
Chapter 266 Bearer of bad news

Lilac’s P.O.V

The next day at the soup house was unlike any other I had experienced. I arrived early in the morning, ready to serve food to the array of customers that gathered around during breakfast time, as I had done for the past four years. However, as I stepped through the doors, a sense of unease washed over me.

The usual warmth and camaraderie among the staff and patrons seemed to be absent. People's eyes darted away from me as I made my way to the serving area, and whispers and hushed conversations filled the air.

I tried to shake off the feeling and went about my duties, ladling soup into bowls and handing out slices of buttered bread or rice, according to the customer’s preference, but it soon became clear that something was amiss. As I approached the first table, the elderly gentleman who usually greeted me with a smile turned his head and refused to make eye contact. I offered him a bowl of soup, but he pushed it away, muttering something about not wanting it.

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