aura crack in utter confusion. My lucario -does- blush at this before grabbing Wattson's ball, returning him and then herself. I didn't hear her say no to my electivire's offer though. Heheh.Its only moments later Pryce recovers though and out comes his last pokémon. Abomasnow. No brainer here. Before I can send out Mars the glow of evolution lights up the arena. The ice makes it sparkle particularly beautifully in reflection as Mega Abomasnow stamps about, pumped for the fight.I don't hesitate as I toss out Mars, him already shifting as well into mega to match what we face. Hail again starts to flood the sky and he doesn't bother to attempt to stop it. Mega Abomasnow's ability would just cancel out his attempt. Flame bursts and ancient powers toss out at the massive snow beast, only hitting glancing blows at best. Every ancient power are carefully formed into solidified boulders that more than one attack could break then start to box Mega Abomasnow in.The Frosted Tree pokémon has not been idle. Ice beams tag Mars in impressive displays of aim and in Zaela-like fashion is whipping the area around him into an impenetrable terrain. Rock tombs hurl out of the ice tornado Mega Abomasnow creates and Mars dodges while flaring up his body in a flare blitz to keep himself warm, still tossing out ancient power. The rock tombs seem poorly placed by Pryce's giant mon but do slow down Mars dragon dance from having to dodge so much in addition to how the cold is seeping into him. Frankly, the previous two battles themselves have left the area already far too cold for comfort.Preparations are complete and Mars flies down hard, hitting the field with a massive, dragon rush enhanced, earthquake. Half the ancient powers hit at exact points as he trained for. The earthquake cracks the ground at the precise points Mars shot down his attacks. Acting like lever, the earth tosses abomasnow into the air towards Mars as he bursts into a Dragon Blitz. The second half of the ancient powers rise and batter into Mega Abomasnow's back like a bastardized stealth rock, making him speed towards my son's increasingly fast form.Sadly its not to be. Pryce did his homework on my charizard. That he often comes up with combo moves that are out of sight of his opponent. A blizzard pointed down tosses Mega Abomasnow out of the path of the Dragon Blitz and his arm comes out in a Woodhammer that acts like a clothesline. Its not meant to do damage by itself. Instead the speed my mega flies at along with abomasnow's bulk means Mars spins end over end, constantly crashing against rock tomb boulders that mimic his ancient powers. The missed rock tombs? They were put in the path of a likely attack. Grass knots flicker out in droves, tugging Mars into more of them at very precise angles even as ice beams splash on his back, just pushing him further into the minefield. Its honestly a combo that Mars himself would admire.Three fourths of the way into the trap Mega Abomasnow set up I return my shiny black dragon as he shifts from green, out. Every rock tomb tied to hit Mars in the back of the skull. He got rattled too much too quickly.Its the first loss Mars has suffered. I've lost. Ties do not go to the challenger. Not in this. I'm not shocked. Pryce is here for a reason but….I don't know. After the time spent trying to help my ghost? And then this?A Glacier Badge is tossed on the counter in front of me as I stare at Mars' ball."There is no reason to deny you this. Your strategies were sound and from the first gym you faced this has all been a formality. You know what to do. I sought to teach you something though. Something you already started with that terrifying starter of yours. That you can turn your weaknesses into your strengths.""Sandslash is not overly strong as a species. How did mine defeat your King? By robbing her of her main strength. By using its weakest attack to open up an avenue to destroy your strongest. Weavile used the delicate nature of their species to pull you into a counter. It didn't work but it is an effective strategy.""And finally we counted on your charizard to think that Abomasnow's massive bulk could not be moved into agility. When your charizard did move Abomasnow we turned your trick on you. Your greatest strength has been this since your gym run. Of attacking sideways and with planning. Seek to use this even more. But others can match you if you get complacent. I look forward to your showing in the Conference. Do come back and show me that fossil ice type of yours sometime."Pryce, cool (No pun intended) as hell, just gives me a nod and walks away to return Abomasnow then probably call someone to clean up the mess.I walk out of the gym dazed. I've lost but also gained something. The key to helping Mismagius. It will take a bit of prep and abusing the presence of Angel and Tru again...But this could be it. Weakness into strength. Different angles...And a test to see if I can bring out my team's full potential after all.At the Ghost Tree"I thought you had finally left. Do I have to attack you? Leave myself? Sometimes its just good to let things go. I want to die. My whole life trying to heal something as a ghost. Pathetic. Let me fade."My eye softens and I nod. "Do you know that Aaron Royce is so far gone that they are willing to try anything? Even let a fledgling aura guardian, her gardevoir and lucario try to heal the boy? It took Pryce and my mother vouching for me to get permission. I think there is only one person on the planet who can save your Mistress' last remnant. Come. Give me the chance to help you find a key to your pain. If it fails? You get to die a few days earlier."The ghost slides from the shadows, peering at me from under his hat-like head and feels my aura emanating calmly. Of sureness. There is the smallest glimmer of hope in his eyes. Its ragged, tiny but stubbornly living. For the moment at least."Alright. Lead the way.""Practice first, then we go save him."Hours later we find ourselves in the hospital. The ghost hides in my shadow and everyone gives way. A girl with an eyepatch, a scarred but lovely gardevoir and a fit looking lucario make for quite the sight.The doctor who is hoping against hope for this to work greets me."Hello Ella. Thanks for trying. I know a few people here think this is...Wrong, but Aaron has so little time left anyway. Anything to try. Anything to help. ""Thanks Doctor Bell. I've brought my partners who can help. Show us the way and do try not to freak out about my third partner. He's a tad scary but believe me when I say he wants this to work more than any of us here."There is just a liiiitttle bit of doubt in his aura but I let mine spill out in a way I probably shouldn't do with humans. Its a tad bit unfair. Humans aren't as strong with life energy as pokémon are so are quite a bit more vulnerable to my emotions manipulating them. If the situation weren't so dire I wouldn't do this but...Well. Might save two lives today.The room we come to is pretty pathetic. Not in its look. Its clean and sunny but the five year old boy in the room hooked up to machines that keep him barely alive is...Yeah. Bad. So awful. Angel moves up to fuss a bit, trying not to silently cry. This place is hard on her. Too much emotion and suffering. But she's still here to help.Tru simply sets up what we need. Three chairs for Angel, Tru and I to sit upon and within range to touch the child.We tried this somewhat with a herd animal we caught before coming. It worked a bit there with mismagius' aid but its still so new. There is a much bigger knot of hope in the ghost though as he slips free of my shadow and floats over the boy. Something about actually being there. In front of his trainer's legacy. I don't know if its because he wants to die here with Aaron or that he is letting himself believe. Either way, I've got him here.Doctor Bell hisses in worry but Angel calms him with images of a bit of mismagius' awful vigil over the last of his ancient family. Doctor Bell steps away to compose himself with my Angel as she relives it with him."Right. Lets do this. If he lives...He has no where to-""My mom said she'd find a place for him in the Clan if he survives. Momma, my starter's mother, said she'd be interested in another human hatchling actually. Heh. So he might become as strong as me."Momma said she was done with hatchlings of her own but humans who interest her? That's another deal. Plus we don't live nearly as long. She has time for a few of us before she gets too old. Wait. Would that make him Zaela's little brother i-No. Thoughts on that after we save him. We will save him."Hah! Save him to give him over to a dragon? I'd enjoy seeing him grow up tall...Fine Guardian. This is insane. Let's do it."Angel moves forward first. Ghosts exist from other worlds and take in pain and negative energy to feed. They can eat regular food just fine. But if they wish to evolve and gain stronger abilities they have to take in suffering and steal a victim's potential. Its not the actual death, its the possibility of more life and strength that they grasp. Their own suffering cannot do. Nor can they take their own potential. Its why they were mistaken as reapers of souls. In reality dying people suffer more and are the easiest potential to take. There is no restraint when gorging.A ghost eats and someone dies if not rescued quick enough. A human that is. Luckily most ghosts find that trainers can get them a different, nearly as potent and less dangerous suffering. Pokémon battles cause a lot of pain. As well as the opposing pokémon's potential to get stronger in that battle. Its why everyone is so on edge around ghosts. They are literally sapping your ability to get stronger. Perhaps not as satisfying as all of someone's life but they aren't hunted down by vengeful relatives.Its not a permanent drain thankfully. Imagine it's stealing a level. You can get back that level. But its also another reason ghosts are somewhat reviled. Its not pleasant as an understatement.Angel moves in, constantly using wish and heal pulse to raise Aaron's vitals. We're not sure how much strain this will put on the kid but its best to be safe. Tru joins hands with mine and we make sure one of us at least is leaning against the withered looking kid. Mismagius hovers around nervously as Tru and I for our gestalt of sorts. Finally we're ready."Go on. Act. We'll guide you."Pokémon moves are not meant for humans for the most part. Even healing moves are somewhat dangerous as they use the power each pokémon has in them to heal faster. As pokémon have so much more life energy than humans its very, very dangerous for a human near death if a pokémon move is used to aid them. There is often no choice but people dying from their aura being used up too quick was not uncommon in the warring ages. Chansey eggs and similar effects are safer because they draw from the pokémon for energy. Wish as well pulls from ambient energy in the starts as clefairy do. Its why its not an instant heal. It needs a bit of time to gather energy.Pain split is a bad idea to use on humans. Its meant to cause pain. Harm. Suffering that a ghost can feed on. Other species can use it but ghosts likely invented it. What we do is different. Refrigerate and Pixilate are very fun abilities because of the tactics they suggest. What we do here is bastardizing a version that makes pain split's normal typing into pure aura. Life. It hurts like hell for Tru and I to force it through our gestalt. It took about twenty or so painful tries to get it down on the herd animal we used. And yeah, I feel awful about the pain we caused it but if we figured this out it could be something amazing.I consider mismagius part of my family already. I'm drawing on the hope to help heal his centuries of pain and wrap him up in my aura. To guide him along the path to Aaron. Drawing it slowly along we feel it connect. The beeping of Aaron Royce's heart spikes then steadies. There appears to be no pain but he might be just too far gone. Mismagius takes this as hope and starts to pain split in earnest.Tru and I suffer through the crawly sensation as we have thirty or so more times after the first success. We did it until we could do it ten times in a row. Angel comes in now and heal bell pulses above Aaron. While meant to deal with status effects the ability is often used to find diseases for humans to treat. It is likely Aaron has a genetic disorder that cannot be cured without miracles….Aura is a miracle. And ghosts steal potential.Angel directs us to the origin of the disorder and mismagius finds its potential. In what can only be the otherworldly nature of his power along with the bright star of life that is aura we strip the disorder's potential away as he gives of his ancient self to breathe life into the boy. He simultaneously gorges on the possibility of the disorder ever affecting Aaron again and uses that energy to travel right back into Aaron. Sacrificing of himself as ghosts so often do. But instead of damage, seeking to heal the ravages that have destroyed the kid's body.Added to it is all that I've been working on. The connection that a trainer has with their pokémon that gives lets them grow to such heights. Supercharged by my aura. Suicune showed me what I could do for my family. And I do here. Purple energy novas from me so much I can see it even through my one good eye, flowing over mismagius as he burns for this child he's never talked to but loves so much. Making him more than he was yesterday. Than he was a moment ago.It is hard, draining, painful and time consuming to make sure we don't overload Aaron's body with power but it works. By Arceus it works. Mismagius is a wisp of himself by the end of it, near death, but Angel heals him up immediately without any trouble. Aaron is changed. Healthy skin replaces the chalky white of before we started. Muscles that were barely able to function twitch as his brain realizes everything that was failing works once more.Doctor Bell can't stop staring. I'm barely conscious as I lean against Tru who is not that much better. Its fatigue more than spent life force as mismagius gave. But we did it. The promise Suicune gave me is true. We did the impossible with aura. I'm never more grateful for my geeky, naive self who thought aura would just be 'neat' to have."Guardian...What is your name?""Ella..Mita. Of Blackthorn.""...I would offer you my aid. And effort to learn how to make this easier. So we can heal others. Bring them back from the brink. Please. Please."The stark, desperate hope in his voice lets another tear slip from my eye and as he pops into the premier ball I wordlessly offer. Even if he just comes right back out to set up a vigil near where Doctor Bell is running test after test over Aaron.I think of the last two of my family promised. I don't mind as much anymore. If they have had hard lives. Oh I'll empathize and feel a bit of guilt but...We've created something amazing today. Today a ghost saved someone inches away from the death they are so known for creating. Would we have ever discovered this if mismagius hadn't suffered as much as he did? That his desperation led him to hoping on someone he's only known two weeks? Wattson wanted us because of how our family felt. Of his desire to be a part of it. Joker knew what a family was then saw how we would seek to protect his and others. Be a hunting pack. Now this ghost. And how he'd fit in with hope.I think...I shall be taking a trip to Lavender town. Yes. More recruits.It takes a few hours for us to leave the hospital. Doctor Bell is beside himself. Pleading to try this again with other patients is listened to and denied because of how exhausted we are. I do say we'll be trying to do this more and he jumps at the chance to help. What he saw there has changed him. I read his aura, smile at his conviction and my cause gains a doctor rabid to find a ghost to start researching how to streamline what we just did.It isn't until a few days later that Tass gets his name. Introducing him to the group is interesting. He's much more calm now that he sees a purpose to his life after so many years of self-hatred and despair.At first he's muted and polite, simply watching our group and not socializing much. The introduction is pretty boring, with just him saying his species name as his name and declining any nicknames until something sticks.Then he remembers he's a ghost. Not a dead mon walking. And the pranks begin.Aurora's cooking pans get hung in trees tall enough only she and Zaela can reach them without psychic abilities.Joker finds out that mismagius can find him and the ghost spends two days hopping out of my zoroark's shadow at random points.Angel gets zero pranks. He's so grateful to her that he treats her with utmost respect. Tru as well to start, though she inevitably scolds him and its on. Giant words with an arrow pointing in random directions say things like 'Tru and Wattson kissed here.' or 'Tru reads romance novels secretly' until she stops nagging him as he calls it.Zaela gets exactly one prank set on her. I don't know what it was or how it happened. All I know is that when I ask him how he pranked her he just got a panicked look and hid in my shadow for the rest of the day muttering about teeth that go on for days.Both Mars and Query treat it as a new game. Query doesn't understand the drawings painted on his silver-gold hide (mostly insinuating he's the biggest of nerds) and Mars foils every single attempt at a prank before it reaches him. Shadow Claw is one of his favorite abilities and any manipulation of space around him is disrupted because of it.Wattson found the pranks hilarious (he got his yellow fur colored pink for a day) so started helping mismagius with a few of them with the caveat that Tru never know. I'm looking forward to when he remember she can probably sense his eventual guilt. Not him being guilty, but rather him not being surprised by some of the pranks going off.Its Sunny who inspires his name that sticks and its such sweet revenge."Stop it! I don't like your stupid pranks! Mom! Make him stop before I start getting mad!" She's not calling me for my sake but for his. Sunny is throwing herself into training and mismagius is definitely the weakest of us in a fair fight. But then again that's not the point of ghosts."You should be careful friend. Sunny may be very tolerant but if you put itching powder in her brush again I'll get mad." I've also been exempt from the pranks though I'll likely join in for the fun of it after a time. Aaron didn't wake up before we left. Mismagius was fine with it. The knowledge that his charge would live was all the satisfaction he needed."Oh come on. It wasn't that bad. It only lasted a little while and soap and water get it out easy.""No! Stop! I don't like it! We can just be friends and play if you want to have fun! Urgh! You're not at all like I hoped!""Well soooorrry. I am who I am. What did you expect? I'm a ghost. We're kind of mean at times.""You should be like kender! Mom told me about them! They're curious, kind hearted and get into trouble but they never bring it on friends on purpose. But you're just being nasty and blah! So blah! To you!" She trounces off then, not noticing that the gleam in my eye is dangerous at her words. I did tell them about kender from Dragonlance didn't I? There was one kender who stood out. A problem for his friends but with a heart of gold."Oh mismagius! I've thought of the perfect name for you.""….I'm not going to like this am I?" He sounds resigned to his fate. Well at least he's not a complete idiot."Welcome to the family Tasslehoff."TasslehoffAlright. This has gone on long enough. You're fucking this up Ella. Query you shut the fuck up. If you want me to do this I'll say what needs to be said. More than anyone else.You're fucking this up. We met and you dragged my sorry ass out of my sorrow and kicked me in the face with possibility until what? Now we have whole fucking teams of medics who have ghosts as partners. As long as someone has an inch of life there is a chance of saving them. Because turns out ghosts can be kinda fucking nice if given a chance of not having to murder someone to get stronger.Now we consume sickness, death and turn it into giving. Like some Christmas miracle.You did that. With me. And now your stupid ass is throwing away all of this. All the awful heart ache to get here and you let two deaths stop your dream?The rest might think its not that bad. They can't taste despair like I can. So don't you come back, read this and fucking lie to them. I won't have it. I'm not kind. I'll tell it like it is.I love you. We all do you bitch. But you're doing this so alone when all you've ever done before these last few years is promote unity and team work. What. The. Fuck.I'm so pissed at you. People die. I know it. Fuck do I know it. You get over it with the other things in your life. How about all the pokémon who would happily create a world of corpses over losing you? Huh?! What about that Ella? Shit.You get so fucking high on your horse, promoting the Guardians and about what they can do but when it comes to talking to someone and letting someone in you just walk it off. Except that's a lie. You haven't let it go. Its festering in you. What about Sunny's promise? Its a burden. I get it. And it adds up. Over and over until its a weight that suffocates.That's right. I know. I should fucking well know. I hated you at the start. So pompous and sure you could do the impossible. You made me a believer. I still am. But I'm so angry right now I wish I had hands to punch your fucking face in. Because you're not letting others help you with what is hurting you.This is unacceptable. We're not even the start of the people who love you. Who would be utterly upset you aren't taking care of yourself. You want me to tell Cynthia about this? See what she does huh? I bet you'd fucking listen then. What about your girl? I don't fucking know how she doesn't know. Hiding from her are you?FUCK! You better take this to heart. I swear. There are no threats I can give other than this. Fix this or I go back to the Valley and stay there until your head is out of your ass. I can heal without you now you know. You can come crawling back after you get some perspective. I love you Ella but you're such a little shit sometimes.Grow a pair like I know you can. Put those big girl pants on and let someone help you. Without having to beat your head over with a club to get the idea in that stubborn skull of yours.Arceus damn you. We only get this angry at people we care about. You said that to me. Hope you choke on those words.Fuck. Just come back. I don't want to lose another trainer. Please.

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