

"Are you accusing me of something?" Rose couldn't help, but took defensive stance and it didn't go unnoticed by Logan, of course, it didn't please him at all.


"I didn't accuse you of anything, I ask why the king needed you and why did you come to River Creek pack before?"


"The king needed my help and I was helping him to appease the people there. The problem with the food supply made people anxious."


Logan narrowed his eyes, which made Rose tensed up, she thought he was going to ask more questions, but as it turned out, he only shook his head and then waved his hand.


"We will leave in ten minutes."


And that was all before he left the room, leaving Rose bewildered with his nonchalant attitude. She couldn't understand him. He didn't touch her, but he didn't go to the brothel either. She could understand if he went there, what men would pass the opportunity to get a little bit pleasure?


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