
Hospital Visit

After leaving the apartment, Noah decided to head to the hospital nearby.

With a smirk on his face, Noah thought, "Time to pay a certain friend a visit."

Arriving at the hospital, Noah did not ask for directions.

He knew where he was going.

As he arrived in front of the room, he entered nonchalantly without anyone noticing him.

As he closed the door behind him, his eyes showed surprise as he saw an old lady holding a cane on the chair sitting next to the unconscious Horace.

The old woman's eyes became wide with a startled expression, but she stayed still in her seat and did not turn to look at him.

She gripped the top of her cane tightly, her frail fingers shaking slightly. 

"Who's there?" Her voice was low and worn, each word escaping with a slight tremor.


Noah stood there silently for a moment, observing her, a thoughtful look passing over his face.

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