
Chapter 17 - The thoughts of a demon

Coming to the human world is nothing but the worst decision I have ever been forced to make. Weak, disgusting and unappreciative of what has already been provided for them. Let's not forget how greedy this pigs can be, all they know what to do is to poison their own world. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that at times, humans can be more demon than actual demons themselves. Honestly, how they live their pig-ish lives is of no concern to me. My concern is getting as many humans as I can to the realm of demons, unfortunately I'm too tired to move around. Which leaves this task to those hideous idiots and that red muscle head. Well at least that's would I thought would happen...

Flying high above what this humans consider a city, I felt nothing but praise. Even though they act like pigs, humans are at times pigs with good taste. The architectural style of their building's left me in awe. How can such weak creatures produce such marvelous structures? Well, at the least, they do have something their actually good at. But my eyes were not just focused on this fascinating structures. They were also paying attention to the happenings within this 'city'.

With my hands behind my back and the cool, unpolluted wind ruffling my magnificent hair, I watched as the red muscle head harshly landed within the middle of a road. Tossing their weird wheeled contraptions to the side. Was such an exaggerated entrance necessary? Only he knows. Before the actual action could begin, a blaring noise that caused my ears to ring resounded throughout the whole city. Why so damn loud? I covered my ears in annoyance. Just when my opinion of them improved they do this. Pigs will always be pigs.

As I focused on the city once more, I saw an interesting sight. The humans, all the humans within the city were entering the nearest building, Why though?. Oh! My mind clicked as I remembered the blaring words from earlier. So that's their plan, pathetic. Do they actually believe that those buildings will protect them from a middle class demon like Juggernaut, such a pointless endeavour but also admirable, seeing them try so hard to protect their useless lives is nothing but astonishing.

Why is he just standing there? I questioned myself as I gazed at the red titan standing within a crater. Don't tell me that muscle head's trying to satisfy his weird fetish again. I could feel my eyebrow uncontrollably twitch at this thought. At the rate things are going, those Yeager Corps humans will arrive and ruin everything. Should I go down there? On second thought, maybe not. If the mission fails I could always blame it on that red buffoon. Hopefully, Kraven that Idio– 'cough' oh! so gracious demon lord would forgive us for our failure. I took out a handkerchief and wiped the bead of sweat that formed on my forehead. That was a close one.

I hate it when that happens, I don't even know how he hears it. As my train of thought began to wander on another direction, I suddenly noticed a change in the streets. The once calmly walking humans were now rushing about like headless chickens, pushing and shoving those nearest to them. It got even more worse once they got a clear view of the red titan. He must be enjoying this. If all the humans hide within those buildings, it's going to take some time to get them out, time we don't have. Though to be honest, watching them scramble around like the weak cowards they are is quite enjoyable.

There's another thing I noticed, all the building's within this part of the city began to lower metallic like barriers on all their entrances. So it has begun, their finally showing their true nature. I observed as the humans started behaving in ways that would have surprised me if I didn't know them any better. Pulling others back so the won't enter first, pushing the old and sickly humans aside due to their slow pace, unnecessary fights. How unsightly, it is only when their lives are at risk do they show their true colours. Pigs, all of them are pigs. Actually calling them pigs is an insult to the poor creature. Humans are worse than pigs.

Just as I was contemplating if whether I should go down there and do all the work myself, That red muscle head finally began to move right after the metallic barriers closed shut. He's heading towards a family of three, he better not kill them all or I swear... Huh! How brave. One of the humans, presumably the father, stood Infront of his family, how admirable. Unfortunately this isn't a— For a moment I felt like I was about to repeat something that's already been said.

As expected, he killed the male. He didn't even look at him when he swarted him aside like he was a bug, Then who is he actually after exactly? The little girl or the mother?. Why isn't the Mother taking the child and running away? Is she frozen in fear? or... Oh! So that's how it is, can't say I'm shocked to be honest. How shameless. Sacrificing your own daughter, how inhuman of her, she would have made a fine demon.

I watched in anticipation as Juggernaut effortlessly picked the little human up and brought her up to face level. What's he planning to do? Squeeze her fragile little body into meat paste or maybe slowly tear her limbs off while watching her cry out in pain. That would be most enjoyable. He brought her closer towards him and then... Oh my! I didn't expect him to do that. He's eating the poor thing Infront of her mother, nothing screams demon more that this sight. He's even chewing her very slowly, as if to savour the taste of her flesh. Now I'm getting hungry.

The mothers expression right now was nothing but amusing to me. Just look at how pale she is, it's as if she has no blood at all. That aside, why is she still standing there? Didn't she sacrifice her daughter because she wanted to use that chance to escape? Or is she hungry for some of her daughter's flesh too? No, that doesn't sound right. The last time I checked humans weren't into cannibalism. Is it shame? Is she ashamed of what she's done? Or maybe it's something else. Such complicated creatures, why can't they be more simple?.

Just then, Juggernaut finished his meal, only leaving a little arm behind which he tossed aside. Satisfied already? He walked towards the little humans mother that was sitting on her butt, she could have survived a little longer if she had ran away, unfortunately, she's an idiot, a cruel idiot. He grabbed her head and pulled her up. Why is she making that expression? Don't tell me he's— Oh! Her head just literally exploded. Did he seriously just kill them all... No matter, There's still plenty of humans in the streets.

Like that woman he just appeared behind, h-he just cut her in half, Tsk. Okay... How about that man. Nope, he cut him in half too, then how about that... Err, it suddenly dawned to me that he's not going to stop. I should intervene... Should I though? 'Cough' I should just wait a little while longer, I'm sure the red buffoon can find more humans, hopefully he won't kill them too. With the streets now littered with dead pigs, he'll have no other choice other than to break through one of these buildings paper defenses. Be quick about it fool, we don't have much time.

Huh! Where have those short uglies been?, now they choose to arrive when all the humans outside have already been killed. Wait... Why do I get the feeling that their talking about me, I hope it's only my imagination or I'll be wringing necks. As I watched Juggernaut pummel the metallic barrier, one of the imps suddenly exploded. What an idiot, they always forget that 'he' could hear them or he did know and was just testing his luck, seems he was unlucky.

As Juggernaut continued to pummel the metallic barrier, I caught sight of something on the corner of my eye. What's this now? Several humans were exiting from the back entrance of that building, Trying to run away are we? Not today. I decided to glide down and say hi. Unbeknown to me that a few seconds after I leave, the dreaded one's would arrive.

I glided down and landed right Infront of them, their expression's of fear were beautiful to my eyes. That's right, weaklings should fear the strong or maybe it's my horns?... Meh. 6 males and 4 females all wearing similar white clothing, they must be slaves working at this establishment. Now what is that foul stench? It seems one of them has soiled themselves... How disgusting. Pigs, all of em.

I refuse to spend another second near this insufferable wrenches. I closed my eyes and then opened them again, my eyes were now glowing, I was using my first ability. "You will go to this location... And enter the gate, Do you understand?", The all nodded, their eyes glowing green, similar to mine. "Now go, your stench sickens me". And with that, they left. Just look at them, they aren't even able to resist my [Mind Control] ability, how disappointing. Done with this humans, I decided to return to watching the red oaf.

Just before I could get high in the air, I saw more humans stepping out through the back entrance. Two males and two females... What do we have here? What a captivating specimen, I must add that woman to my collection.

"It's about time I make an exaggerated entrance myself..."

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