
An Egg As A Gift

"Wooimbouttamakeanameformyselfere" Raven chanted, a chant taught to her by Escanor, it had the effect of pumping her up, making her ready for the fight to come... or the sneak attack to come.

"Raven, it's time!" Trigon, a demon the size of a star said while shrinking his size to be that of a small mountain. Raven was in her demonic form, she was almost swallowed by her demonic half if not for Escanor popping up to give her the motivation to continue fighting,

"Yes," Raven said as she floated in the air, getting ready to cast the spell that shall bring Trigon to earth to conquer. 

"What a good daughter, you and I shall rule the whole universe," Trigon said with a loving smile, he and Raven were fated to be together... that was indeed fated to happen.

"W-what?" Trigon said in shock seeing as the darkness moved, coming off Raven to swallow him. He tried to remove the darkness, but It would just recover, enraged he looked towards Raven, his eyes glowing red before he shot beams towards Raven, aiming to knock her out. He couldn't kill Raven, he needed her for his goals.

But a black raven appeared, and those beams fell into the darkness, swallowed up and lost in darkness. Trigon's eyes widened, not understanding what happened, Raven should have fallen, she should have lost all her humanity, why was she fighting back?

"You can't defeat me! Raven! I'm Trigon! Once I break free, you will pay for daring to go against your father!" Trigon roared as he began trying to slowly overwhelm the darkness.

"I will not lose today... I have someone waiting for me." Raven said slightly, closing her eyes as she pictured Escanor half demonic face. 

"Wooimbouttamakeanameformyselfere!" Raven said while strengthening the power behind her magic, causing the Darkness to heal faster. Trigon was quickly overwhelmed, and soon he was sealed, his large body sealed into a red crystal which Raven had ready.

"Just because I'm a demon, doesn't mean anything. I'm Raven, a half-demon and half-human... Yet I'm the furthest thing from you." Raven said, pumping herself up. She took a few deep breaths, looking at hell, a world that had driven her insane, but Escanor helped her... she left without a second thought, not wanting to spend a second later there.


"Perfect," I said with a smirk seeing how everything played out, given a few years Trigon would break free. He would be used to test Raven and the others once more, now to return home...

A few hours later.

"Just where were you? We could have used your help out there." Flash said with a sigh seeing he was back to life, surrounded by the rest of the Justice League.

"I'm not a member of the Justice League, I'm simply doing my job around here... and as for what I was doing, I went to hell to prevent a powerful demon from coming here and erasing our dimension," I said leaving everyone unable to say anything at my words.

"As a grade for your work, as a team effort, you all get an F. But if I were to grade you all alone, some of you got C's and B's," I said calmly,

"You can't treat us like that after we just died." Green Lantern said angrily, to which I glared at him.

"You were the only one who knew Lobo, so smart stuff, knowing that you were facing Lobo and that you were the worst person to face him... why the hell did you move in to fight him? Have you heard of alerting everyone? Of you heard of flying away to buy time? If I could give you a Z, you would have it. You went in to show off your martial arts, martial arts you were unwilling to learn... what did you think was going to happen? Lobo wouldn't catch on to a pattern?" I asked leaving Green Lantern gritting his teeth but he had no words to say.

"Your action of being a hot head led to their death, Martian did well for his first time out. He had no way of expecting Lobo to bypass his intangibility, he also was caught off guard by the bike. He gets a C, but Martian you got too arrogant with your ability, and you should always be on high alert." I said while looking at the Martian Manhunter who nodded in agreement.

"You all then stepped in and driven by emotions, beat him up instead of working on putting him away. All you did was give him information on your weaknesses which he took advantage of, that's adding the unneeded damage you cast to the city if for one... I don't know, you attacked to knock him out instead of inflicting damage, things would have gone differently." I said leaving the air quiet.

"Dr Fate was a dumbass, for someone who lived for so many years, you sure never learned to act first before talking later. What were you hoping would happen? Lobo would wait for you to finish talking and start casting your spells. Of course, you got hit from behind, why would you think of the possibility of something like that from an enemy? It's not like you have a mortal body... oh wait," I said looking at Dr Fate who angrily looked away,

"Flash... for someone who should see the explosion coming at you in slow motion... sigh, Diana was smart to erase the target using the sun, a task perfect for Superman, I expected more from you Batman, you always have plans upon plans, couldn't you have thought of a plan? In fact, why couldn't you guys just drop Lobo in outer space, far away from anything he could use to push himself toward Earth or any other planet? Why couldn't you just have your armor take the Lasso of truth and swing Lobo around for hours nonstop until you have plans to deal with him?" I asked all of them,

"I don't have to take this shit." Green Lantern said while turning to leave,

"Then leave, once you leave you shall leave the Justice League. if you can't sit here and take the truth of the matter, and look back at your mistakes and admit them, just leave." I said coldly,

"Wait, it doesn't need to go that far," Superman said 

"He is right, we made too many mistakes, things that could have been avoided if we thought before acting," Batman said causing Superman and the others who wanted to defend Green Lantern to pause.

"Hal made the biggest mistake that could have ended up in all of our deaths, he had the information and played recklessly before giving us the information. We are as much at fault as we fought with our emotions instead of using our heads. This can't happen again." Batman said while glaring at me. Hal gritted his teeth but stayed in the end.

"Now explain, you know something you're hiding from us," Batman said to which I snapped my finger. Light gathered to form the picture of the multiverse before all of them, and in each multiverse, the sight of the Justice League fighting villains could be seen,

"As you can see in this multiverse, the villains are nothing like the ones you all face. Who could tell me the difference between?" I said while we zoomed into one universe that showed Batman, Superman, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern facing off against Darkseid.

Everything went like how they remembered, but Green Lantern in this universe was bitch slapped to the side, where the Parademons went on to jump him until Flash moved in to save him. They watched as the Justice League was beaten up... but it was clear that Darkseid seemed not to be fighting to kill them, just hurt them.

"Darkseid movement has no killing intent behind them," Batman said with a frown, to which I nodded while I sat back.

"You all right now have the mindsets of fools going to fight villains after watching too many cartoons... all but Wonder Woman, she is the most experienced out of you all," I said calmly,

"We are in what you will call the Dark multiverse, think of it as the more realistic multiverse, in here the villains are not as soft as in the light multiverse. The villains... for example, Darkseid wouldn't fight you to simply throw you around, his every move would have the intent to kill unlike in the light multiverse. Lobo wanted to slaughter you all to ensure you all couldn't get in the way of his bounty, so he moved to kill." I said calmly while looking at their shocked expressions, 

"Is this why you said if we lost, everyone loses?" Batman asked putting the pieces together, and to his words, I nodded calmly.

"A group of powerful beings made it so that if the bad guys win past a said point, the universe is erased, rarely can a universe in the Dark Multiverse trump the evil it faces. I'm not sure that it ever happened. I'm pretty much trying to do the impossible here, but it's worth a try. You all have the best teachers you can hope to have, and you can all come back to life after death within a said amount of time... if this isn't enough, to face realistic villains... then I have no words to say." I said while looking down upon them all.

"Go rest, tomorrow you will start training. I will need you all to use your brain as much as you use those powers as yours. You are all dismissed." I said calmly, to which they left with their mind overflowing with thoughts... although not all of them left, Batman stayed behind wanting to train.

"Go to therapy, you're no longer my disciple until that," I said disappearing, and leaving behind Batman who was stunned at my words. He gritted his teeth, not liking the thought of seeing a therapist... but he knew he needed to grow stronger, or else this universe could be erased. 

I returned home, where I found Death sitting before the TV, her eyes lost seeing the baby Tigers growing up.

"I just saw those tigers when they were born a few seconds ago, I rushed over here to see how their life would play out." Death said not needing to look over to see that I was here.

"I guess it makes sense why the concept of Death would have a deep attraction toward Life," I said while sitting next to her and creating some popcorn with a thought.

"That seems to be true..." Death said remembering how Destruction had a strong attraction toward creation. But then there was Destiny who was chained to his role, unwilling to do anything else the book of fate doesn't. He follows his role so well and is unwilling to go against it even for them.

"you're not going to ask why I watch this even though I can just know all of the information?" Death asked seeing as I was just watching this alongside her.

"It hits differently to learn along the way than to simply know the answer. Knowing everything sucks the fun out of things." I said lazily, to which Death laughed lightly, before sighing seeing the struggles the tigers go through... she wished she could do something to help it, but that was life. Through struggles can life only grow stronger to endure more challenges.

"If you want me to adopt a pet, I don't mind," I said lightly, making Death's eyes brighten at the idea. She looked at me, and to that, I did a quick search across the multiverse for something, and once I found it, I summoned it before me.

"... A phoenix egg? That's perfect." Death said while hugging the red warm egg. Her eyes were bright, unable to wait for the egg to hatch.

"Thank you, now when you die I will not come to get you." She said with a bright smile, to which I rolled my eyes. Didn't she say last time she wouldn't give special treatments? But it's not like I could die, I will just come back to life... my sister wasn't capable enough to hold me... unless she is unwilling to let go, then I might be in trouble.

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