
Gu Yuan’s Nightmares

After arriving at the front yards of the Gu family household, just as Ronald was about to step foot on the porch of the mansion...

"Uhh Ronald... when you step foot into my house, make sure you be careful with what you say, alright?" Gu Changsheng stated with a nervous look on his face.

"Why's that?" Even though Ronald knew why Gu Changsheng had warned him in advance, he decided to ask anyways.

"My sister... she can be a little uhhh, how should I say it... hostile." Gu Changsheng said anxiously.

"Oh? Well okay, I'll be mindful of what I say then..." Although Ronald seemed to be nonchalant on the outside, he couldn't help but start to complain in his heart.

'Only if your sister Gu Yuan will even give me a chance that is.'

'Sadly I'll be strangled to death the moment she sees me.'

"Please do, you'll definitely regret it if you offend her in any way." Gu Changsheng then walked over to the front doors and slowly opened it while Ronald and Iris were standing behind him.

"Mom and dad, I'm back home... oh hey sister!" Even though Gu Changsheng enthusiastically greeted his sister when he saw her standing a few meters away from the front doors, he was scared that his sister might try and abuse him again.

But for some reason, his sister just stood there silently staring at Ronald instead.

"..." Ronald's temper couldn't help but start to rise the moment a girl with long deep violet hair and light purple eyes appeared in his line of sight.

And that girl was Gu Changsheng's sister, Gu Yuan.

Even though Ronald was already used to getting face slapped so many times to the point where he didn't even care about it anymore, the difference between getting face slapped by someone like the protagonist and getting face slapped by Gu Yuan was that Gu Yuan had continuously tortured Ronald in almost every single of the plot Gu Yuan was involved in.

Of course, even though he was actually never in any real pain while he had been tortured by Gu Yuan back in his previous life, the problem was that he had naturally built up a sense of disgust towards Gu Yuan since everything she had done was extremely sadistic.

But oh well, Ronald could only blame the author of this shitty novel for creating such a sadistic character like that.

"..." After seeing that Ronald had entered the Gu residence, Gu Yuan couldn't help but stay completely silent and tried her best to prevent her body from trembling too much.

"Uhh sister... are you okay? Where are mom and dad?"

"Y-yes... I-I'm f-fine. T-they're not h-home r-right now, a-anyways, I-I'll go b-back to my room now." Gu Yuan then sprinted with all of her might back to her room.

After Gu Yuan completely disappeared from everyone's sights, Ronald couldn't help but turn his head to Iris, who looked just as surprised as he was.

'Did... did she fall in love with me as well or something?'

To be honest, Ronald had mixed feelings in his heart right now.

Although Ronald didn't know why Gu Yuan was acting so weirdly right now and wasn't actually too sure if she had fallen in love with him just like all of the other heroines, he was content that she didn't show that sadistic side of hers the moment they had met.

But on the other hand, Ronald was worried that his torture plots might not actually go smoothly this time around.

Sure, even though all of the previous plots that Ronald had done in this life had gotten counted as 'completed' by the system despite them deviating from the original plots, the thing was that Ronald's few upcoming plots couldn't actually start until Gu Yuan started to torture him.

But to be honest, Ronald didn't really mind if the torture plot had gotten delayed for a little bit, after all, the less time Gu Yuan spends on torturing him, the less he'll have to suffer.

So with that in mind, Ronald headed straight upstairs with Iris to find a guest bedroom to recharge his energy for the night.


'WHY IS THAT DEMON HERE?' After sprinting all the way to her bedroom and slamming the doors shut, Gu Yuan instantly collapsed on the floor and started to gasp for air.

The reason why Gu Yuan had started to panic the moment she had seen Ronald's face was because she remembered clearly everything that Ronald had done to her back in her previous life after she had just 'toyed' with Ronald for a bit.

Yes, the reason why she had 'toyed' with Ronald to begin with was because she felt that Ronald was just some brainless idiot she could easily toy around with.

But that was all just a facade.

A facade to hide how incredibly strong and sinister Ronald really was...

Anyways, after 'toying' with Ronald every time they had crossed paths with each other for a couple of years, it seemed like Ronald had decided that enough was enough.

So one day Ronald just randomly broke into one of the secret bases she was in, knock her out by hitting her throat, and then kidnapped her somewhere while she was still unconscious...

Then after Ronald had kidnapped her and brought her somewhere, the moment Gu Yuan had gain conscious again, she realized that one of her legs was tied up to a hanging branch... that was dangling off of a cliff.

That's right, Ronald had actually managed to tie her up to an extremely fragile tree branch that could break at any time.

At first, when she saw Ronald staring at her with a wicked look on his face, she had screamed at him and threatened him that she was going to torture him even more and destroy his Kuangge family if he didn't come take her down of the hanging branch.

But guess what Ronald did after she had finished screaming at him...

He got a pair of scissors and cut the rope that was she was dangling off of!

That fucking demon had every god damn intentions of killing her...

Or so she thought.

When Gu Yuan had her eyes closed while she falling down, just as she thought she was going to splat on the ground, she had landed on an extremely big trampoline that somehow managed to not break while she was dropping about 1000 meters down.

That's right, that demon just wanted to toy with her!

If that was everything that the demon had done to her however, then maybe she wouldn't of been that afraid of the demon to begin with.

But sadly, that was just the beginning of it.

Ever since that near-death cliff incident, about every morning for about 6 months straight, despite the fact that demon was living in an entirely different province, that demon would always somehow always find out where she was hiding, knock her unconscious, and then bring her to a god damn random location to begin toying with her again.

And all of the things he had done to her were super terrifying as well.

One time right after she had regain conscious again, he just plopped her in an ocean in the middle of nowhere... full of feisty hungry looking sharks!

And there were over 200 sharks swimming in that fucking ocean all over at that same general location.

How the hell did he even manage to bring that much fucking sharks over to that one location!?

There was also another time when he had completely tied her up and strap her to the drivers seat of a moving sports car that was going over 200 MPH… Straight towards a metal wall!

Of course, Gu Yuan would always try to retaliate back by trying to get her entire underground force and the Gu family to attack the Kuangge family...

But every time she was about to actually launch an attack at the Kuangge family, that demon would immediately capture her and make her go through physical pain like feed her a Carolina Reaper and kept on torturing her until she had learnt her lesson.

And of course, at one point Gu Yuan had even started to lower her guard and started to ease up a bit after realizing that all Ronald wanted to do was to just seek revenge against her and had no actual intentions of killing her.

But Gu Yuan instantly regretted dropping her guard down and easing up a bit.


Because after that demon had started to realize that she was starting to ease up a bit, he decided to just leave her alone...

In a middle of a desert.

At first, Gu Yuan thought that Ronald was going to come and get her out of the desert after a while just like he would always do after he finished toying with her.

So she waited for hours… which turned into days…

Which then turned into weeks...

And then after waiting an entire month, she was later rescued by supposedly the military of a different country.

And as for how she even managed to survive being in the middle of the desert for an entire month?

Well because every couple of days or so, someone, most likely that demon, would drop her off different kinds of food supplies and equipments for her to use.

Luckily, after that desert incident however, it seemed like that demon had decided to leave her alone and never come back again...

Until she found out that Ronald had actually committed suicide about a couple of months later.

Even though she was suppose to be super thrilled knowing that her torturer had died, for some reason, she wasn't.


Well for some reason, she had mixed feelings about Ronald.

Although she was extremely afraid of that demon known as Ronald since he had made her go through hell, he had also showed her so much things that this world had to offer.

He had showed her so many different kinds of experiences that Gu Yuan never thought she would be able to experience in her entire life.

So despite the fact that Ronald toying with her had been the most frightening time of her life, it was also probably the best time of her life as well.

If Ronald had been just a little bit more nicer to her, then maybe she would've fallen in love with him.

But no, she was deeply afraid of Ronald and absolutely wanted nothing to do with him right now.

Just even thinking about the damn wicked look Ronald would always have on his face every time he had tortured her to death shook her to the core.

'It's fine Gu Yuan, just calm down.'

'Even though you have no clue why you have suddenly regressed back to when he was alive...'

'As long as you don't offend him now, he won't do anything bad to you.'

While Gu Yuan was in the middle of giving herself a pep talk, she started to get so tired that she had slowly fallen asleep on the floor.

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