
Chapter 52: Fathers and Sons of Trouble

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Lex suddenly felt a sharp pain in his left leg and looked down to see a rip in the knee of his jeans. Instinctively, he touched the sore spot and immediately felt a slick, wet sensation on his fingers. Before he could fully process the pain, the rustling in the bushes to his left started up again, making his nerves prickle.

Realizing he couldn't just sit and wait, Lex mustered all his strength, got to his feet, and forced himself to ignore the pain, running forward. He stumbled over a fallen tree and panted as he scrambled down a steep slope. The rustling behind him didn't fade; if anything, it felt even closer. Feeling a growing sense of dread, he sped up, sprinting through tangled bushes filled with the earthy scent of leaves and soil. Soon, he heard the sound of water trickling over rocks. Just ahead, there was a narrow stream.

But before he could reach it, a shadow flashed past him, sending him sprawling to the ground. Dazed and in pain, he propped himself up, desperate to see what had attacked him. Staring ahead, his eyes widened as he caught sight of a pair of glowing purple eyes peering out from the bushes, radiating a sinister energy. His body froze with fear, and his mind went blank.

He tried to stand and flee, but his legs trembled uncontrollably, refusing to cooperate. Just when he thought he was about to be devoured by the creature lurking in the darkness, footsteps echoed behind him.

With a rustle, the bushes parted, and Peter appeared, surprised to see the terrified boy on the ground. Driving back from Kent Farm, Peter had heard footsteps and heavy breathing nearby, so he'd parked and come to investigate, never expecting to find a frightened bald kid.

"You okay?" Peter asked, extending a hand to Lex, assuming he was just some local kid who'd wandered off.

Lex grabbed Peter's hand, feeling a surge of relief that made him nearly burst into tears. "Sir, there's a monster over there!" he gasped, pointing toward the bushes.

Peter looked in the direction Lex indicated, but only saw dense shrubs and nothing out of the ordinary. He furrowed his brow and scanned the area. There was something odd about this place.

At the Podrick Farm...

Clark was engrossed in his Funk & Wagnalls Standard English Dictionary, looking up words. The "flesh-eating bugs" that the Martian Manhunter had mentioned had left a lingering unease in his mind.

"Haunted," he read aloud. "It means frequently visited by ghosts." Then he moved to another definition: "Haunting—something that lingers in your mind."

A curious Azur leaned over. "Are you studying vocabulary, Clark?"

"No, I just… got a bad feeling about something." Clark pointed to another word in the dictionary. "To haunt, also used as a noun, can mean 'the hunting ground of an animal.' Detective Jones said it wasn't aliens, but alien parasites—so is this place haunted?"

Azur shook his head. "No idea, but whatever that bug is, I'll deal with it. No need to worry, Clark. I'll protect Dad and you."

Clark, however, didn't share Azur's confidence. Ever since Don's death, he'd felt a weight of guilt. "Azur, are you scared at all?"

"Not really," Azur replied. "Haven't you ever heard this? 'If you're part of the story, you only get scared at the end, not now.' Dad taught me that."

Just as Azur was saying this, the rumble of an engine sounded from outside. Peter had arrived back at the farm, bringing Lex Luthor along with him.

Peter had already figured out that the bald kid was the Lex Luthor. He couldn't believe he'd just casually picked up Superman's future arch-nemesis by the side of the road.

Looking at Lex's smooth head, Peter had a fleeting thought—maybe this kid's "strong look" was part of what made him a future genius. Though Lex was supposed to be Clark's rival, Peter thought there might be a way to change that; maybe Lex could even be an ally.

Lex, meanwhile, was busy inspecting the farm with curiosity. To him, the place looked "rustic," and he was already plotting how to convince his father to buy Peter a larger farm in gratitude for saving him.

Azur and Clark emerged from the house, noticing the newcomer.

"Dad, who's this?" Azur asked warily, something about the bald kid giving him a feeling that he wasn't exactly trustworthy.

"This is Lex Luthor," Peter said, patting Lex's shoulder. "Why don't you head inside with Clark and John? I've called your father; he'll be here soon."

Lex nodded and thanked Peter again. "Thank you, Mr. Podrick."

Half an hour later, Lionel Luthor arrived at the farm, visibly relieved to see his son safe. After expressing his gratitude to Peter, he took Lex and left.

As soon as they were gone, Azur told Peter about meeting John Jones.

"John Jones?" Peter pondered the name. It brought to mind a green-skinned, bald figure in blue shorts—the Martian Manhunter.

The Martian Manhunter's powers were similar to Clark's, but broader in scope, with abilities like mind-reading, shapeshifting, and invisibility. Though powerful, he had significant weaknesses. Given his understated popularity, it seemed he'd transitioned to more of a behind-the-scenes role.

Peter shook his head, dismissing the notion of the Martian Manhunter as a possible farm "assistant" and refocused on the alien parasites. Had Don's death been their doing?

Gazing out into the dark night beyond the window, Peter's thoughts turned to the lurking danger he sensed out there. Somewhere, something was out there, waiting.

The Next Morning...

Peter had barely started his day when he received a call from Jonathan.

"Peter, something's happened!"

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