
The start of the conflict.

"The thing is, you're my one and only partner. I know you keep thinking we were like bugs, that our queens give birth to all the swarms, but I've already told you we don't. Our race only gets one partner for life, and if the partner dies, we won't get anyone else."

"That's why we choose our partner based on two things: how strong they are and their potential. The stronger they are, the longer they live." She paused, looking at Rex's face.

"While you're not exactly strong, your potential is one of the greatest I've seen among all the partners my mom has introduced to me. That's why I made the pact right away."

"And how do you know about my potential?" Rex asked.

"Well, with your blood, I can get all the info I need from your genetic code!" Ys paused. "But it's weird; the first time I got some of your blood, you already had great potential. But after I helped you in the cave, your potential increased. I wonder why."

She looked at Rex and put her finger to her lips, making a cute face before Rex answered. "Well, don't ask me. A few weeks ago, I was just a normal office worker. I'm still kind of new to all this stuff about wars, genetics, potential, and all that complicated stuff."

"But I know someone who might know something about it." Rex looked over at Cleo. "Right?"

Cleo sighed, clearly not thrilled about having to explain things to a Khryssari. "Its because of the nanomaterial you consumed; remember how I told you before that my race can grow really tall?"

"Oh yeah, I remember you said something like that," Rex nodded.

"Well, it's not just about getting taller. Your whole body changes to adapt to the new material inside it, improving all its functions and performance. But you're still not at the peak of your strength yet."

"Does that mean I can get stronger and bigger?" Rex asked, obviously excited.

"In theory, yes. But I don't know for sure since I don't have any data on a hybrid between an organic life form and a Kaelzar."

She paused, trying to find a way to explain. "As you already know, you became half Kaelzar thanks to the living metal that fused with your dying body, which was already weak and didn't resist the change."

"So I'm not sure if your body will resist further upgrades. That's something I'm still researching." Rex was quiet, thinking about something while Cleo continued.

"Well, there's no point rushing into improving my genetics or whatever. The most important thing right now is how we can join the war against the Hive mind," Rex said, looking at the screens.

"That's not a problem, Rex. You and Carlos are registered as rank B mercenaries. You'll get the invitation to join the war sooner or later."

"So that's how it works? How much time do we have before we can join?"

Cleo summoned some screens and did a quick search before answering. "According to military experts around the network, we have about five to six months before we'll be able to join."

"Is that enough time to assemble several Aegis Sentinels and upgrade the ship?"

"Yes. Once the ship is upgraded, we could carry at least 100 Aegis units with us to join the war. More than that, though, would be impossible to support with our current energy and ammunition supplies," Cleo said, showing Rex some screens with more detailed information about what he'd asked.

"Mmm, okay then. Over the next few months, buy the assembly machines we need and install them somewhere in the underground city. Start building Aegis units. I'll be doing missions on the planet to earn extra credits, and once Carlos is ready, send him on missions too."

"Understood. And what about the Khryssari princess?" Cleo asked, glancing at Ys.

"I'll take her with me on the missions. I don't want to leave you two alone together; I'm worried about what could happen. Alright, let's get to it."

And just like that, a month flew by. Rex had been working hard, taking on mercenary missions all over the planet with Ys. Once Carlos got his new arms, he started doing missions as well. Thanks to Cleo collecting all the contact info from the Thunderblades, they never ran out of contracts.

The construction of the underground city also made great progress, thanks to an increased number of mining drones and the newly developed construction bots that Cleo was able to produce with the new assembly machinery.

Meanwhile, there was finally an update on the status of the incoming war.

<<Welcome to Intergalactic News. The long wait is finally over! war in sector X33 over the planet Hanarix between Hive Minds and combined fleets of megacorps stationed about begin. We'll be live-streaming battle since we've been granted permission accompany fleet!>>

The news channel showed the combined fleets of the megacorps beginning to move, opening wormholes all around the empty space before disappearing into them in an instant.

<<We're now entering the wormhole opened by megacorp destroyer. We'll lose signal for a few minutes until we arrive in zone where fleet will regroup battle. Stay tuned!>>

As soon as the Intergalactic News ship entered the wormhole, the signal was lost. Those eager to watch the battle, almost like it was a sporting event, waited without budging. Some even went to grab snacks, preparing for the spectacle to come.

When the signal finally returned, the scene on the screen was pure chaos. The first medium-sized ships to arrive were already heavily damaged or reduced to smoldering debris, burning in green fire from the Hive Minds' bioplasma weapons.

The ones responsible for the chaos were eight massive Hive Mind ships. The news channel quickly identified them: they were Brood-Class Carriers, colossal hive-like structures with hexagonal honeycomb hangar bays spread across their bodies. Their exoskeletons were a bone-like structure with pulsating organic sections, resembling a living hive.

As usual, the Hive Minds had the numbers on their side, and it was already clear in this battle. Thousands of smaller ships, all in various shapes, were pouring out of the Brood-Class Carriers' honeycomb hangars, attacking the megacorps' ships relentlessly.

It wasn't until the larger, heavily armed ships of the megacorps emerged from the wormholes, sending their own fighters to engage the Hive Mind forces, that the situation finally stabilized enough for the fleet to regroup.

"Hahaha, they took too long to respond. The commander must be a kid," the Hive Mind Queen laughed, watching the battle unfold on her screen.

Once she saw the balance tipping in favor of the Megacorp fleet, she called back the Brood-Class Carriers. The moment they received her command, the carriers performed a warp jump, quickly retreating toward Hive Mind territory.

Although the Hive Mind ships appeared to be made of metal, they were actually enormous living organisms. This was what made the Hive Mind fleets so dangerous since they could move on their own without waiting for orders like conventional fleets.

"Huhu, the information my niece gave me was quite useful. I'll have to prepare a huge gift for her when she arrives on this beautiful battlefield." The Queen of the Hive was thoroughly enjoying the intelligence Ys had provided her through telepathy regarding the megacorps' fleet movements.

A few hours later, the fleets were just kilometers apart, ready to begin their initial bombardments. This was how space battles usually started: each side would bombard the other from a distance while gradually closing the gap.

And so it began. The Hive Mind fleet fired first. The Space was suddenly lit up with the eerie green glow of bioplasma rounds launched from the Hive Mind's long-range cannons. In response, the megacorps' ships unleashed their own barrage, an array of colorful projectiles and laser beams aimed at the Hive fleet.

A few minutes passed after the first volley of long-range artillery from both sides. While bioplasma rounds were some of the most powerful weapons around, they were also slow-moving, so the first to endure the rain of fire was the Hive Mind fleet.

The Hive Mind ships, though highly maneuverable with regenerative hulls, lacked energy shields. This left them vulnerable to the megacorps' long-range artillery. When the megacorps' lasers pierced their organic hulls, the Hive Mind ships let out a deep, resonant sound of pain as they took the hits.

Explosive-based projectiles, however, didn't cause much damage to the Hive Mind ships. Meanwhile, on the megacorp side, the bioplasma rounds finally struck their ships. The larger vessels managed to withstand the blasts with their energy shields, but the medium-sized ships weren't as fortunate. They were obliterated upon impact, torn apart by the sheer power of the bioplasma.

The fleets continued exchanging fire as they drew closer. When the distance between them narrowed to just five kilometers, the fighters from both sides began launching from their hangars, swarming toward the enemy fleets.

4.5 kilometers... 3 kilometers... 2.5 kilometers... 1 kilometer...

The battle was about to enter its most brutal phase.

The awaited first contact have finally begun!

Shazorwycreators' thoughts
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