
16. Oracle twins: Your father will bring some crazy surprises

I'm examining the geography of the Isle of Draco. Its size is half of Manhattan island and it's formed on the bones of an ancient dragon mainly the ribcage and hind legs. There are 193 intercontinental lifts connected to the Isle of Draco which leads to the cities with the most magical creature density of every country. " Sir, we have acquired all of Eli Excelsior Pandarus's assets and we have acquired many magical artefacts and grimoires explaining the use of many things." Said J.A.R.V.I.S.

" Tell CORTANA to catalogue everything and tell her to seal them up." I ordered. I get out of my lab and go to my home and see Haley doing homework in the dining room and Susan is cooking. I started helping Haley doing homework and suddenly I asked," Where's Jake?"

" He's gone with Fu dog to the Ogre ba..." Susan comes and covers Haley's mouth and says," Football. Jake has gone to see the football game." I say," Hope, he's having fun." I got up and invited them to go to the living room and Haley and Susan joined me and we just watched something random. " So, many nights I just dreamt of this exact moment and playing those precious memories in my head kept me sane for 20 years in that hell." I thought to myself. I hope those pesky oracle twins will not be prophesying too much.

Jake's pov:

Jake was exhausted because being alert at all times to not be crushed by a boulder travelling at 180 miles per hour. At that moment he suddenly screamed," Ogre 180 miles per hour." " Nein!! Mr. Long it's Cyclops." Yelled Rotwood and slammed his wooden ruler at Jake's table.

" Mr. Long ,even though I cannot approach you in private due to the restraining order your father got against me due to that incident. If you fail at my test which counts for 50% of your grades this semester you will have to spend the entire summer in summer school." Said Rotwood. Jake couldn't help but grumble. After the bell rang Jake went to his gramps's shop to study and he was pestering Fu for a memory potion for the upcoming exam and at that moment Lao Shi in order to impart his unfathomable knowledge cut Jake's homework.

Fortunately Gammah Null was able to reattach it using the refabricator mechadendrites. At that moment Lao Shi received a Fairy mail and it was a bodyguard duty to protect the oracle twins from Herbert the goblin crime boss who wants to kidnap them in order to make predictions of the upcoming Ogre ball games.

Jake went to Magus bazaar in order to meet the oracle twins and begin his duties after tripping on Newt eyeballs. Jake asked," If you guys can see the future then why don't you guys just predict when Herbert will attack you and just avoid it." " It doesn't work that way." Said Cara.

Fu then said," Even though the twins are the descendants of the oracle of Delphi but after a few thousand years the bloodline thinned down along the way." Sara said," Silly, we just get random prophecies every waking hour of our existence. Heh heh." "Well, no problem I will just take care of them after my test on Friday." Said Jake.

" I'm sorry young dragon but you must find a way to balance things out because the Ogre ball is this Friday and Herbert will try everything in his power to get them before the game." Said Lao Shi. Jake helplessly takes the oracle twins with him and they are waiting for Spud and Trixie. After some time Trixie and Spud reached the rendezvous point. Seeing the oracle twins Spud said," See, I told you that it was a matter of time before Jake replaced us with cooler sidekicks."

"Spud, they are not my sidekicks they are my job. Meet Cara and Sara. Cara sees good stuff Sara sees bad stuff." Sara says to Trixie," I forgive you for spitting on me." Trixie said," Girl, I ain't spitting on anybody, nuh uh." Cara says," You and Spud will tie the knot." Hearing that Trixie spit on Sara's dress.

Flabbergasted Trixie and Spud just went home and Jake went to his gramps's shop which is literally swarmed by customers. Jake defeats the goblins that attacked him in the alley in order to kidnap the twins and finally reached the shop and gets plenty of tips about his exams from the twins and then the next day he took them to his school and they were posing as his cousins who came to visit. They started prophesying the future of random people around them and there were two weirdly suspicious girls that randomly appeared.

At lunch Trixie and Spud are arguing like a true married couple and at that moment Sara says," Something will get the last chocolate pudding before Rose." At that moment Jake saw that Gammah Null took the last chocolate pudding and gave the nerd boy another chocolate pudding which he secretly fabricated using the atoms of the huntschumps.

Then Gammah Null just gave the pudding to Rose who was using crutches and she visibly flinched when she saw Gammah Null but Gammah Null just gave her the pudding after all it was accidental that Gammah Null hurt her and gave a holographic message," Enjoy the pudding - Jake."

She stares at Jake's way and gives a smile which physically melts Jake to a red puddle. At the end of the class Sara suddenly said," Rose is going to fall down the stairs in approximately 30 seconds." Jake rushed towards Rose and saw her crutch suddenly slipped and as she was about to fall Jake caught her and said," You okay?" " Thank you." She replied and the bell rang.

At that moment Rotwood came and took Jake to the exam room. Jake was giving the exam and at that moment he received a fairy mail sent by the oracle twins and it said," Sara: We will be kidnapped by Herbert. Heh heh. Cara: But you will rescue us. Sara: I will also smell pixie schnitzels and you will be hit by a boulder flying at 180 miles per hour. Heh heh."Jake left the exam hall in order to save his oracle friends and after he left the class ushered in Diarrheapocalypse due to the meatloaf made of Skunk meat.

They came to the venue where the Brox trollers and Knuckle draggers were competing in the final game of ogre bowl. After a lot of drama Jake was finally able to rescue Cara and Sara. Herbert was apprehended and Jake escorted the oracle twins home after Cara gave Jake a beating with Sara's sandal. Cara says that the exam will be retaken because most failed because of explosive diarrhea.

The oracle twins say that they will give Jake tips if they get any prophecies but Jake says," I need to face my problems head on. So, no more shortcuts for me, yo."( My baby boy is becoming a man. 🥹🥹🥹🥹)

As they reached the door Sara while closing the door says," That's a super duper attitude. (Sinister voice) You should keep that in mind when you find out the dark, awful truth about Rose. Also, be prepared for your dad to bring some crazy surprises. Well, heh heh, night."

Jake is now simply flabbergasted. Meanwhile Trixie tied Spud's shoelace fulfilling the prophecy.

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