
Documentary (part 3)

"However, after a wait of almost nine days, the spinosaurus finally smells a familiar smell" the narrator continued. Subsequent scenes showed the spinosaurus sniffing the air and fidgeting.

Jocelyne briefly recounted how the spinosaurus started acting weird and then grabbed her and carried away. In the reconstruction, his words took shape like the scenes of a film.

Finally there was the long-awaited moment: the reunion of the little girl with her family. This time the reconstruction was interspersed with real scenes, shot by cameras incorporated into the vests of the soldiers in the field. At that point the narrator said something strange: "But Jocelyne's parents inadvertently make a mistake"

"Uh?" Sobek thought. What was the narrator saying?

The reconstruction showed the spinosaurus observing the scene from behind the trees; as soon as there was an embrace, the animal got nervous and began to move forward.

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