
Flying class

Valery walked through the corridors just now the dai was getting antsy. Even though the day is now obscured by fog, a schedule of 8 hours of lessons and 8 hours of personal work is still being maintained. 

This personal work can be used to prepare urgent paperwork for your territories. 


They can't have 8 hours off, they have to work too.

Valery looked at several of her companions on the road, he bumped into Katerin, who had hurt eyes from her strong lagirms. 

Just by looking at her Valery knew that she had recently stopped crying to come to class. 

Valery wanted to support her friend, but could only give her space now. Accepting that her little girl had died and that humans are fragile...

Just like Victor' thought Valery unconsciously before entering the classroom with her friends. 

The tower was hidden in the mountain as if it were a big tree, but that was a truth and a lie at the same time. 

Professor Flower has the ability to control plants, a similar ability to Stelle. Only Professor Flower is a vampire count. That difference makes their abilities totally different. 

This tower that looks like a tree seen from the outside is one of the many classrooms where the flying class is taught. The nice thing about this class is that its fall is not a dark abyss or hundreds of trees with many aggressive beasts. 

The fall is a large and beautiful lake. 

(A/N: I don't think I've made it clear, but the academy area is very large. I think I already said it but before it was very foggy for that reason the humans never found the academy. Even the human village nearby, which is not very close, never found the academy. If they found it, it's sure that the vampires will hypnotize them and make them come back.)

The beautiful lake under the moonlight could be seen almost in its entirety, the fog was so thin that it did not hinder the vampires' vision at all. 

Although this tower was made by Professor Flower, the class was taught by Professor Oscar, a vampire from another country, his accent and command of the local language was good but not perfect. 

"Good morning" said the professor with a dark brown skin like chocolate, black hair and red eyes. He had a friendly attitude and looked quite young, he couldn't have been more than 500 years old. His veins protruded from his hands which was the only thing that could be seen in his full suit covering his entire body. 

The red veins protruding from his hands were an effect of overfeeding and over consumption of old and cheap blood. This type of old blood is like alchol, but the poorer quality blood can create damage to a vampire's body.

The quality of the blood has nothing to do with the type of blood. 

One effect of consuming poor quality old blood is false aging for vampires. 

All the students nodded at Professor Oscar's greeting, respectfully and attentively. 

"Today... Today I will teach you how to fly," said the professor before he began to hover above the ground with ease.

"There are many methods which we will apply until all of you achieve the air suspension this year." The professor stayed in the air giving everyone a hint of what they had to achieve. 

The tone of the first teacher was quite evident, some felt sympathy with the teacher, but did not belittle the teacher. 

"The first method we will use is one of the first I tried" The professor pulled out a wooden catapult from somewhere. 

"That... it's not here before, is it?" muttered one of the 25 students.

"No, it wasn't here" answered Valery immediately and a little pale.

"You will sit here, we will launch you down, for a few milliseconds you will remain stationary in the air before you start falling into the lake" Professor Oscar took a small group and started calling them one by one. 

It was time for Valery. 

With calmness Valery went to the catapult and the teacher began to guide her to climb up and get ready.

"Hands and feet in all the way, hold your knees tight, but don't hurt yourself. I will count to three and launch. One, two..."

The more she followed the teacher's instructions the more nervous she became, the moment the teacher started counting Valery closed her eyes tightly. She was ready.

'Let's go! Let's go!' she mentally shouted to herself very quickly as the teacher started counting.



With a force of momentum that she had never felt before Valery soared higher and higher into the sky, her body feeling the pressure as she tasted this high speed which gradually diminished. 

As she climbed she tried everything, from her breathing, to her body, to the feel of her blood in her veins, even her body began to release an icy white mist. Trying to find a feeling to keep herself stationary.

At that she became static. 

Valery almost smiled before she felt the force of gravity pulling her and increasing her speed more and more towards the lake. 

Still she didn't give up, she bit her lips, gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. She did everything, chasing that strange sensation that her parents once told her to do in order to fly.

Valery opened her eyes and seeing the lake and so close to the lake. She stopped trying to find that feeling and tensed her body, activating her cold physicality to protect herself from falling. 

When she hit the water she felt as if she had hit a stone wall, she felt her own bones and muscles hurt in an almost unimaginable way. She sank into the water and her body began to regenerate very quickly. 

She would not be able to move for about 10 minutes in the face of her body's injuries. 

She was lucky her body was complete, some lost a body part in the impact which would take about 30 minutes to recover. 

Others had a part of their body crushed by the impact, which would only take about 20 minutes to recover. Well it also depends if the part was too big. 

Even so, Valery felt very happy. 

She was also a little afraid of what the next method of flight would be. But according to the teacher when he explained how his class worked. 

Each flying method would be used for two to three weeks, so by now she would have to learn how to land better on the lake at that speed so that she wouldn't suffer so many injuries.

At the same time looking for the feeling or something that would awaken her flying ability. 

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