
Sing For Me

The day after our encounter with Plink's ruffians, my clones, Number Two and Number Three, were already back on the job, facing down a group of thugs in a narrow alley.

"You really wanna go through with this? Do you know who we are?" sneered one of the thugs. "We're the Sags Family—the ones even crying children fear!"

"Let me guess," Number Two replied coolly, "Plink sent you here. Go back while you still can, and I might just forget about this."

"Forget it!" the thug shouted. "Get 'em, boys!"

With a resigned sigh, the clones moved in swift, synchronized motion, each wielding a compact stun spell as they neutralized each thug in seconds, leaving them sprawled across the ground, groaning in pain. Time to try out a new trick—the Pain Curse. The process was simple: construct a mana circuit inside their bodies and let the curse do its job, even through the clones.

"Argh! Stop! Fine, I'll talk!" one thug yelped. "It was Plink! Now, please, stop!"

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