
Chapter 2 - He’s My Headmaster!

"Kael Mephisto!"

The small team of Aurors blocked Kael's path, with the captain, Picol Flint, standing in front, his expression severe.

"Good morning, Mr. Flint!" Kael flashed a bright smile, showing no anger at being stopped in public by the group of Aurors.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were waiting for me here. If I had known, I would've come earlier and brought breakfast for you all!"

Despite Kael's polite demeanor, Picol Flint didn't relax. Instead, he gripped his wand tighter under his robes, ready to cast a spell at the first sign of trouble.

The "Blood Demon" had earned his reputation through the deaths of over 300 people, including some very powerful dark wizards.

"Don't be so tense, I'm just a young wizard about to start school. I'm not here to kill anyone. You could ask around Knockturn Alley—everyone knows me as a helpful and kind-hearted young wizard!" Kael shrugged and smiled, noticing the nervous energy from the Aurors.

"Besides, stress can mess up your magic. What if you miss your target? There are so many young wizards and innocent parents around here."

This might have been the first time a mission target had ever tried to comfort a group of Aurors.

Picol's expression grew darker. He understood the underlying message in Kael's words. There are so many innocent people here. If you start something, you won't be able to handle the consequences.

"I am here to deliver a warning from Minister Fudge. Hogwarts is a great magical school, and Headmaster Dumbledore is the greatest white wizard of this century. He won't tolerate any criminal behavior in his school!"

Picol sternly conveyed the Ministry's warning but was interrupted by Kael before he could finish.

"So what? My headmaster is the greatest white wizard of this century... What does that have to do with Fudge? He's my headmaster!"

Kael pulled out his acceptance letter from his pocket, which had been enchanted with the Undetectable Extension Charm, and waved it in front of Picol.

"Or does Minister Fudge want to go back to Hogwarts and study again?"

Picol opened his mouth, but found himself at a loss for words.

Damn it! He has a point!

Seeing Picol speechless, Kael's smile grew even brighter.

I just love that look—you hate me but can't do anything about it!

"If there's nothing else, I'll be on my way. The train is about to leave, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to see a headline tomorrow in the Daily Prophet about the Ministry of Magic blocking a Hogwarts student from boarding the train, right?"

"By all means! You can Go!" Picol spat the words through gritted teeth.

In truth, even he thought Fudge's decision to send him here was foolish. Would the infamous "Blood Demon" of Knockturn Alley really be afraid of a warning from the Minister of Magic?

Merlin's beard, is this some kind of far-fetched tale?

After the "farewell" of the Aurors, Kael made his way onto the train and found an empty compartment to sit in.

"Who would have thought Dumbledore would really let me into Hogwarts?" Kael laughed, unable to suppress his laughter.

"System, show me my status!"

[Emotion Treasure Chest System]

Host: Kael Mephisto

Race: Human

Age: 11

Talents: Heart of Dark Magic, Magical Creatures Affinity!

Spells: Killing Curse (LV. max), Cruciatus Curse (LV. max), Imperius Curse (LV. max), etc...

Pets: Sun Eevee, Moon Eevee, Niffler...

That's right, Kael was a transmigrator, arriving in this world five years ago. How he got here didn't matter. What mattered was what came next.

He had appeared in Knockturn Alley as a six-year-old orphan.

Knockturn Alley, a place everyone knows...

Chaos, violence, and death reigned there.

To survive, he had to use a stolen wand.

Yes, Kael was a good person.

Sure, he killed, set fires, and sometimes robbed people, but he was still a good person.

It was like those girls in his past life who frequented nightclubs.

Even though they drank, smoked, and partied, they were still good girls.

Who would dare say otherwise?

Avada Kedavra—care to find out?

As for the system, it activated as soon as Kael transmigrated.

Emotion Treasure Chest System—as the name implies, it rewards him with treasure chests based on the emotional fluctuations of others.

The stronger the emotional reaction, the higher the level of the chest.

The chests were ranked in five levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Supreme.

Inside, Kael could find various treasures, talents, spells, and even magical creatures from the wizarding world.

To be honest, this system was perfect for Knockturn Alley.

After all, nothing causes more emotional turmoil than death.

The talent "Heart of Dark Magic" was something Kael gained by gathering numerous dark magic-related talents in Knockturn Alley and fusing them together.

In simple terms...

His magic had been "darkened," drastically increasing its power!

As for why he decided to attend school...

According to Kael's observations and analysis, the system had a hidden rule.

Characters from the original story had a higher chance of dropping higher-level chests.


So how the Translation, If there is any grammar mistake or recommendation for translated names then comment, I will the make changes if the names are better.


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