
The One Place Uncorrupted By Capitalism


I was doing the last preparations for my journey to Vormir and Morag. The Power Stone was currently buried under a massive ocean as the 300-year window hasn't opened up but I was just going to transform into a sea creature. My first stop was the only land mass left on Morag, a mountain top.

'Hmm, all things considered, this planet is fairly habitable. Maybe I could get a Mon Calamari colony settled here. I would have to move this planet if that was the case as it is too far from Earth. Now what to transform into?'

I grab the Pearl of Transformation from my inventory and think about what I want to look like. I smile as I think of something that scared so many people out of their skins. My size massively increases and I become a pale white with red scythe-like appendages on my head. My body elongates to 55 meters and I have to dive into the water to support the increase in size. I then start swimming to the temple I need to go to.

[Image Here]

(AN: You can play Main Title And First Victim on YouTube for this next part you can stop playing once the POV shifts back to Rio.)

POV Dr. Nuvo

I was working on a document in our spaceship designed to do underwater research with my crew. We were doing a research project on the history of the people who once lived on the planet Morag. Then suddenly alarms went off.

Nuvo: "What's happening?!"

Crew 1: "Our scanners are picking up a massive signature heading this way! It will be on us in less than a minute!"

Nuvo: "Are we able to determine what it is and how large it is?"

Crew 1: "We have no idea what it is other than likely an aquatic-based lifeform based on its movements. It is over 50 meters long."

Nuvo: "Get the weapons and shield up and ready to attack."

Crew 1: "Sir, our weapons are not designed to be used underwater. The only weapon we have for underwater attacks is the simple stun gun used against any creatures that get too close. If we use any other weapons we are more likely to damage our ship than kill the creature."

Nuvo: "I don't care just do it."

I look at the viewport to get a look at the creature. I see the sensors and the estimated time until they arrive. When the sensors say the creature arrived I look around and for a while nothing happens and we can't see anything in the darkness.

Crew 1: "Where is it? Did it maybe not see us."

I get closer to the port and squint my eyes. I think I might have seen something but I am not sure. Then suddenly something rushes at the main viewport.



Nuvo: "What the hell is that?!"

Crew 1: "To the heck with this! Full power to the engines gets us out of here."

Nuvo: "Are you disobeying my orders?"

Crew 1: "I refuse to die and get eaten by that massive creature. I have a family back home. If you dislike that then you can fire me."


Crew 2: "The ship won't be able to take many more hits so whatever we decide we need to decide it now!"

Nuvo: "Sigh. Fine let's get out of here but next time we will come with more underwater weapons. At least I can say we discovered a new species of underwater megafauna."

The engines blare to life and we rush to the surface. Once we breach the surface we make for orbit but before I do that I look at the rear view cameras and I see the face of the creature a bit more clearly. I shiver at the horrifying smile it looks to have on its face. I start to rethink coming back to this plane if creatures like that exist in greater numbers.


(AN: You can stop playing the Jaws music. I would suggest playing Water Temple - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Music Extended on YouTube for this next section as it fits thematically.)

'Hahaha, that was fun. I never knew scaring the living daylights out of people as a massive sea leviathan would be so much fun. Maybe I should do this on Earth as well. Or maybe just troll some random sea-based civilization in the universe. I will add it to my possible fun list.'

I decided to stop thinking about the fun I had and get back to work. It doesn't take long to get to the temple where the Power Stone is located.

(AN: The reason Rio could just use a Gate directly there is because water would come through the Gate and if not then the massive change in water pressure would hurt Rio. Also, the Temple is slightly warded from teleportation. Lastly, I wanted to do an underwater segment.)

Once I arrived at the temple, I used the Pearl to become a Zora. I started moving around the temple to find the area where the orb was contained. I got turned around a few times, but I eventually got to the vault. Once I arrived there, I started to slowly unlock the different locks and security mechanisms.


I create a barrier and with a click, I open the Vault. Once inside I see the Orb in its containment field. I deactivate the field and store the Orb. Once I am done I decide to leave the temple the old-fashioned way as swimming is fun. I decide I want to test how big I can make myself with the Pearl.

'Okay, I am out now to see if I can grow to 200 Meters in size.'

My body rapidly shifts to a light brown color and my body increases in size massively. I transform into a Sando Aqua Monster but feel a bit uncomfortable and as if this is as big as I can get safely.

[Image Here]

I swim my way back to the mountain top I started my journey at. Once I arrive I transform back into an Alicorn then. I shift into my human form.

'Hmm, I feel like the size limits are related to how strong I am. I also felt like my body could resist the transformation if someone tried to use it on me. Regardless it's time to go to Vormir.'

I open a Gate to Vormir and I see Red Skull. He seems to be surprised as he most likely doesn't know about me.

Red Skull: "Who are you and where did you come from?"

I don't even bother talking to him and tap his forehead, making a gong sound. He falls unconscious and I begin the tiring and unsettling process of rewriting his entire self to be the perfect self-sacrifice. I use a combination of the Mind Plate and my powers in the Force.

(AN: As was alluded to earlier the Mind Plate is on par or superior to the Mind Stone. So Rio is using it to a logical loop hole in the Soul Stone test.)

Several Hours Later...

It took a lot of erasing and memory creation but I successfully made Rd Skull into the perfect sacrifice for the Soul Stone. Now all I had to do was wake him up.

Rio: "Arise Johann Schmidt."

Johann: "Ugh, where am I?"

Rio: "We are on Vormir remember? We were about to get the Soul Stone so we could save Hydra."

Johann: "Oh, right. I seem to have dozed off when we were so close to success. We should get going before it's too late."

I follow him to the summit where the drop-off is. Johann looks down at the massive drop while I simply stay back and wait for him to do what must be done.

Johann: "HAIL HYDRA!"

He jumps and I wait for him to hit the bottom. Once he does it only takes a few moments for the light show to start. I sense the light hit me and it tries to draw me somewhere but I refuse and it seems to frustrate the stone. I feel a small stone hit me in the back of the head. I look at the ground and see a small yellow stone. I put it into my inventory and then go to the bottom of the drop and evaporate the body of Red Skull.

'Can't leave behind any traces.'

Once I am certain nothing strange is happening and no evidence is left I go home. Once I get home I check the time and date and see I will need to get ready for my award ceremony. It's tomorrow but I need to make sure everything is ready before I leave.

'Can't be late for the Presidential Freedom Medal. That would be most impolite.'

The Next Day...

I get cleaned up and then dressed in a nice suit. Once I am ready I hear a knock at my bedroom door.

Rio: "Who is it?"

Gardevoir: "It's Gardevoir, I was told by Sebas that I will be driving you to the White House. The helicopter is ready and we need to leave in the next 20 minutes if we want to make it at the proper time. Are you ready to leave?"

Rio: "Yes I just finished. We can go now."

We go to the helipad and Gardevoir starts it up before we head to a hotel in D.C. that is expecting us. Once we arrive Gardevoir drives me to the White House where the ceremony will be happening. Once I arrive I am greeted by the President and I find Lex has already arrived.

'It's Showtime.' (Cue numerous types of memes)


Authors Note:

Rio now has 2 Infinity Stones and will likely get another sooner or later. I decided that if Natasha can sacrifice herself so can Red Skull. Mind you Rio had to use a combination of the Mind Plate and his abilities in the Force but still. I decided against showing the medal ceremony as I have seen clips of it and it's pretty boring. The sea is a scary place and alien seas are even worse. Never trust a dolphin, they are evil litter buggers. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and until next time Ciao.

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