
Author Note

Well, that's a wrap for Volume 3.5! I hope you enjoyed this part of the journey because things are about to get serious in the next two arcs. Something drastic is coming for the MC, and trust me, it's going to be a turning point. You're either going to love it, or you're going to hate the book, me, and probably my AI helper, too. 😅

Now, let me get something off my chest. I've been seeing all these fan fics out there with 10 chapters, and somehow, they have WAY more Powerstones than me. But I'm not jealous—seriously, I'm not. 😤 (Okay, maybe a little.) But hey, we're all here for the long game, right? Maybe I should slow down the release rate, really savor every chapter… Or maybe not. Who knows? 😏

But in all seriousness, your support means the world to me, and those Powerstones? They keep me motivated, especially since I'm a pretty competitive guy. So if you're enjoying the ride, keep them coming!

Thanks for sticking with me, and get ready—big things are on the horizon!

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