
Chapter 63

Taking a hoodie and a baseball cap as well as covering himself as well as he could, Jack put his hands in his pockets before heading out of his room and going downstairs once more.

Going outside of the hotel, he headed to the edge of Port Angeles and continued walking until he reached a dark forest where he started running.

His figure became a blur to human eyes as he ran faster and faster, his destination? Forks Washington.

The entire journey didn't take more than an hour before he found himself in the forest surrounding the Forks High School.

Whilst he had run inside the forest, Jack had been extremely careful to make as little noise as he could.

He still didn't know where those lunatics had their base, and the entire forest could be a large trap for passerby supernaturals.

He however had decided that getting this done as fast as he could would be safer than having to stay in forks for hours.

Heading out of the forest, Jack kept his head low. He did not want people to see him, his new face and charisma would cause people to start asking questions immediately, not like they hadn't when he had first showed up however one time could just be called a myth, if people saw it twice then it would be basis for reality.

Walking past the parking lot, Jack felt someone place a hand on his shoulder, he had already noticed someone coming from behind him however his instinctive fighting style hadn't reacted so he hadn't moved to stop the presence either.

Turning around, Jack found himself face to face with Emmet Cullen.

"Jack, I knew it was you," Emmet said with a large smile as he looked at Jack for a few moments and then confusion seeped into his expression.

"Hey Emmet, it's been a week or so now, how've you been?" Jack asked the large bear-like man.

"Good, so where have you been?" Emmet asked as he patted Jack's shoulder, it seemed he wasn't going to ask right away.

'He probably feels like it's not something I'm willing to share, when has Emmet become so good at talking to people' Jack thought to himself as a light smile erupted on his face.

"I moved to Port Angeles, I'm just here to pick up my diploma," Jack said before starting to walk toward the front entrance once more.

Emmet followed him as they walked together.

"Why did you move?" Emmet asked, his voice clearly showing his curiosity.

"Just an impulsive decision," Jack said before turning his head slightly so that he could give Emmet a glance.

"What are the others doing?" 

"Nothing much, Rosalie is always stuck up in the garage whilst Jasper and Alice just do their own thing. Carlisle is at work and Esme is just trying out some new recipes she wants to show Bella." Emmet said calmly until he said the last word and remembered.

He had blundered in his choice of words.

"Esme is cooking for Bella?" Jack asked as he stopped and turned toward Emmet.

His voice was low as he stared into Emmet's eyes.

Even though Jack was smaller in stature than Emmet, Emmet felt like he was being looked down on by something much larger than himself, even though he had no need for breath, it felt suffocating for a few moments before Jack turned his gaze away and started walking once more.

This caused confusion to take its place in Emmet's mind once more.

Following Jack, Emmet finally couldn't stop himself.

"You aren't angry?"

Jack gave him a side glance before shaking his head.

"I am, incredibly so however I've decided that I simply do not have any fucks left to give about what you're family does. As long as they don't interfere with me then I won't do shit, but if you guys do." Jack said as he turned his head to stare at Emmet once more.

"I'll rip all of your heads off and feed them to mutated fucking pigs. Don't take that as something offensive Emmet, im just stating a fact." Jack said before turning to face the front once more.

In front of them stood the administrative office of Forks High School.

"I'll be going in to get the Diploma quickly and I'll be back out," Jack said before he knocked on the door twice.

"Come in"

Hearing the answer, Jack opened the wooden door and went inside, closing it once more when he was in the room.

Turning to look at the man behind the desk, Jack felt a shudder go through his entire body.

'What the fuck' Jack thought as he looked at the man.

It was him, the guy next to the white-eyed woman in the woods.

"Ah, Jack, you're here for your diploma right?" The man said as a large smile appeared on his face, his dark abyss-like eyes gleaming as he looked at Jack.

For a moment, Jack didn't move a single inch before his own lips curled up into a smile and he nodded.

"Yes, I'm here for the diploma, I'm actually in a bit of a hurry so I was hoping to get it as fast as possible and get out of here," Jack said as he arrived to stand in front of the wooden table.

"Ah, I see, going out of forks again?" The man asked as he turned around to look through some files.

'Should I just kill him right now?' Jack thought however he held back his urges.

Turning once more, The man's smile seemed to turn even wider as he looked at Jack.

In his hands was a blue paper which he folded into a small paper bag and handed to Jack.

"That is your diploma. Congratulations from this moment onward you have completed high school." The man said as he clapped.

"Thank you, I'll be going now," Jack said turning around only to be stopped by the man.

"One moment please Jack."


Here's the daily chapter, this one had some interesting stuff, and much more is coming into the future as the climax of the volume gets closer and closer each day.

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Lots of Love


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