
The Prince and The Princess

(Baelon's POV)

"My beloved sister." I said as I bowed slightly, "I am here, as you requested." 

It was a few days after Aemond's Royal Hunt, we were back at the Red Keep. After I woke up, Mother sent for me, saying that Helaena had asked for me. 

She was sitting on a couch in her chambers, with what looked like a millipede in her hands, "Brother..." She said softly

I looked at the creature, "What's this?" 

"Oh." She said as she lifted her hand, the creature slowly moving around on it, "I've taken a liking to it." 

I walked over to her and sat next to her, "Oh? Is that so?" I leaned in and examined it closely, "That's quite interesting." 

"It has 60 rings...." She said softly, "A pair of legs on each ring....240 legs total...." 

"Hm....." I said as I looked next to the couch and noticed several displays of her hobbies, "Is that so....?" 

My sister was quite something. I never judged her or anything, I found her interest with bugs and other sorts of creatures to be quite fascinating. The sort of innocence she displayed when focused on them was just.....alluring. It made me be what I'm supposed to be; an older brother who's supposed to protect her. 

She smiled, "Yes...." She said 

I gently tucked her hair behind her ear, "You are quite a beautiful soul, my dear sister." I told her, "Why have you asked for me?" 

"I wish to spend time with you today." She said as she looked at me, "You mostly spend time with Aegon and Aemond. Sometimes with Daeron, but rarely with me." 

"Ah, well, Daeron is too young for my antics, mother says." I said, "And you're busy with your own hobbies, beloved sister." 

She gently set the creature on a small wooden box next to her and closed it, "I see." she said, "Then shall we spend the day together?" 

I frowned, "What would we do?" 

"Take me to Balerion." She said, "Read to me like you used to when we were children." 

"Ah." I said as I crossed my arms, "Mother would be mad, she always got furious when I did that, hehe." 

I used to take all of my siblings, one at a time, to Balerion and I would read to them atop of the Old Dread's head while he slept. It was one of my fondest memories to this day, I remember Aemond almost fell off because he was too scared to sit still. 

"I have mine own Dragon, Balerion is no different." She said

"Dreamfyre, hm?" I said before snapping my fingers, "Let's fly them together! Yes, we have not done that at all! What do you say sister? You, Me, flying to Dragonstone." 

She chuckled, "You just want to visit our sister, right?" She said

Her laugh was so sweet, one of my favorite sounds in the world. 

"Well, of course." I said, "I miss Rhaenyra, don't you?" 

She nodded, "Yes." 

"Well, what do you say?" I said as I grabbed her hand, "An adventure between Brother and Sister." 

"Before we're Husband and Wife?" She asked with a raised eyebrow

"Ah...." I said 

I don't like to think about that. I always found it weird, how Targaryens work. "To Keep The Bloodline Pure." Such an excuse gets boring over time, no matter how I look at it. 

"It is a jest, brother." she said with a slight smile, "I would love to fly to Dragonstone, but mother forbade it." 

"Hm...that's unfortunate." I said, "Well, I suppose we could go and read atop Balerion's head." 

"Thank you." She said as she looked at me, "Uhm....about that, Brother....about us being betrothed....do you want it?" 

I frowned, "What?" 

"I know this is strange for you...it is for me.." She said, "But..." 

"Ah, don't worry about it." I said with a chuckle, "I tend not to think about it too much." 

"Well...." She said softly as she looked down, "I do..." 

"Sister, it'll be alright." I said, "If you don't wish to share my bed when the inevitable happens, I will not force you. You are the most precious being in the world to me, I will never hurt you." 

I raised her hand and I gently kissed it, giving her a smile. 

She looked at me with a surprised look, "O-Oh.." she said

"Let us enjoy our youth, eh?" I said with a chuckle, "Now let us go." 

"To The Black Dread." 


"You really like stressing me out...." Mother said

I frowned, "How so?" I asked

"You took Helaena to Balerion?" She asked 

I sat down in my couch, reading a book in my chambers, Mother had come inside with her arms crossed. 

"Yes." I said, "Nothing happened, Mother. Balerion knows her." 

She sighed, "You best be careful, Baelon." She said as she sat down next to me, "I need you to understand something, my boy." 

I closed my book, "Is this going to be a lecture?" I asked, "I tend to get those more than Aegon." 

"Because you earn them more than him." She said, "Baelon.....It has to happen." 

"What?" I asked

"I know you, Baelon." She said, "You choose to be in a blissful ignorance to the situation. You even fool yourself well enough. You are going to marry her, your own sister." 

"Hm..." I said as I looked down, "Well, yes, His Grace ordered it." 

"You must understand, this is for the best." She said as she reached for my hand, "For the best of the both of you." 

I scratched my cheek, "I am always wondering what right mind came up with incestual marriages in Old Valyria...." I said, "This whole thing is strange. Then Aemond is marrying our niece, which makes it quite stranger. I don't know....." 

"Oh, my boy...." She said, "Baelon, it is how your Family has always done things." 

"I guess so." I said, "It's not that strange for you, though, I bet." 

"Why?" She asked

"I mean, well, you know." I said, "We're not related by blood." 

"I may not have carried you in my belly." She said, "But I raised you, loved you, and taken care of you since you were but a babe. Gods rest your Mother's soul, but she has not dealt with your antics like I have." 

I chuckled, "Y-Yea...." 

"You love to stress me out, yes." She said as she reached over to caress my cheek, "But the gods know it, I hold nothing but pure love for you. Every time I look at you, I see a young man who I am proud of. I hope the sons that I gave birth to become half of the man that you are." 

I looked at her, she was giving me a smile, "Hm..." I said, "Yea, I bet they will." 

"I don't know if anyone else is right for my only daughter." She said softly, "I think you're the best for her...." 

"I know it." 

[a/n: every 10-15k reads, Ill upload another chapter. This one will be updated rather slowly.

Read and Support my Novel: Cursed as A Dragon God, I'll appreciate any support given there


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