
White haired leech.

Phoebe contemplated on what would hurt Ruth's feelings the most and went for it.

"We are sort of seeing each other, although he wants to rush things i prefer to take it slow. There is no need to define anything yet, i will take my time and study him slowly."

Her answer was confusing to the elders, what studying was she talking about? Was David a subject she needed a degree in? Where relationships that complicated these days that people needed studying? 

Ruth on the other hand got the message Phoebe was trying to pass onto her which was that David was in the palm of her hands at the moment. The affection she was so desperate to get from him, Phoebe could reject if she was dissatisfied.

This fucking sly bitch, what makes her worthy of him? Mayfair blood or not, she was raised in a slum and reeks of poverty. I will take everything back from you, especially my man, Ruth thought.

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