

I was looking stuff up and just had my mind BLOWN. I HAVE TO SHARE THIS, IT WAS NEVER KNOW TO ME TIL NOW and yes, I know the internet lies but this is a direct Google response. Ariana was Gellerts WIFE???!!

Screenshot here:

I left the search in so others could look it up themselves. Is the the next movies plot twist??


As we entered the hall, I zoned out as I had watched the HP movies hundreds of times and the "magic" of being at Hogwarts just wasn't there for me so I only caught bits and pieces of what was going on around me.

...Higwarts, a History...'singing hat'...

After everyone was sorted in an order I can only fathom as weakest to strongest, I finally hear my name called before I start to walk up to the chair as I make eye contact with several teachers. Snape looks at me with a mix of contempt and confusion. Albus makes eye contact just as I feel a mind probe.

With a quick movement I appear beside him holding my, now smaller, size appropriate sword, at his neck.

"If you ever try to invade my mind again, I will keep your head as a trophy." I stated calmly to complete silence. "Am I understood Headmaster?"

".....y...yes." he barely mumbled out.

"Good." I stated before placing my sword back into my inventory and, very slowly, flying back over the table to my previous position. As I resumed my walk, the (I spent a good 5 mins here trying to remember the words. Kitchen, dining room, dining hall was close but sounded wrong. Finally had to replay hp 3 to after the portrait was slashed to get it in my head) Great Hall was in pandemonium as everyone was shouting and asking questions.

"He attacked Dumbledore! Why?"

"What happened?"

"Mister Peverell! Attacking a teacher is unacceptable! You..." McGonagall started to froth at the mouth before I interrupted her.

"PROFESSOR McGonagall. Attacking the mind of a Head of House, Heir of ANY House or, in my case, the Lord Apparent of a Primordial House (houses that date back over 1000 years in Britain) is tantamount to attempted line theft at the worst and an unprovoked attack on a person at the least. I was well within my rights to kill him on the spot and not receive any punishment for it. Mind your tone before I assume you are attempting to aid my attacker and bring charges to you as well. Do not forget that as Lord Apparent of the Primordial House of Peverell I am fully within my rights to end your entire clan on the grounds of your actions!" I stated as her face grew into a look of pure horror. "Let me reeducation you on my houses history and present." I said as the entire hall was listening with rapt attention. "House Peverell started with 3 brothers who, little known, were the ONLY 3 children of Merlin himself. Of the 3 brothers, 2 of them have only 1 male descendant left alive. My ancestor, the youngest, has myself and my brother Harry."

"Who are the other 2? Do you know?" Professor Flitwick asked, letting his inner Ravenclaw through.

"Gellert Grindelwald and Tom Morvolo Riddle of the House of Guant." I said throwing a glance at Quirrel.

"The House of Guant is extinct." Snape stated like I was an idiot.

"Only in the same way the House of Prince is." I responded. He at least had the sense to look embarrassed. "When only a female is left and the child, if there's only 1 as in this case, said child will generally take the name of his sire, 'extincting' the old house with a new name. House Guant was absorbed into or renamed to House Riddle. And yes, the second brothers descendant lost her name of Peverell by marrying the blood adopted child of Slytherin becoming a Guant, also know as the 'Stone House' by the Peverell family. Grindelwalds family, also called the 'Wand House', only lost it a few decades later thereby giving ALL rights of the Peverell name to the last side to hold the Peverell name, the 'Cloak House' as it were. My brother and I are the first generation in over 800 years, or since the Peverell family merged with the Potter family, to have more than a single child. This allowed me to give the Potter name solely to Harry so I could take the Peverell name. Also, little known fact, Slytherin had 1 single child, a female squib. As with the times, she was sent to live out her days not knowing of her true lineage in the muggle world. Can anyone tell me the characteristics of the Slytherin family line?" I asked.

"...purple...eyes." Snape slowly spoke.

"Yes. And can you describe my mother's eyes and her mother's eyes for clarity to everyone here?" I asked calmly.

"...purple...all of them were purple." He answered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"And by right of conquest, my brother has regained the rights and magics of House Slytherin from House Riddle. Returning that which was taken as "family magic". Harry returned it to "bloodline family magic" allowing all, both blood adopted and blood descendant of Slytherin to hold the family magic. It is also worth mentioning the Potters are the only magic descendant family, through marriage, of Gryffindor. And my soul bonded is the magically recognized descendant of Ravenclaw. We own this school, so mind your tongues." I stated.

After getting control of the student body Dumbledore opened his mouth again "Even if what you say is true, I am still the Headm..." he didn't get to finish.

"I don't give a fuck who you are, Albus 'too many names' Dumbledore! You are not a part of the line. So shut your trap. You know what? BY THE RIGHT OF MAGIC, I ACCEPT TOM MORVOLO RIDDLE AND GELLERT GRINDELWALD INTO THE HOUSE OF PEVERELL! ALL PEVERELL FAMILY ARTIFACTS ARE TO RETURN TO ME! SO MOTE IT BE!" I stated as magic flares around me.

"NO!!!!!" Dumbledore screams as he jumps to his feet, trying and failing to pull out the Wand out of his robes that has just returned to my hands along with a certain Cloak, Stone, a pencieve and close to 100 other items and tomes.

"OH, Dumbledore. You've been a very naughty boy!" I stated, looking at all the items and magic telling me who had them. Almost all in the possession of 1 Albus Dumbledore.

Several motes of light come flying into the room, 1 of which came from Quirrel, converging in front of me just to my left. And a portal opened up next to its right as well.


I may release another chapter today. The revelation at the start of the chapter has thrown me off a bit.

Chapitre suivant