
Chapter 42 Long Feng's Plans

New Week, New Chapter.

More Powerstones.


Northeastern Earth Kingdom

Lake Laogai ….

The noise created by the stone door seemed to awaken the figure whose back was resting against the wall. Her eyelids opened slowly, revealing a pair of amber colored pupils.

Seeing the person at the door, those eyes narrowed greatly to form a menacing glare of epic proportions.

"It's been some time since my last visit. A month or so, if I'm correct".

He uttered in a deep voice full of indifference.

Thud, Thud, Thud.

"Aren't I, prestigious General?"

"…". There was no response. The female general remained silent, giving Long Feng nothing but a cold stare.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. You make it seem like I .....". Noting her silence, a sinister smirk made its way up his lips as he resumed talking.

However, his expression changed drastically halfway through his sentence. As under Long Feng's gaze, the female general suddenly inhaled sharply, her lungs taking in a large amount of air as it mixed with the chi created flames in a split second.

The next …. She pushed her body forward slightly and blew out. What emerged from her chapped lips wasn't air but a large fireball of massive proportions.


The area where Long Feng stood was enveloped in flames as the Firebender released the fire breath for a good four seconds before stopping.

"Ha … Ha … Ha …". A wave of exhaustion hit her like the tide did the seashore, causing her well-developed chest area to heave up and down while beads of sweat emerged all over her body.

Nevertheless, her fierce, almost cannibalistic gaze remained fixed on the area where the Grand Secretariat once stood to see the results of her newly released fire breathing blast.

"…. Why am I not surprised". The smoke dissipated, revealing a wall of solid earth erected from the ground. The front area that bore the brunt of the attack was scorched black, while Long Feng's voice emerged from behind it.

Thud! Thud!

Stepping out of the earth wall erected to defend himself was the Grand Secretariat. His previous cunning smirk gone, replaced with a frown and a slightly unsightly expression.

Those Jade green eyes peered into her Amber colored ones that showed nothing but coldness and defiance.

Patting the imaginary dust off his body, Long Feng continued.

"Wasting what little Chi you can muster for a moment's satisfaction. It seems that the Mind Conversion sessions have done little to temper your fiery temper".

As he spoke, his expression soon returned to one of indifference. Stopping where he was and refusing to advance a step further.

He wasn't willing to risk the possibility of another blast to the face despite her seemingly spent appearance.

It was true that the vast majority of Firebenders have personalities that could be likened to erupting volcanoes.

'Tch ..... Irritable as always'.

Onomu didn't reply to his statement. Her face showing no surprise, frustration or distraught at the fact that her attack had no results.

It was getting increasingly harder to burn these bastards after the first five in the early part of the year.

Seeing the results, her body once again leaned back on the wall behind her as she reassumed her comfortable position.

Her legs were chained, and her hands were bound with steel fire-resistant cuffs, ensuring she couldn't firebend out of them to escape.

It had been like this for a long time. Months ago when she was first imprisoned here.

As she returned to being completely unresponsive, long Feng's mood turned gloomy.

'Nine months, and twenty-three days….'. He calculated the time. Precisely how long it had been since Onomu was captured.

She had been like this a few months after her arrest. From her originally loud, snarky character with drips of sarcasm during their conversation, to the cold, quiet prisoner that didn't utter a word even when spoken to.

"So, I don't suppose you've come to your senses to tell me what I want to know, have you?"


Yeah, Long Feng didn't think so either. He had already betrayed her once. If she was gullible enough to tell him what he wanted, then he would need to worry if something was wrong with the information she gave him or if she had gone mad from the isolation, hunger, and weakness.

He still asked regardless. After all, only uncivilized people wouldn't bother to keep basic etiquette.

As the protectors of the cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se, it would be unsightly of them if such a scenario were to take place.

However, just because she refused to open her mouth willingly didn't mean there weren't other methods.

'Well then, let's see just how far the agents are progressing with her'. He thought for a moment.

"Onomu, The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai".

Those words seemed to flip a switch as her body stiffened.

Those amber colored eyes lost focus momentarily before enlarging.

"I am honored to ..... honored to …. To ….". It started well, until it didn't. The Grand Secretariat had his expression harden once again as the flipped switch seemed to have hit a jam. It remained that way, flickering between on and off for several seconds, until .....

Onomu's enlarging pupils suddenly shrunk back to normal, and unbridled resistance emerged once again.


The stuttering stopped, followed by a grunt and a groan as the rebel general raised her shackled hand towards her head.

A throbbing sensation was produced in her head, giving her the feeling that her brain was being picked by needles.

Her body shuddered slightly after and seemed to grow even weaker.

'Incredible'. Long Feng thought while stroking his chin. 'Never before have I seen someone so resistant to Brainwashing. What a strong will'.

Onomu's reaction was the backlash faced from forcefully resisting the Dai Li's mind controlling efforts.

In order to get what he wanted after receiving the Fire Nation War plans from her, Long Feng had opted to brainwash the Fire General into revealing everything she knew.

However, what he initially felt was an easy task proved very ... Laborious.

Since the day she was captured, she had yet to break.

That was nine months ago.

If not for the fact that there had been gradual results overtime after repeated sessions, he would have concluded that the Dai Li's brainwashing techniques were ineffective and hence, a failure.

But it was. Slowly, but surely.

It started with the momentary spacing out. With constant sessions of looking into the rotating lantern light, they had made enough progress, bringing them to the point they found themselves today.

"Look at you ….". He uttered as he watched the woman take in labored breaths.

"The once great General Onomu, now a traitor, loner and prisoner, shackled to the ground in a prison cell".

"All for a bloodline that has nothing to do with you".

"It is as the saying goes. Oh, how the mighty have fallen".

"...". There was no response.

Seeing her miserable condition, he resisted the urge to let that sinister smile make its way back to his lips. There was truly nothing more satisfying than dominating people.

And people such as this woman before him only made the sense of accomplishment even greater.

"Your will and efforts to resist are remarkable. Perhaps the strongest I have ever seen. That, I gracefully admit ….".

Onomu gritted her teeth.

"But unfortunately, strong will isn't enough. Your time is running out, Onomu. You will give me the information I seek, sooner or later".

At that moment, he touched his chin and seemed to fall into contemplation.

"Of course, there is always the possibility that you will soon outlive your value".


At that moment, the sound of the entrance opening up fell into his ears. Following which, a Dai Li agent walked into the prison cell.

"Ah".  Long Feng raised an eyebrow. "What perfect timing".

The Dai Li agent dressed in green robes with the round hat over his head came close and knelt behind him.

"Grand Secretariat sir, the spy network reports".

"Go on". He uttered apathetically without turning around.

"...". The Dai Li froze for a moment. His gaze moving towards Onomu kneeling with brief hesitation. Nevertheless, it was only for a second.

"We have received Team 7's latest report. The Flying boar have made contact with the guild. Individual members of Team 7 have tailed the headhunters of Yu Dao who have now infiltrated a Fire Navy cruiser and are headed to Capital City as we speak".

"Oh, have they now ….". He uttered while stroking his beard.

A gleam flashing through his eyes.

"The golden seal of the Flying Boar. Looks like I'm not the only one who attaches importance to this bloodline despite its fall to irrelevance. Wouldn't you agree?"

He spoke while keenly observing her facial expressions.

The slight, imperceptible change on her face was accurately captured under his eyes, causing his pleasure to increase.

"So ..... Tell me how it feels to know that the bloodline you have struggled so hard to keep hidden will soon be revealed?"


"Hmph". A cold snort erupted from his nostrils.

It was annoying talking yet receiving no reply.

"No matter. Like I said before ….". He turned around, the pleasure and smugness fading as his prisoner remained unresponsive.

Thud, Thud, Thud,

"I will get what I want. Be it from you, or others".

Walking a considerable distance, the Dai Li agent rose from his kneeling posture and turned to follow.

"And when that happens, that last bloodline will be extinguished alongside what little value you have left".

Those were his last words as he reached the door.

He stretched out his hand to open it when .....

".... When …. Here ….".

The female prisoner finally spoke.

'Oh?' Long Feng raised an eyebrow.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that". He turned his head to reveal his side profile.

Onomu's gaze were fixed on that side profile. Opening her chapped lips to speak again, her voice not as faint as before.

"When…. I get out of here ….". Those amber eyes shone with a blazing intensity.

Her voice was a tired rasp, seemingly heavy with exhaustion. Yet, the next words carried no such fatigue.

"I'm going to have your head roasted on a spike.  And the pale flesh on your corpse fed to the Ostrich horses your soldiers ride on .....". The sentence was venomous, each word practically dripping with malice while her eyes carried a cannibalistic gaze so frightening that it sent chills down the agent's spine.

The Dai Li agent standing behind shuddered at the thought.

"Hmph". Long Feng's face turned gloomy. "In that case, let's wait and see how exactly that will happen".

He uttered before walking out the door. The Dai Li agent quickly following in his footsteps.

The lights dimmed and the rumbling sound of the door closing fell into her ears.

That fiery expression soon returned to calm.

The mind behind it carrying numerous thoughts and the heart, an unsettled mood.

Meanwhile ….

Stepping out of the prison cell, Long Feng's gloomy look faded into indifference as he caught sight of a Dai Li agent standing guard at the side.

As the Grand Secretariat of the Earth Kingdom, he practically paid attention to his image and expression at all times.

He couldn't let himself be seen so gloomy regularly.

The agent similarly stepped out of the prison cell and stood behind him at his left while the other guarding the door moved to his right.

"It looks like the Noble families can't keep silent anymore".

"...". The Dai Li agents remained silent, giving no replies. It didn't matter. Long Feng wasn't expecting them to contribute.

Thud, Thud, Thud.

The group began walking, seemingly in the direction of Long Feng's private study.

"How many are responsible? Apart from the flying boar?"

"Unknown sir". This time, they did respond. "Their movements are particularly discreet. It seems its best that only one of them stands out in the open".

"The ones hardest to deal with".

The words made Long Feng's eyebrows furrow.

"Looks like we'll need to increase our efforts". He muttered, still maintaining that indifferent expression.

"Another bloodline, no matter how thin, can jeopardize all our efforts. It might even lead to civil unrest within Ba Sing Se".

'Years of silence have made these nobles smarter. Now they look for ways to directly bypass the authority of the Earth King'.

"Should we get rid of them?" The left agent asked.

"No". The reply was immediate. "It's far too dangerous for a direct confrontation. Unlike the others, the ones taking the lead this time have a very high lifeline. Unless we want chaos, they are the ones we specifically can't touch".

"Then what now?"


Those Jade green eyes flashed with a hint of cunning as they walked down the corridor.

"Now ..... Let's see if we can still handle this … Quietly".

"Step up your efforts in investigating the others. There has to be more hidden help. Preferably ones we can easily deal with to scare the others. Tell the other agents to speed up the mind sessions on General Onomu. Once she breaks, we will have the initiative".

"And what about the scout teams?"

"Inform team 7 to follow. In case there are results from their end before the general cracks, so we don't get taken unaware".

"And what are the rules for engagement?"

"Against the Fire Nation? Whatever they deem necessary. Against the bounty hunters? Watch and wait. Attack them once they find the information we're looking for".

Against the earth Kingdom's most skilled military force, how could a few bounty hunters resist?

'Honestly thinking this would do any good? Although they've gotten smarter, it's still far from good enough. They probably don't even know that I'm onto them'.

Long Feng didn't bother much about this angle. Now his attention was best spent investigating which clans needed to be hammered down first.

"As you command sir".

"Good. You are dismissed".

"There is one more thing to report".

"Hmm?" This surprised him. What else could there be? More rumors of the Avatar?


"There has been activity along the eastern sea".

"Eastern sea?" Long Feng frowned. "If I remember right, that's the area of the scarce Water tribe fleets".

Fleets were a bit exaggerating. Those pitiful water tribe fighters didn't even have ten ships in their possession.

All they could do was ambush lone Fire Navy cruisers in the past two years. Quite pathetic if you ask him.


"What could they have possibly done that's worthy of attention?"

"Not them Grand Secretariat. It's the Shattered Skulls".

Thud ….

The steps came to a halt. The agents standing behind him were unable to see the frown that emerged on Long Feng's features.

"Those barbarians?"


"What happened".

"Teams 1 and 4 sent word that the Water tribe fleets crossed paths with a Shattered Skulls ship a few hours ago".

"And what were the results?"

".... We don't know sir. Team 1 and 4 have permanently lost contact. The latest reconnaissance reports the wreckage of the Southern Water tribe ships. There was nothing left".

Instantly, his face crumpled.

What did it mean to permanently lose contact? There might be uncertainty in other situations but not this one.

Ninety percent chance, The Dai Li agents making up those squads were dead. The remaining ten percent was on the off chance that one of them managed to escape back.

"They've been silent for years. So what in the spirits are those death cultists up to now?"

"We have no idea sir. We're tracking their ships along the eastern sea for more information".

"...". There was a moment of silence. Until …

"Very well".

Thud, Thud, Thud ….

He resumed walking.

"Should we call off the teams on site?"

"No". Long Feng uttered blandly. "Those cultists are too dangerous to leave unwatched. Potential threats to Ba Sing Se should be kept under close surveillance. As for the rules of engagement .... Avoid and evade. Do make sure to stress that point. We can't afford to lose any more teams to those murderous monsters".

"Yes sir".

Underneath the Grand Secretariat's indifferent facade was a mind working on overdrive.

An ominous premonition washed over him for a moment as the light emitted from the green lanterns fell into his eyes.

He set his mind to deal with the internal problems of Ba Sing Se.

Vaguely aware that in the Elemental world .... Something big was brewing.



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