
Death God vs Quagmire

The mild winter weather comforted me slightly as I walked through the forest.

It was different from Sharia, here I could be minimally warm and with a little exercise I would warm up.

The huge trees extend for more than 10 meters, covering the sunlight and giving a calm aura.

I am walking next to Siegh my fourth son and my second son with my wife Sylphie, behind us are Alek Siegh's teacher and Orsted my boss

My son here present after hearing from Alek that I have been training these days wants to have a light sparring against me...

I don't know how this is going to turn out but I'll at least try to keep up with him... God, I can barely keep up with Alek and now I'm going to face Siegh...

Siegh noticed my discomfort

-Is something wrong, father?- he asked.

-Don't worry, we'll have a battle like old times- added Siegh with a smile.

Like in the old days? Shit, I'm not my future self, there are no old times, it will be the first time I face you...

-Well, the truth is, Siegh...because they rejuvenated my body, I lost a lot of fitness, you know? It's like all my training went down the drain- I apologized.

Siegh looked at me for a moment and then looked at Alek and he nodded.

-I see... well it doesn't matter, I want to know how strong you are right now, father- Alek said

Well shit....



We came to a small clear field in the middle of the forest and Orsted suggested we stop here.

Siegh stood about 30 meters away from me and unsheathed Paul's sword.

He got into position while staring at me

I also got into a combat stance...well, I actually just channeled mana into my hands rather

Alek was the referee while Orsted sat on a fallen tree

Shit Siegh is staring at me intensely I'm getting scared

-Dad, I ask you not to hold back, please- he said seriously.

-eh... well then I ask you to restrain yourself please- I said scared

-Haha, I already... eh... no! Well... it's okay, I already know- he told me while he stumbled while speaking with an embarrassed expression

-Very well...begin!- Alek suddenly shouted

Wait I'm not ready!!

Siegh readjusted his position and shot off at incredible speed.

I activated my promotion eye and I could see him for a split second hitting me in the neck with his sword.

I launched a sonic boom in the direction he came from.

Siegh received him full on but only pushed him away a few meters

-I see- he murmured.

With my eye of foresight I could see how Siegh threw his sword towards my ribs

I quickly conjured a wall of mana but it went through it like butter.

With another Sonic boom I moved away from him and quickly cast electric spells

He told me not to hold back but still...

I threw it at him without thinking but....

I could feel my arm drifting away from its intended target...I actually hit the target but Siegh's image disappeared like a ghost..

My arm had been redirected and it was Siegh...the bastard appeared in front of me when I blinked, with the blunt part of his sword he pushed my arm

Lots of purple lightning crackled through the forest

I tried to throw another Sonic boom at him but he hit me in the jaw so hard which sent me flying several meters and almost knocked me out if it weren't for the magic armor..

Fuck it!

I cast gravity magic on him and lifted him into the air.

-I see father, your control over gravity magic is stronger than before- Siegh said with a smile while he was upside down and suspended in the air.

Is this brat making fun of me?

I quickly conjured stone bullets and threw them at top speed... but none of them hit the target....

No..if they hit him..but they disappeared instantly

I strained my foresight eye to see another second into the future but I couldn't see anything either.

I conjured another electric and a compacted absolute zero, I launched an electric first but just before hitting the target it was redirected through the skies...

I cast a compacted absolute zero at him, but as if it were an invisible barrier, the spell was cut in two as it passed by Siegh's sides.

-What the fuck? - I muttered

But I quickly realized, Siegh is just dodging them with the water god style..but his speed is so great that I can't see his arm move at all And suddenly...

-Death is always behind you- said Siegh and in a millisecond he disappeared from my sight

I tried to look back instinctively but i was sent flying several meters

Siegh had broken free from my gravity magic and moved at an undetectable speed....

I tried to get up but I couldn't...the bastard broke my spine...thank heaven for the magic armor..

The magic armor healed me quickly as I accumulated mana in my hands, Siegh slowly approached me

I conjured a quagmire at Siegh's feet, which he easily dodged with a jump. I took advantage of this and with gravity magic I caught him in the air.

I tried to take his sword away with gravity magic but his strength was immense..I concentrated on keeping him suspended in the air and trying to take the sword away from him.

To unbalance him I threw a electricat towards him, which hit him directly in the chest

Still his strength did not falter, in fact he was now looking at me with with a mocking expression

-If you want my sword so much, take it- he said, letting go of his sword.

I realized my mistake at the last second

The sword came at a speed that I could barely dodge and in exchange it left me with a huge cut on my cheek.

Plus I lost focus and stopped suspending Siegh with gravity magic

He fell to the ground gracefully, at the last second I buried his sword with stone magic

I wouldn't try to break Paul's sword in case you're wondering

Siegh did not give importance to this and he rushed towards me

Shit! I forgot that he is my son, he must also know magic, right?

My suspicions were correct and Siegh conjured a Quagmire at my feet.

I freed myself with wind magic propelling me upwards, but Siegh grabbed my foot at the last second and slammed me into the ground with tremendous force.

-Aggg!!- a guttural cry escaped from me

I pushed him away with a Sonic boom that made him move away from me about 5 meters

I threw stone bullets at him, which he received squarely without flinching.

He closed the distance in a fraction of a second and gave me a tremendous hook to the liver, despite having the MK2 the blow was too much

I fell to my knees while hugging my stomach

All I could do was pump air into my lungs while the MK2 relieved the pain.

When I came back to my senses, Siegh had already released the sword and his image faded from my sight.

Instinctively I let myself fall and I could feel the sword brushing my hair.

A chill ran down my spine

With gravity magic I lift myself into the air but... Siegh used magic distortion and I fell to the ground where he received me with another blow that knocked me out.



I woke up sitting on the ground and leaning under a tree

-I'm impressed with your progress Sieh- said Alek

-Thank you very much, sensei- he responded, bowing.

-Your skills have evolved significantly Sieghart Saladin, although you sensei is the one who should tell you- Orsted Said expressionlessly.

Siegh was surprised by this and I look at Alek expectantly

-Well...if Mr. Orsted says so- Alek muttered as he took Siegh's sword.

And like a king giving the title of knight, touching his shoulders with the blunt part of the sword Alek spoke

-I Alek Kallman III, third North God i name you Sieghart Saladin Greyrath, the 4th North God- said Alek solemnly

Siegh was completely shocked and bowed deeply to his sensei.

I watched all this feeling like shit...I couldn't keep up with him, much less land a direct hit...



We returned to the castle, Siegh had a huge smile and I...well I'm healthy

Sylphie and Roxy noticing the way of both just sighed

when we coming home I need some comfort...


Brian17Greyrathcreators' thoughts
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