
Chapter 13

While Aish and Myra were standing outside talking, Amelia was currently sitting in her room waiting for her brother. She was holding her Teddy Bear tightly in her hands, trying to vent her annoyance. It has been an hour since breakfast, and her brother still has not returned yet.

(Stupid brother, he might have forgotten what he promised me.)

(No, it is not my brother's fault; it must be Mama trying to tease me.)

I should complain about them to Father when he comes back. Yes, this time I should even cry a little.

(Let us see how you all dare to tease me then.)

Amelia was lost in her thoughts when she heard something:

"Why are you wasting our time, Amy? Come, let us play again. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you this time."

A girl's voice sounded in the room; it was heard from one of the screens, like a projection in the room.


Projection devices were just magical communication tools used to chat with each other over long distances while being face-to-face. These were made by the magic tower; the cost of this type of tool was high for normal people, but both girls talking here was not normal.


Amelia looked at the projection and on the other side sat a 10-year-old girl wearing a sky blue and white-colored gown; her golden hair fell to her shoulders; her blue eyes seemed like the ocean with no end; her beauty was comparable to that of the setting sun.

The person in front of Amelia was the first princess of the Schilla Empire, Rebecca Von Schott. Daughter of Emperor Maximus Von Schott and Queen Athena Von Schott Raven. Amelia's maternal cousin and her best friend.

Amelia had boasted to Rebecca about how she was going to take her revenge today and beat her in the game, but it had been an hour, yet her brother had not come, and she lost 2 more matches today.

Amelia was feeling annoyed as she saw the smug and laughing expression of Rebecca. And when she heard the words that she would go easy on her—her anger went even more beyond.

(Liar, that is what you said the last 2 times.)

(Brother, if you do not come, I will lose all my respect today.)

Amelia was contemplating this when the door opened, and Aish walked in with Myra following behind him.

After entering, Myra closed the door, and without saying anything, she silently strode forward and went to stand on one side. Where she could keep an eye on the kids but would not disturb their play time.

Watching Aish, Amelia's expression brightened up, and she ran up to him and dragged him in front of the projection. She pulled Aish's face close to her and said, "You took too much time, brother. Let us start directly. You must defeat her and take my revenge. Otherwise, I won't talk to you."

Aish heard her 'threat' and looked at her for a few seconds, and a barely noticeable smile appeared on his face. He ruffled Amelia's hair and said, "Okay.

Aish looked at the projection and saw Rebecca staring at them. It was not the first time they had seen each other. Both their mothers belonged to the Raven family and were sisters. The relationship between the Floren Family and Royal Family was exceptionally good. The kids would often meet each other and play together.


**POV shift

Watching Rebecca for the first time outside of Aish's memories, I was surprised at first—as being the book's one of the main heroines, she had the aura and charm that were visible to everyone. But I wasn't looking at that; no, I was going through all the future events that happened in the original book—about how Rebecca became Aish's fiancée, how she used Aish in the Zenith Academy and later stabbed him in the back and stole everything from him, just to hand it all over to the protagonist.

As I remembered all her actions, a feeling started rising in my heart that I should get rid of her too. I was surprised about why that thought suddenly came into my brain, as normally I would not think like that, but I pushed that aside and tried to control my emotions. It was only for a moment, but the cold glint in my eyes could not go unnoticed by Myra, who was surprised to see what suddenly made me unhappy. But before she could ponder on it further, I broke the silence with a smile and said,

"Good morning, princess. I see that you're still as calm and clever as always."

Rebecca looked at me while pouting her face and said, "I told you not to call me the princess every time. Amy does not call me that now.

"How can I do that? It's common courtesy to call the Royal family by their title and not their names." I replied in a straight tone.

"But we're cousins, and Amy is my friend." - Rebecca said instantly.

"Amy is a child princess. She doesn't know anything about the world." I said while pointing my hand towards Amelia.

I was going to say something else, but then I felt something on my fingers. I looked at the side and saw Amelia trying to bite hard on them.

"Aaa jou calling me gumb bruder."

"I oo everyiing."

I pushed her head away and saw my fingers. Three of them have bite marks on them now. I was looking at them when I heard Amelia's voice: "First you come here late, and then you start your regular talking instead of playing. Do you know how badly she defeated me?"

I chuckled nervously at that and looked towards the projection and saw Rebecca, who was rolling on her bed now, holding her stomach—though she muted the sound function, we could not hear anything but one look at her, and you could tell she was laughing hard.

Amelia looked at me with pleading eyes, then shook her head and wiped her fake tears. It felt like she was saying, 'Look at how she is laughing at your sister. And you are not even taking revenge.' She then pouted and turned her face away.

I was going to coax her a little, but we heard Rebecca's voice: "Ahemhmm. Sorry about that Amy and Aish, let us start playing. I will not lose to you today. It's my lucky day."

I too decided to play and get revenge for Amelia, but soon I came across a problem—a very normal and easy-to-understand problem—that I ignored till now.

The control console was like a VR kind of game from the modern world, but here instead of technology and the internet, they used a little bit of illusion and projection magic—it starts after 2 players join and stand on their platform while some potions, creatures, tools, or mana crystals would start coming towards them. They must avoid all the obstacles, gather the required stuff, and not fall from the platform.

The problem I was facing now was that I knew all the rules. I have seen Aish playing this game several times, and many times he had even defeated Rebecca too. But I just had theoretical or visual knowledge—I knew what to do, but the coordination between my body and my mind was useless to say the least. Soon I was overwhelmed by the increasing speed of stuff coming towards me, and I was thrown off the platform.

"Game over"

"Player Becca_01 wins."

The result was announced, and I removed my hand from the console and sighed.

(Looks like my mind still has not completely adjusted to this body yet.)

I need to fix it fast.


**3rd POV**

Seeing the message, both Amelia and Rebecca were dumbfounded because it had barely been 1 minute and Aish lost. It was the first time Aish got thrown out of this sooner. Even when he played this game for the first time, he was much better than this.

Amelia looked towards her brother and said, "Brother, please tell me that it was by mistake. And you didn't just lose willingly to tease me."

Aish scratched his neck, not knowing how to answer that question.

Rebecca too was surprised to win so easily; she liked playing with Aish as he was a better player, and though sometimes she would lose, she enjoyed that competition. But winning so easily left a sour taste in her mouth as she thought that he pitied her and let her win.

Amelia bugged Aish to play one more match and defeat Rebecca, but Aish just said that he is not feeling well and cannot play this game.

It was only after hearing him say this that Rebecca remembered that her mother did say that Aish was sick and not feeling well. So as not to trouble him too much. Rebecca thought that Aish's body was already weak, and she had him play a game that included illusion magic, which can still put a little strain on your body if you are not careful.

So as an apology, she decided to stop playing this game, and with a wave of her hand, the VR screen disappeared, and she took out a chess board from the nearby table. Though she was not good at it and knew she would lose to Aish, she thought that since she hurt him just now, she should just let him have a win.

(Maybe I will tease him a little about it the next time I meet him, hehehe) thought Rebecca.

Seeing the chess board, Amelia smiled too and ran and took out a similar board from her Cupboard.

These two boards were bought in pairs and are magically connected to each other. With it, people could play chess from a long distance.

When one side makes a move, the same move will be played on the other side too. It was just like playing chess on the mobile screens with your friend via the internet, except here it uses magic.

After Amelia and Rebecca arranged the pieces, we started playing. And this time, just as Rebecca knew she had lost. Even worse than she usually does.


That was because for chess I had my own memories and experiences from earth too. As a nobody who lived his life simple and did not like to interact much with others much, I had played all kinds of online games, and chess just had to be one of them.

Finally seeing the dejected look on Rebecca's face, Amelia stood up and started giggling like an idiot kid with her hands on her waist.

Though still shocked by her defeat, Rebecca found solace in winning one match today.

And just like that, all 3 of us continued playing and trying different games. And the sound of laughter continued till we played for hours.

Finally, when everyone started getting tired, Rebecca said her goodbyes and cut the connection. Amelia too lay down on her bed and was smiling heartily. She could not stop smiling, as she had too much fun. I was just lost in my thoughts as I stared at her smiling face, and a fleeting thought came to my head.

(It would have been perfect if she were here with us too, right, Ria.)

It was only one moment, but that thought had soured all my mood and brought me back to reality.

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