
Chapter 61: Overnight Fortune

During these five hours, Qin Chen had gained significantly. Not only did he harvest the essence and remnants from the bull demon that relentlessly assaulted the hurricane domain for three hours, but the Vajra Dragon Bull also dropped a war soul!

A monarch-level war soul is priceless, far exceeding the billion-dollar essence of a commander-level being. No one had ever seen one auctioned before, and now Qin Chen had struck it rich!

«Wait, what is this?»

When the Vajra Dragon Bull died, the Hurricane Roc released its claws, revealing that the once dazzling diamond skin of the bull had lost its luster. All that brilliance had concentrated on a dragon-scale-like patch on its chest.

«Could it be an anomalous scale?»

Qin Chen's breath quickened as he reached out to touch the still warm scale. The Vajra Dragon Bull, possessing dragon bloodline, bore symbolic dragon horns and whiskers. He hadn't expected it to have dragon scales as well, and this reverse scale was top-tier material for crafting magic armor. Though the monarch-level Vajra Dragon Bull was no match for the Hurricane Roc, it didn't mean it was weak. If it had been a human mage, even an ordinary super-level mage couldn't break through its defense.

«Wind Roc, help me dissect this big guy carefully. Don't damage its materials.»

The Hurricane Roc, in a good mood, complied, using its sharp claws and the power of the wind to cut the materials off the Vajra Dragon Bull with ease, like slicing through tofu.

Once the dissection was complete, Qin Chen carefully packed all the materials and flesh, storing them in his magic wand. To him, every part of a monarch-level monster was precious. The flesh could feed summoned beasts, and the materials could be sold or used to craft magic gear.

After handling the Vajra Dragon Bull, Qin Chen turned his attention to the bull demons' corpses. When the Vajra Dragon Bull died, the bull demons fled in fear of the Hurricane Roc. The mountainside was littered with their bodies, blood staining the slope red like a sea of corpses. Even Qin Chen, accustomed to battle, felt a chill at the sight.

However, for the sake of money, he overcame his fear and started collecting the bodies. It took him three hours to gather them all—who knows how many, but at least ten thousand. There were more bodies than he could count, and he left the heavily mutilated ones behind. Otherwise, even another three hours wouldn't have been enough.

«What's going on?»

As Qin Chen prepared to follow the Hurricane Roc back up the slope, he noticed the blood on the hillside was flowing to one spot.

Curious, he followed the trail of blood and saw a shocking sight. There was a blood pool, and at its center was a thick blood-red vine. The main vine absorbed the blood from the pool, with smaller vines branching out to gather more blood.

«A Bloodsucking Devil Vine!»

Realizing what it was, Qin Chen understood the source of the disturbance. The Bloodsucking Devil Vine fed on the blood of living creatures. When it matured to a monarch-level, it became incredibly powerful. In its domain, few monsters could rival it unless they had a specific counter. It was one of the most feared plants in the wild.

«This vine absorbed so much bull demon blood and became a commander-level plant monster. Good thing I didn't go near it; otherwise, I'd be in danger.»

«Perfect, my plant system can absorb this vine to enhance its power and mask the life drain talent.»

Qin Chen's eyes lit up. His plant system, a devourer type, could absorb the abilities of other plants, like this Bloodsucking Devil Vine, adding a bloodsucking effect and boosting his plant magic.

Currently, his plant system was akin to a small spirit seed, doubling the power of plant magic. Absorbing the vine could increase that to 2.5 or even 3 times, with added bloodsucking effects.

«Wind Roc, help me cut a vine.»

Returning to the hillside, Qin Chen asked the Hurricane Roc for help. With a wind blade, it severed the Bloodsucking Devil Vine.

«Another essence, how lucky!»

As the vine died, a blood-red essence floated from its root, thrilling Qin Chen. A commander-level essence was worth at least a billion!

«Wind Roc, you're my lucky star!»

After collecting the severed vine, Qin Chen flew to the top of the Hurricane Roc's head, asking it to find a human city to drop him off.

While riding, he absorbed the Bloodsucking Devil Vine into his plant system. As expected, his plant system reached the peak of the spirit seed level, tripling his plant magic's power and adding bloodsucking and thorn effects.

«This time, I really struck it rich! So many essences and remnants, I won't need money for a while!»

Calming down, he checked the essences and remnants stored in his magic wand. The number was astounding. Not only were there many essences, but also numerous remnants. Tens of thousands of bull demons had died, yielding roughly 1,500 servant-level essences and over 150 warrior-level ones. Including the Bloodsucking Devil Vine's, he had three commander-level essences. If sold, these could fetch over six billion. He was indeed wealthy now.

«It's best not to sell the essences if possible. Selling monster materials should suffice. Who knows what uses the essences might have later.»

Calming his excitement, he regained his rationality. In this world, many precious things couldn't be bought with money. Selling monster materials would cover his expenses, and he had collected plenty of those.

The number of essences from remnants was even higher. These bull demon remnants were of good quality, forming an essence from about fifty remnants. In contrast, it might take seventy to a hundred remnants of something like giant-eyed blood rats to form one essence. He had over 2,000 servant-level essences and around 200 warrior-level ones from remnants. No commander-level ones, as the commander-level bull demons had been too cautious to die.

Without hesitation, he upgraded all his magic systems' stars, except for the summoning system, to intermediate level five. He had plenty of essences, so why not be extravagant?

After enhancing his stars, he tallied his remaining essences. From remnants, he had 2,050 servant-level and 50 warrior-level essences. From drops, he had 1,500 servant-level, 150 warrior-level, three commander-level, and one monarch-level essence.

(End of Chapter)

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