

Suraj walked into the lounge of one of Mumbai's high-end cafes, looking for Arrav Kapoor. Arrav had requested a meeting to catch up after the massive success of Bloody Commando. He finally spotted Arrav at a corner table, looking surprisingly relaxed and casual, dressed in a simple white shirt and jeans. As Suraj approached, Arrav stood up with a big smile and reached out to shake his hand.

"Suraj! My man!" Arrav said, his voice full of genuine enthusiasm. "I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me. You have no idea what a turning point Bloody Commando has been for my career."

Suraj smiled and returned the handshake firmly. "Arrav, you were incredible in it. I had no doubt you could pull off an action role, but even I didn't expect the reaction to be this strong!"

Arrav chuckled, his eyes bright with excitement. "Honestly, I had been typecast for so long. You know, the chocolate hero, the perfect boyfriend in rom-coms... I thought that was all people saw me as. But you had a vision, and you took a risk on me. Now, after Bloody Commando, I'm getting scripts for action films! Scripts that directors wouldn't have dared to bring to me a year ago."

Suraj laughed, "All I did was give you the opportunity, Arrav. You're the one who brought that character to life. You made the audience believe in you. You did all the hard work."

Arrav leaned forward, his tone more serious. "But that opportunity means everything to me, Suraj. It's shown me a different path. I've always loved acting, but after so many similar roles, I was beginning to feel... trapped, I guess. You gave me the chance to prove to myself that I could do more. For that, I'll always be grateful."

"Well, I'm glad it worked out," Suraj said. "But I hope you're ready because I'm just getting started. Bloody Commando is only the beginning of something much bigger."

Arrav's eyes widened. "Oh, really? So there's more on the way?"

Suraj grinned, "Absolutely. I'm working on a project right now—an entire cinematic universe dedicated to stories of bravery, patriotism, and sacrifice. The next installment is called Raw's Rampage. We're in pre-production now."

Arrav whistled in admiration. "A whole cinematic universe? That's ambitious. But if anyone can pull it off, it's you, Suraj. Just let me know if there's ever a role for me in one of your future projects."

Suraj nodded thoughtfully. "I'll keep that in mind, Arrav. There's definitely room for versatile actors who can handle complex roles."

After exchanging a few more words, the two men parted ways, each energized by the conversation. Suraj felt a deep sense of satisfaction. He had not only helped Arrav break free of his romantic hero mold but had also set the stage for the next chapter in his own career.


Back at the Mythic Productions office, Suraj gathered his team of newly appointed crew members to discuss Raw's Rampage. With Bloody Commando as the springboard, they were now laying the groundwork for a more expansive universe, and Raw's Rampage was set to be the heart of it.

The meeting room buzzed with excitement as Suraj walked in. Around the table sat his key team members: the director of photography, the costume designer, the screenwriter, and the production manager. They had all been briefed on the concept, but this was their first chance to dive into the specifics.

"All right, everyone," Suraj began, "I want Raw's Rampage to be unlike anything Bharat has seen before. This won't just be a show—it'll be the backbone of our cinematic universe. Our goal is to bring depth, realism, and a gritty sense of heroism to the screen. And for that, we need to take our time with the details. We're going to be building a world."

The director of photography nodded, flipping through a stack of concept art. "I'm thinking we could use darker color palettes, strong contrasts, maybe even go for a noir-like aesthetic for some of the intense scenes."

"Exactly," Suraj agreed. "But remember, this isn't a movie, so we'll have more space to flesh things out. We're aiming for a minimum of eight episodes for the first season, so we don't need to cram everything in. The key is to establish mood and atmosphere without rushing."

The costume designer leaned in, excited. "We've been researching looks for both the main character, Ravan, and his various alter-egos. Since he'll be a covert agent, we want each look to reflect a different side of him."

"Perfect," Suraj said. "Authenticity is key. Ravan isn't just a hero; he's someone who's had to sacrifice everything. Let's make sure his journey feels raw and real."

After hashing out various details, Suraj assigned the location scouting team to start searching for settings that could reflect the complex, shadowy underworld of Raw's Rampage. He gave them specific instructions to look for secluded, rugged places that would work as Ravan's hideouts and training grounds.

The meeting wrapped up, and Suraj leaned back in his chair, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Mythic Productions was truly moving in the right direction. This project wasn't just a job; it was a legacy in the making.


Later that evening, Suraj returned home to find Aryan working on a math assignment at the kitchen table, his small face scrunched up in concentration. Suraj chuckled as he stepped into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Need any help, champ?" he asked, leaning over Aryan's shoulder.

Aryan looked up with a big grin. "I think I'm good, bhaiya, but math is so confusing sometimes! Why do we need so many numbers?"

Suraj laughed. "Good question. I've wondered the same thing myself!"

After dinner was ready, they sat together, enjoying a simple but hearty meal. Aryan eagerly told Suraj about his day, including a funny incident at school where he'd accidentally spilled his juice on his friend's lunchbox.

"Did you say sorry?" Suraj asked with a smirk.

"Yes, but then we both started laughing, and the teacher thought we were up to mischief," Aryan said, giggling.

As they finished up, Aryan suddenly grew quiet. "Bhaiya... do you think Papa and Mama would be proud of us?"

Suraj felt a lump in his throat. "Of course they would, Aryan. They'd be very proud of you. You're brave, thoughtful, and always care about others. They couldn't ask for a better son."

Aryan's face lit up, and he gave Suraj a big hug. After a few moments, Aryan yawned, clearly ready for bed. Suraj tucked him in, ruffling his hair before turning off the light.

As Suraj himself settled into bed, he thought back to the day's progress—the meetings, the planning, the sense of purpose he felt for Raw's Rampage and Mythic Productions. He'd come a long way, and he had Aryan to thank for keeping him grounded and reminding him of the real reasons he was doing all this.

Tonight, as he drifted off to sleep, Suraj felt more certain than ever that he was building something that would honor his parents' legacy and leave a lasting impact on Bharat's film industry. The road ahead was long, but with Aryan by his side, he knew he could face whatever challenges lay in his path.


Author note:

support story with power stones 😀

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