
Chapter 25 : One second of true manliness!

  Coach Carter's face was gloomy.

  With his decisive temper, he originally didn't want to give Rusty another chance.

  However, Carter could also see that Rusty was indeed careless just now and did not show his true strength.

  Besides, this Chinese kid... plays very smartly.

  Or, this Chinese kid has played football for several years and has extensive experience in playing street football.

  Or, this kid is very talented in playing football, and is the kind of person who was born to do this and uses his brain to play football.

  Coach Carter also wanted to see how this Chinese kid would perform when Rusty got serious.

  Carter pursed his lips and pondered for a moment, then said: "Okay, then I'll give you another chance."

  "Thank you, coach!" Rusty shouted excitedly, "As expected, the coach is on my side! Chinese boy, you are dead this time, really dead!"

  Gu Ran smiled calmly.

  Gu Ran was not surprised at all that Carter gave Rusty a chance.

  In the previous confrontation, he did use some of his past life experience to gain some advantage.

  Of course, the most important thing is that Gu Ran was actually a little unsure in his heart. He also wanted to test whether he was strong enough to stand through the previous confrontation.

  Now, Gu Ran is very confident.

  Although the strength value assessed by the system is only 60 points, which is a few points lower than Rusty's strength value, but in terms of physical confrontation alone, it is enough to stand.

  Gu Ran still has one talent point left, so there is no need to add it to the strength attribute for the time being.

  Since there is a second wave of tests to be conducted, the attribute to which this talent point is added will be a test of his personal understanding of football.

  Gu Ran's current strength is like a blank sheet of paper.

  If you choose the wrong talent, it will be too late to regret.

  Therefore, adding points in the early stage is very important and must be considered carefully.

  In his previous life, Gu Ran specifically studied the reference values ​​for becoming a professional player.

  Generally speaking, professional football players have three essential attributes: physical attributes, technical attributes, and mental attributes.

  Physical attributes include: strength, physique, speed, burst, power, flexibility, balance, and jumping.

  Technical attributes include: vision, crossing, short passing, long passing, dribbling, shooting, stopping the ball, controlling the ball, protecting the ball, free kick, out of bounds, penalty kick, corner kick, header, long shot, marking, dribbling, positioning, and standing.

  Mental attributes include: anticipation, calmness, imagination, creativity, concentration, teamwork, competition mentality, and professional ethics.

  The values ​​of these attributes change dynamically.

  For example, decreased physical fitness, muscle fatigue, injury, nervousness, bad mood, anger, adrenaline burst, etc. will all affect the fluctuation of values.

  The attribute value assessed by the system should be the upper limit under normal conditions.

  At present, the strength attribute of 60 points is basically qualified, but the overall physical attributes still need to be further strengthened.

  As for technical and mental attributes, there is no need to consider them for now. First strengthen your body to above the passing line before thinking about other things.

  Considering the current situation, the next attribute that needs to be added is...


  The attribute of strength not only includes physical confrontation strength, but also passing strength and shooting strength.

  It can be said that this is another basic physical attribute, just like the strength attribute, which is essential for defenders, forwards, and even midfielders.

  It improves the passing power, which is also very helpful for using the golden right foot: accurate long pass and set piece: Crescent Moon Scimitar.  

  Adding this talent point to strength is definitely worth it in the early stages.

  Being strong only determines whether one can stand firm in a confrontation, but when the two are basically evenly matched, the victory or defeat will be decided by a struggle of strength.

  After being reborn, Gu Ran's current body strength value should not be very high. However, the training results he gained in the past few days should have improved his own value to a certain extent.

  At the D-level personal rating level, 1 talent point is equivalent to 100 hours of professional training.

  If we can directly materialize the results of these 100 hours of professional training, the effect will be very obvious.

  After making the decision, Gu Ran moved his mind, and the talent points stored in his mind immediately flowed into his body.

  Gu Ran immediately felt full of strength!

  Gu Ran secretly exerted force, and the muscles of his whole body tightened like ropes!

  The strong muscle group was harder than before!


  "Congratulations to the host for successfully adding points. The host's strength attribute has been increased from 59 points to 60 points."


  Was my physical strength so poor when I was young?

I only had 59 after all the strength training?

  Fortunately, with this precious talent point, my strength has passed the test.

  You still have to pick up more training results!

  Otherwise, if you rely on pure talent to point bubbles, it will take forever.

  After adding the talent points, Gu Ran smiled calmly, "Hurry up and get started, Rusty. Finish the duel as soon as possible. I have a date with Sophie tonight."

  Rusty laughed out loud, "Chinese boy, you want to influence my mentality with such words? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? My fate with Sophie has ended! This is Sophie's loss!

The one I'm pursuing now is Sophie's best friend Susanna! So, you can show off your affection with your Sophie, I won't be influenced by you! In order to successfully confess my love to Susanna, I must win you today!"

  After saying that, Rusty ran back to the center circle.

  This time, he didn't even say "start" and started running with the ball!

  His starting speed was twice as fast as the first time!

  For a strong man like him, this was a near-limited sprint that consumed a lot of energy.

  But the rust strips can't take care of that much now!

  Rusty used all his strength and rushed towards Gu Ran frantically!

  The whole grass seemed to rumble because of Rusty's running, as if there was really a human tank rolling over!

  Gu Ran was not afraid at all, and started to accelerate at the same time as Rusty, intercepting the route where Rusty was accelerating.

  Gu Ran played as a striker in his previous life, so speed was his advantage.

  In addition, his body is very young now, and the Messi-specific sneakers on his feet have brought the grip and explosiveness to the extreme!

  Everyone at the scene held their breath.

  When Gu Ran was only a few steps away from the rusty strips, Gu Ran did not stretch his foot to steal the ball. Instead, he lowered his shoulders, lowered his center of gravity, and used his body to resist the aggressive rusty strips!

  Intercepting the ball... this is simply an extremely arrogant confrontation!

  In fact, it wasn't that Gu Ran didn't want to steal the ball, but he had never been trained in stealing the ball in his previous life. If he forced himself to do so, he would appear timid in front of Coach Carter.

  So, what's the point of stealing the ball? What's the point of playing defensive skills?

  This is a confrontation test! Just do it!

  The blood in Gu Ran's veins roared and rushed, the adrenaline in his body soared, and his muscles were filled with explosive power. He slammed into the body of Rusty to release his power!

  Rusty did not protect the ball anymore, and rushed into Gu Ran with all his strength!


  After their bodies collided, they each took a step away, and then instantly stuck together to wrestle!

  This was a real physical confrontation!

  The second wave of force from the rusty strip was still very strong, but Gu Ran cleverly lowered his center of gravity.

  Rusty's expression has changed from ferocious and arrogant to unbelievable!

  Rusty gritted his teeth, his face turned red, and he reached out to push Gu Ran away desperately.

  Gu Ran raised his hand to block Rutiao's elbow, and took the opportunity to suddenly exert force!

  Full force! Reasonable collision +1!

  A real man for a second!

  (End of this chapter)

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