
A New User

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be inside a game? To interact with the characters? To twist the story's outcome?

Well, unfortunately for me, I've been chucked into one such world. Most people would love to be tossed into a game, thinking they could do anything they wanted. With that thinking, you might as well be asking to die right as you step foot into the game world.

Now, where was I? Oh yeah... I've been thrown into a large commotion that was set in motion. Heh, see what I did there? Anyway, I'm being dragged down deeper into the center of everything.

{A portal opens in the sky, and a body can be seen falling through.}

Something unfathomable is happening, events unknown to either world. Game, or otherwise.

{As the person's unconscious body rag dolled through the air, they descent further and further.}

But there's one thing I'll always painstakingly remember.

{Slowly opening their eyes, they jerk awake upon seeing the blue and black skies. Gasping, they tumble through the air, struggling to correct themselves. They looked below them only to find the ground approaching fast. They brace themselves for the impending impact.}

And that's how I entered the game.


[3rd Pov]

{A Few Hours Earlier}

It was a busy day at the university, students ran amuck, squawking away like seagulls.

"Hey, did you hear about how the creator of that one game mysteriously disappeared a few years ago?"

"What game was it? You have to be a bit more specific than that."

"I forgot, I think it was, con, spawn? No, it was T-Tron, yeah that's the one. Tron."

"Oh, you're talking about Kevin Flynn, right? Yeah, I've heard about him, kind of crazy how he just vanished like that. You think he's dead?"

"Nah, that can't be. Why would he leave everything behind just to up and leave?"

"I don't know."

As the students talked with each other another one of said students could be seen glaring at them.

"Could you guys shut up? I'm trying to get things done here, and I don't need superstitious oafs distracting me right now. Especially when said incident happened years ago."

A young man with dark skin, brown eyes, and black curly hair said as he looked up from his computer, snapping at the two students.

"You know, you don't have to be such an ass. We were only talking."

One of the students told him as they turned, looking at him in annoyance.

"Oh yeah? Well, squawk somewhere else. I'm trying to finish these lines of code." He fired back as he stared back at his computer and typed away speedily.

"Whatever, let's just go."

"Why does he always have to be like that?"

"Does it matter? He's always alone. He's a weirdo."

The two whispered, scoffing as they exited, leaving him to himself. 

Huffing, he continues typing away on the computer, his hands gliding across the keyboard as he inputs different commands. Finally finishing the lines of code he opens a system to run the programming.

"Now, let's see if this works."

Booting up the system it begins to run the code. Looking as if everything was working properly he grinned before it transformed into a scowl as the program crashed. Clicking his tongue as he furrowed his brow.

"Damn it! That's the fifth time this week!" He screamed, slamming his fists on the table. 

The room became silent, and all eyes were on him. Looking around the room he grumbled, before quickly packing his things and storming out. Walking out of the building, he makes his way toward his car, hopping in he sighs to himself. 

'Just once I'd like these stupid codes to work. What am I doing wrong?' He thought to himself as he leaned back in the car seat, pondering.

He entered university hoping to enhance his programming skills. He knew he wasn't the best, but he knew how to create games, hack, and all the other basic forms of programming. 

He could at least say he was intermediate at best, and yet he spent months attempting to copy what the best if not the greatest game creator and programmer the world had ever seen had done. He knew it was stupid, but he couldn't help but try to live up to that dream.

 Finally sitting up, he sighed again before gripping the steering wheel.

"Ok, I think I know just what to do."


Scrolling through his computer the young man began looking through multiple news forums and websites, scavenging for any information on Kevin Flynn.

"Flynn, Flynn, Flynn… Aha! Here it is."

[Video game icon and ENCOM CEO Kevin Flynn has seemingly disappeared. He was best known for designing Tron and Space Paranoids, the two best-selling video games in history. This afternoon, ENCOM's board moved to seize control from Flynn's partner, Alan Bradley, vowing to return the company to profitability. Loyal to the end, Bradley maintains his belief that Flynn is not missing and is instead pursuing his dream of a "digital frontier to reshape the human condition."]

Looking over the articles he began delving more into Flynn's disappearance. Every time he searched it kept pointing toward the same thing…

'Hmm, it seems I need to meet this Alan Bradley guy, but I doubt he'll just meet some random university student.' He thought, his eyes glued to the computer screen before he leaned back in his chair.

"Eh, I'll just turn up at his house."


Knocking on the door the young man waited for an answer. Waiting a while he was about to leave until a man in his early 50s opened the door to greet him.


"Hey, my name's Jay. Are you Alan Bradley?"

"Yes... I am. How did you find my house?"

 Alan held the door slightly ajar as he glared at Jay suspiciously.

"Ok, but you have to promise not to do anything until after you listen to my reason."

Raising an eyebrow Alan gave him an inquisitive look before replying, "Fine."

"As I've said before my name is Jay, and I'm sort of a programmer, but anyway for how I found your house, it was pretty easy. Honestly, I just looked through different sources and then cross-referenced some things."

"And your reasoning for appearing in the middle of the night?" Alan interrupted, beginning to become a little impatient with his explanation thus far.

"I was just getting to that," Jay explained further, "I believe I know where Kevin Flynn is, and seeing as you were his friend I believe that you know what I'm referring to." He finally finished as he stared at Alan who seemed to be contemplating some things. 

Stepping aside, Alan fully opened the door and responded, "Alright kid you've convinced me, come on in." Chuckling as he motioned Jay inside.

As Jay walked inside Alan motioned him to follow him as he spoke, "Can I get you something to drink? Water, tea, coffee?"

"Tea is fine." Jay told him as he glanced around the house.

Alan began to lead him to the kitchen where he sat in a chair as Alan went to make his tea. As Alan was making the tea he began to question Jay further.

"So tell me, kid, where exactly do you think Flynn is?" Alan asked as he slowly mixed the ingredients.

"I researched everything I could find about Flynn's disappearance and nothing was adding up. He had a family, a successful business, and was smart enough to create this apparent digital world he was so fixated on."

Alan listened as he finally finished the tea, sitting down across from Jay, before handing him the cup and leaning forward.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. Now please, continue." He told him as he cupped his hands together as he listened to Jay.

"Anyway, why would he leave everything he has behind unless there was a reason... A reason that he had to disappear, a reason that he couldn't return." Jay pulled out some papers from his bag and laid them in front of Alan. 

Alan glanced at the papers before letting Jay continue, "Everything I've searched has kept leading me to one thing. Over and over again the same results show up... Tron."

Alan stared intently at Jay before replying, "Ok, so what exactly are you saying, kid."

Jay only gave him a knowing look before replying, "I don't think he's dead. I think he's in the game."

At that Alan could only grin before bursting out in laughter.

"Wow, I have to say kid you're a smart one." Alan wiped the tears from his eyes as he collected himself.

"I do what I can, but tell me, where exactly is this game he created?"


"Flynn's arcade? What are we doing here? I thought we were going to find out about the game."

Jay turned to Alan who only gave him a look that said, "Are you stupid".

"For a person who's smart you sure are slow on the jump."

"I take offense to that."

"Good. Anyway, this is where the game is located."

"In an old derelict arcade? You know what, I'm not going to question it. Let's go."

Climbing some steps the two walked toward the entrance as Alan stopped short of the door.

"What're you doing? Aren't you coming?"

"Sorry kid, this isn't my mystery to solve. I believe you'll find your answers in there, maybe even more questions. I've trusted Flynn up until now, and I'll continue to do so, but as I am now I can't be of much help to you. For now, I'll leave this to you, Jay. And one more thing, if you see Flynn tell him his old friend said hello. I hope to see you again."

Walking away he left Jay to watch his back as he left him standing there alone. Turning back to the door Jay sighed, pushing open the doors as he entered the arcade. 

Turning on his phone's flashlight he looked around seeing multiple dust-ridden machines. Jay groans as he swats his way through some cobwebs and chokes on dust particles.

"Ugh, they could have at least remodeled the place, guess that's what I get for coming to a run-down arcade." Jay coughs out.

Walking further into the building he looks for some sort of light switch, eventually finding one, and flicking it. The lights flash on as the whole place is illuminated and the sounds of machines whirring back to life are heard.

"There, I can finally see what I'm looking at." He says to himself as his eyes begin adjusting to the light, "It should be easier to find that stupid game now."

Walking around he looks up to find an office. Making his way up he enters and finds all the furniture covered in sheets. Removing one he finds a desk and an old computer. 

'Ok, let's see if there is anything on here.'

Attempting to turn the computer on Jay gives it a few whacks before it finally turns on. Searching through it he finds nothing of interest, before turning off the computer and leaving the office.

Continuing to explore, he spots a lone game covered in a sheet, hidden at the edge of all the others. Walking towards it he removes the sheet, finding it flickering in a dull blue, black, and white as its name glows a bright white.

"Tron… I'm getting closer..."

Examining the machine, Jay began looking for signs that something could be off about it.

'Trail marks?'

Hunching over he inspects the trail marks, noting that they led into the wall of the building. As he got up he pulled on the machine, not budging an inch he decided to pull harder until it finally gave. Falling over he looks up to find a small door in front of him.

"Wow, a hidden room, really cliche Flynn."

Getting up he pushes open the door, turning on his phone's flashlight as he enters the dark room. Eventually, he finds a stairway leading down deeper into the building.

"Well, this isn't ominous at all." Jay mumbled to himself sarcastically as he looked down the dark stairs.

Walking down the steps he sees a double door. Noticing it has a key stuck in its lock he twists it, opening the door to discover a room filled with state-of-the-art technology. Looking around he began examining the technology, unable to grasp what something was or did completely.

'The hell even is all this? Weapons?' Jay wondered as he saw some sort of laser-looking machine. 

"Just what were you working on Flynn…"

Walking over to a glass-looking table he dusts it off, turning it on accidentally due to his touch.

"Cool computer, now let's see... Mmm, system prompts, files, and… Ah here we go, command systems."


[Locating System Files]

[System Files Missing]

[Would you like to create new files?]



[Processing New Files]

[New Files Made]

[Login Sequence Activated]

[Would you like to log in?]


Hovering over the button Jay hesitated. Was he really about to do this? I mean what was he even trying to prove? Clenching his fist, he steeled his gaze.

"Alright Flynn, I don't know exactly why I'm doing all of this, but I've come too far to back out now."


Clicking the last prompt, a whirring sound could be heard behind him. Turning around Jay saw a ray gun pointed at him.

"Well, sh-"


A tear splits open the sky, wisps of energy coming through as someone could be seen falling out. As they fell, their unconscious body rag dolled through the air, descending further and further. Slowly opening their eyes they gasp awake. 

"The hell?!" Jay screamed to no one in particular.

As he fell he couldn't help but notice the sky was different, hues of black and blue with a faint white glow.

Tumbling through the air, he struggled to correct himself. Looking below him, he found the ground approaching fast. 

"Damn it!! What is happening?!" Yelling in frustration, he could do nothing, but prepare himself to brace for the impending impact. 

The ground became closer and closer, and then…


I just want you to know that this is probably the longest chapter that I've ever written(almost 2400 words), I could probably write more, but this is fine for now. I wanted to post this story because I haven't seen a lot of Tron fanfics on here, so we'll see how well this does. Thanks reading!

TheEndlessAbysscreators' thoughts
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