
Chapter 44: The Mephisto Agency

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Dumbledore really wanted to grab this troublesome kid by the neck and ask, Do I look like an idiot?

But then, after a moment of thought, he decided to let it go.

After all, it was just dealing with some illegal items.

Compared to the utterly vile dark wizards of Knockturn Alley, Kael's actions didn't seem all that bad.

In Chinese terms, you could say he remained pure even in a muddy environment.

"Alright, child, let's head to your place. To be honest, I'm quite curious!"

Dumbledore smiled and brushed aside the issue.

All along, he had believed Kael was fundamentally kind-hearted.

Otherwise, how could he have drawn the Sword of Gryffindor?

That was why Dumbledore had always been so indulgent toward Kael.

"Oh, we're almost there! Look, that's my home!"

"I run an agency here in Knockturn Alley that helps people deal with troublesome matters!" Kael pointed to a shop in the distance.

It was in one of the prime spots of Knockturn Alley, just diagonally across from the "Borgin and Burkes" antique shop.

A crooked sign hung outside the shop.

It read, "Mephisto Agency".

Below the name were details about the services offered by the agency, along with their prices:

Murder: starting at 100 Galleons, depending on the target's identity.

Arson: starting at 80 Galleons.

Kidnapping: starting at 200 Galleons.

Robbery: 300 Galleons plus 30% of the stolen goods.


Dumbledore looked at the contents of the sign and suddenly felt a pounding headache.

This is what you call helping people with their troubles?

This was bad.

That feeling of skyrocketing blood pressure.

[ Ding! Detecting excitement! ]

[ Ding! Drawing treasure chest for the host! ]

[ Ding! Congratulations, host, you have received a golden treasure chest! ]

Cassandra was equally dumbfounded.

They were both young wizards, but...


Why is your life so unique and unusual?

"Uh, Professor, wait, I think there's a misunderstanding here!" Kael hurriedly ran over, pulling a pen from his bag.

He added the word "Not" in front of each service on the list.

Then, after glancing at it...

Not Murder: starting at 100 Galleons, depending on the target's identity.

Not Arson: starting at 80 Galleons.

Not Kidnapping: starting at 200 Galleons.

Not Robbery: 300 Galleons plus 30% of the stolen goods.


The misunderstanding might just have gotten worse.

Finally, Kael just stuffed the sign into his enchanted bag with an Undetectable Extension Charm.

"Please, come in, Professor!"

Acting nonchalant, Kael opened the door and invited the two inside.

"Welcome to the Mephisto Agency!"

As soon as they stepped in, they were greeted by a sharp voice.

"Oh, Master, you've finally returned. Poor Link has missed you terribly these past two days!"

A house-elf rushed up, kissing Kael's shoes.

Kael had bought him from a declining wizarding family to manage the shop and take care of his little pets.

He even gave the house-elf a wand.

After some training, Link's combat ability was on par with that of Aurors, making him a valuable asset.

"Link, bring us two cups of tea. I have guests to entertain."

"As you wish, great Master."

While the house-elf went to prepare the tea, Dumbledore took a moment to observe Kael's agency.

Although the exterior of the shop looked old and shabby, the inside was quite clean.

The agency wasn't large—only about 40 or 50 square meters—with just a bar, a sofa set, and a coffee table.

It felt more like a Muggle family's living room.

There were even a few plants on the windowsill.

"Oh, esteemed guests, your tea is ready."

Before long, Link returned with three cups of tea, setting them in front of the group.

"Alright, child, it's getting late. Call for your pet, and let's get going."

"We need to head back to school soon," Dumbledore said after taking a sip of tea.

"Okay, Professor, but my pet isn't here."

"We need to use a Portkey to reach them."

"I usually let them roam free to enjoy the beauty of nature."

"Alright, let's head over there now." Dumbledore stood up.

"Miss Cassandra, are you coming with us, or would you rather stay here?"

"Of course I'm going!"

Cassandra was still fuming.

It was one thing for her magical abilities to be outclassed by Kael's, but now she felt as though her intelligence had been crushed too.

Having finally met such a powerful peer, she wanted to compete in everything.

Even their pets!

The two Kneazles her family raised were rare and expensive magical creatures.

They could predict danger in advance for their owners.

She was eager to see what kind of pet Kael had!

"Link, fetch the Portkey. We're going to Libustar!" (T/N: Name of the place where he keeps his pets)

"Yes, Master!"


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