

Helag had a sudden inspiration. "Deep Blue, is there any magic in the pocket watch?"

[There is 4% magic present. Do you want to absorb it?]

He was puzzled. "I remember absorbing the magic from the pocket watch. Why is there 4% now?"

After marking the magic, Helag saw countless blue dots on the watch's base, constantly changing and flickering.

"Deep Blue, record all changes in these dots and see if there's any pattern."

[Recording in progress…]

Helag observed for a long time. There were 1,000 dots on the base, and each time they flickered, some had magic, and some didn't, forming a different dot matrix each time.

"This must contain some information…"

In this world, people might find it hard to understand information expressed this way. But Helag, having studied computer cryptography in college, could comprehend it.

An hour later.

[Dot matrix information recorded. There are 1,000 dots and 1,000 dot matrices.]

Deep Blue had recorded each unique dot matrix. After the 1,000th matrix, they began repeating from the first.

In Helag's vision, the 1,000 different dot matrices were arranged in sequence.

He pondered, "What's the pattern here…"

[Deep Blue, overlay these dot matrices using the rule of even numbers canceling out and odd numbers remaining.]

This rule meant overlaying all dot matrices, and for each dot, if the number of times it had magic was even, it would be erased; if odd, it would remain, resulting in a final dot matrix.

[Dot matrix processing complete,] Deep Blue announced, showing the combined dot matrix.

Helag observed it for a while and then said, "Deep Blue, can these dots form a single stroke drawing?"

[Yes, here's how,] Deep Blue demonstrated with an animation, showing how to connect the dots in one continuous stroke.

"I see. Deep Blue, control my magic to follow this single stroke path and connect the dots on the pocket watch."

Helag still didn't know how to use his magic, so he let Deep Blue handle it.

Deep Blue controlled Helag's magic, channeling it into the pocket watch. The magic started from the first dot, forming a winding line that completed the single stroke drawing.

The moment the magic completed the drawing, a stream of information flowed into Helag's mind.

"Congratulations on solving my little puzzle! Your ability to solve this shows you're observant, thoughtful, and have an excellent mind. The Six-Ring Tower welcomes talented wizards like you. You can join the Six-Ring Tower with this pocket watch."

"Additionally, I will teach you the Starry Sky Meditation Technique, unique to the Six-Ring Tower. If you have a better meditation technique, use it. The Starry Sky Meditation Technique can serve as a reference; excellent techniques always have unique aspects."

"Nicholas Carlos Camby, Year 1024 of the Glorious Calendar."


The Starry Sky Meditation Technique was transmitted as an information stream, bypassing language barriers, making it easier for Helag to understand.

After receiving the technique, Helag gained more knowledge about wizards and meditation techniques.

The Starry Sky Meditation Technique described the practice of meditation and basic knowledge about wizards.

Those practicing meditation before becoming official wizards were called wizard apprentices, ranked from first to third class.

Each stage had strict mental power requirements. Once mental power met the standard, one could advance to the next stage through a ritual.

Advancing to the second class typically involved taking potions to aid the breakthrough.

There were many meditation techniques, each with different methods but the same principle.

Through meditation, one senses the surrounding energy, absorbs and converts it into magic, and enhances mental power.

Those who can sense this energy have the potential to become wizards.

When Helag first encountered "unknown radiation energy," Deep Blue indicated it was compatible with his physique.

At the time, Helag didn't know how to absorb and use the energy, so Deep Blue handled it.

Wizard potential varied; those with higher potential absorbed energy faster and more efficiently, progressing quicker.

Those with low potential might remain first-class apprentices forever due to slow mental power growth.

Helag didn't know his potential, lacking measurement methods and standards.

"Thinking about it now is pointless. Let's try the Starry Sky Meditation Technique."

The technique required the practitioner to gaze at the starry sky, select a star, and meditate, visualizing the star in their mind.

Completing the meditation on one star meant entering the first-class apprentice stage.

The technique had a high upper limit, theoretically allowing infinite improvement.

The more stars one could meditate on, the stronger their mental power.

When the number of meditated stars reached a certain point, they formed constellations with additional effects, but that wasn't Helag's concern now.

Helag needed to complete the meditation on one star, making it his magic source for future meditations.


Helag Merlin: Strength 2.0, Agility 1.6, Constitution 2.2, Spirit 2.5, Magic 55%.


Helag glanced at his attributes, finally understanding the role of mental power.

If he was a magic container, mental power determined its size.

Higher mental power meant more magic storage and usage, affecting casting speed and spell strength.

"So, which star to start with?"

Helag looked at the unfamiliar starry sky, unable to recognize the stars.

He chose a bright, large star and began meditating.

Helag focused on the star, following the Starry Sky Meditation Technique, trying to imprint it in his mind.

By dawn, he had a faint image of the star in his mind, still far from complete.

"Too bad I don't have Meteor Grass to help; it would speed things up," Helag sighed.

Most meditation techniques had corresponding aids to speed up meditation and improve efficiency.

The Starry Sky Meditation Technique requires an herb called Meteor Grass, usually found on fallen meteors.

TL/n - 

You can read up to Chapter 30 for free at p@treon.com/inkbound

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